Possible romance?


Aw man…

Why do I feel like I'm a problem? I get this strange feeling that there's bad luck attached to me.

Why? There's a feeling swirling inside of me that I can't really express. It's strange. It's weird, bizarre almost, because I can't really understand it. There's something tugging my heart and emotions.

It was evening, the sun was setting and I had spare time so I came to the roof.

Kaan has been busy with his guests, Leon has a lot of work to do as well. Enri has shifts with me but recently he's been awfully quiet. Since I'm in the palace and almost never leave, guards don't really have to always accompany me.

I stared at the purple sky turning black as soft wind blew.

I had a lot of time to think and I often think about the people I've left behind. I keep wondering how they're coping without me? The members of my family were also my friends.

I placed my hand over my chest as I felt a little void.

"Are you avoiding me?" An unexpected whisper right next to my ear made me jump. It was so sudden I ended up hitting the person who did it in the chest, out of fear, "Ow," A sarcastic groan left his lips, then he grabbed my fist as it was receding with a haughty smirk.

"Kaan?" I looked at him.

"Your punches have no power in them, at all."

I frowned at his words, "Very funny." I tried to take my hand out of his grip, "Let me go." He did so immediately but then moved in closer to me.

"Why are you avoiding me?' He looked directly at me and I looked away.

"I'm just busy." Everyone knows I'm not. I just keep remembering waking up naked on top of him and it gets me all frantic!

"Hmm?" Kaan kept his eyes on me, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" I looked at him, "Not at all." He smiled and it made my heart giddy.

"You finally looked at me." He softly held my right hand, "So, you were just busy?" He was being sweet.

I pursed my lips and nodded shyly.

"You were busy too," I spoke in a soft tone.

"Ah, yes," He looked at the sky, "I was keeping my promise." He looked back at me, "It's not easy to persuade people when you've been missing for so long."

Oh! Right,

"Yes…" I squeezed his hand back softly but I did it unconsciously, "I understand."

"Is something bothering you?" He asked and I looked at him with a soft pout.

He didn't mention anything about that night. So maybe he doesn't remember it. But I'll ask just in case.

"Did you black out after drinking at my party too?"

He chuckled, "Unfortunately…" He seemed a little disturbed, "Oh well, it doesn't really happen but I guess I did go beyond my limit that day." He sighed, "Although I did wish I didn't black out." He rolled his eyes feeling a little regretful, "I can't recall anything that happened that night but I still had a hunch that was proven wron-" He paused, "Actually, scratch that. I blacked out and then woke up in the morning alone in bed."

"I see…" I felt a little relaxed. If he blacked out too, then Enri must have as well. I'm probably the only one who knows we were in the same room. I still don't know if I slept with any one of them but let's just forget about it. It's better to do that.

"You know," He started speaking and grabbed my other hand too, "We have another promise to keep."

"Another promise?" I asked.

"You wanted to fly." The sky had now turned black, "The weather is nice." He looked up at the starry sky and I followed his gaze.

Countless stars twinkled in the sky. This world had a clear sky view unlike Earth which had polluted air and barely visible stars.

There were many clouds in the sky but nothing like a storm cloud. A gentle breeze was blowing and the moon was shining majestically in its full form.

"Right…" I had sort of forgotten about it because of all the succubus drama I went through.

We both looked at each other and he asked me, "Would you like to go with me tonight?"

I felt a little giddy at his suggestion but nodded anyway, "I'd like that." He smiled and let my hands go, then softly slipped his hand around my waist and picked me up in his arms. It made me flinch when he adjusted me in his arms and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck for support.

"Any place you'd like to go?" He asked.

"Honestly, any place would do." I answered, "I've rarely ever been out of the palace."

"That's a little sad." He said, "But humans and their conspiracies have always been a bit sad." He flapped out his wings, amazing me again with how big, elegant, shiny and black they were.

"Yea…" I replied softly and he jumped on the railing.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied and he jumped into the sky, making me hug him tighter because of the impact.

"Don't close your eyes." He said as he kept going up.

"I'll open them when we slow down a little. It's too hard otherwise." I replied.

He chuckled and then conjured a spell. After which I felt that there was a significant decrease in the air pressure. I opened my eyes and was finally able to see. He had used magic to shield us from the oncoming wind pressure.

We were going up, into the clouds.

I felt the fluff around me when we passed through them, I let out my hand, to feel them through my fingers and it made me giggle. It was something magical.

The air was cool, I liked the way it brushed against my skin. I liked how alive it made me feel.

Kaan stopped at the point we crossed the clouds to a clear sky. The moon was even more majestic at this height and everything else felt faint.

It was beautiful.

I looked down and saw tiny ant sized torches from the palace. Night had fallen so of course the palace was going to light up. I see it everyday from the inside but this view! This view from above is quite charming.

"It looks completely different, doesn't it?" Kaan said as he remained in the air.

I nodded, "Hmm," The full moon behind us was shining brightly.

"I'm glad you like it." He whispered in my ear, making my skin burn, "Let's go further." He then changed course and we made our way towards the night market.

I bit my lower lip as I looked at Kaan fly.

Is it just me? Or is he trying to flirt a little with me?

I've changed the course of the story. So can there be something between us? I feel a spark but I might be wrong.

I kept looking at him and after some time he smiled.

"You're staring."


Oh shit!!

I looked away, "Sorry,"

"I don't mind though,"

See! He's totally flirting with me!