Possible date?


The scene above the night market and the red light district was way more mesmerizing than anything else. The place shone!

There were so many lights with a small variety of mixed color lighting that looked like tiny orbs from above.

It was beautiful.

Mixed with the pleasant weather and the sweet ambiance, it was something that made me relax just by looking at it.

"Let's go down," Kaan said and we landed in a dark alley to avoid any unwanted suspicion. After Kaan withdrew his wings back in, he used some of the invisibility magic on his horns. Then we made our way to the night market. The night market is just outside the red light district, thus the reason why it opens at night while the rest of the city sleeps.

We walked in the streets that had a few people roaming in it, but it was better that way. The night markets get busier as the night progresses and closes completely before dawn.

There wasn't much danger to us here, it's not like anyone knows I'm the king or anything. Although, there is a possibility that my clothes might give it away that I'm from a rich family.

Good thing I wasn't wearing my cloak, that would have been troublesome.

As we walked, I felt Kaan's hand slip into mine, making me gasp a little but I didn't look at him. His action sent my mind into a frenzy, making my heart race.

He held my hand and then came up with an excuse, "Just so that we don't stray apart."

"Mmmm," I nodded at his words, "Right," But I couldn't look at him because I felt shy. I had never been in a relationship before.

All my life back home, I was single but it was more out of choice. I loved what I had there, even though I never really found romantic love there.

I pursed my lips.

But what about here? Will it be possible? I glanced at Kaan but couldn't look at him for long and looked away again.

I noticed a crepe stall and suddenly had a sweet craving, "You want something sweet?" I asked Kaan.

"Sure," He replied and we walked over to the stall and had crepes.

Just a simple action but it almost feels like a date.

I glanced at Kaan again.

Just what is going through his mind. Does he consider this something like a date?

After that we walked around the place, enjoying little things, looking at stalls. Occasionally coming across someone drunk and wasted.

We didn't make our way into the red light district because of our demon nature and just enjoyed the simple things outside.

We got to a bird store where there were a bunch of messenger birds. These were especially bought by men and given to their favorite courtesans just so that they could keep in touch with them.

The amazing part was how many amazing and different kinds there were in there.

There were several ornament and jewelry stores there too. And I can't lie, they were very pretty things there. I couldn't stop myself from checking them out.

The jewels, the colors, the refinement, everything was just so pretty, I couldn't help but check some things out. Out of everything, a long silver hairpin with jades on it stood out a lot. A pretty silver thin chair hung from it too, making it all the more appealing.

"Would you like one?" Kaan asked and I looked at him but before I could say anything the shop owner spoke.

"Are you gentlemen looking for something for your lovers?" His words wiped the smile off of my face immediately. It brought me back to reality. A harsh reality I had momentarily forgotten.


I'm pretending to be a man right now… People even see me as one.

I looked at the pin I was holding between my fingers.

What am I doing? I have no use for this. I chuckled sarcastically, I don't even have enough hair to put it on. I've always had a boy cut…

I placed the hair pin back on the table and shook my head at the shop keeper, "No," I then turned and left. Kaan followed behind me immediately and caught my wrist.

"It's just us," He said, "You can buy anything."

I looked at him with a sorrowful frown, "What's the point if I can never wear it?" It hurt my heart more knowing that fact, "Let's go back." I said, "It's getting late."


"I'm suddenly feeling tired, Kaan." I gave him an excuse because I didn't want to argue on this topic. There was no point in arguing. Although my heart wishes desperately for pretty things, I can't have them. Not just because I can't wear them but also because keeping pretty things like these with me can cause suspicion too.

"Alright," Kaan replied, "Let's go back." He reached out for my hand but I walked ahead of him on purpose.

There was doubt clouding my mind more now.

We walked to a dark and empty space, where he took me into his arms and with a powerful jump and a flap of his wings, we were back in the sky.

I felt the wind against my cheeks and it cooled me down. I let out a deep breath and relaxed into his embrace.

This almost feels surreal. There were a few minutes of silence that Kaan decided to break.

"You know, " Kaan said, "A succubus can fly too." He might just have said it to take my mind off things but it got to me.

"Realy?" I was astonished, "With those puny wings???"

He chuckled, "It's because they have telekinetic powers."


He was enjoying my expression, "If you ever decide to let your demon form be free, I'd be happy to teach you." He looked into my eyes and it made my heart beat faster. It was as if he was being a little romantic but I wasn't sure.

I was a little afraid and that made me question him.

"You would teach me. Why?"

"Because it's you." His words made my heart skip a beat and I blushed.

"You!" I bonked his chest carefully, "Be careful with your words."

"I don't believe I said something wrong." Then he paused as he realized something, "Did you notice something else after your demon side emerged?"

I shook my head, "Not really." I replied, "It's back to sleep now anyways."

"Right…" He seemed a little disappointed, "And just that won't be enough either." He whispered the words so I grabbed his cheeks and made him look at me.

"What are you saying?"

He chuckled, "Nothing, really. We demons live longer so it's okay."

"What's okay?" He was talking in circles.

"I was wondering," He asked, "Do you plan on being the king forever?" I let go of his face as the question struck me.

"I'm," I was at a loss for words, "Not sure…"

"I see…" He blinked slowly, "I hope you find your answer soon then."

"Yea…" I'll have to think about it. I can't believe I didn't think about it at all. That's an important question but if I'm not the king, do I have to leave the palace? Where will I go? I don't think I have any place to go. Wouldn't Sorin have left already if she had?

She stayed because she was trained to rule all her life… She must have thought that it would have been a waste… Or perhaps, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to survive on her own.

I smiled sarcastically.

It's not like she has college experience where we starve and work for ourselves. Where we live in tiny rooms and then study like crazy too. Maybe an experience like that would have been good for Sorin too but all her life she was trapped inside the palace, under watchful eyes.

"We're back." I said as I saw the palace come into view.

"I'll take you to your room." Kaan said, "It's getting late."

I nodded and smiled,"Alright."

He smiled back at me but we exchanged no more words.


"King Kaan is lying to us." Blight said while we both were in our room, "I don't know why he's defending the humans but he lied to us." He kept pacing around the place while I sat on the couch.

"Come on Blight," I said, "What if that human noble was lying?"

He looked at me, "Well, there's only one way to find out then." He stopped and looked into my eyes, "We're going to the palace dungeon."


"If we see any of King Kaan's blood there, then the noble was right." He said.

"But the king said said to trust his words"

"Come on Hewitt!" He raised his brows at me, "Coma? Does that make sense? That's THE Demon King, not some normal demon or some measly human. And look at him now. He's perfectly fine."


"We'll just be investigating." He cut me before I could say anything, "No drama or fight. Just a simple silent investigation."

He looked into my eyes and kept staring till the point I gave in.
