Talk with Leon


I woke up with a gasp again. Sweat dripping down my skin and I'm panting like crazy. A nightmare again but I don't remember it like usual.

What is wrong with me?

I know something is wrong, I can feel it. I know it.

"Sorin?" I heard Leroy's voice and looked around to see him.

"Leroy…?" I couldn't find him because I was so out of it. My mind was abuzz.

"Hey…" He walked over to me from the side and stood by the bed, "You're still having nightmares?" He was worried.

I gulped because I felt thirsty and then slowly nodded. He's probably still worried because he got me some medicine for it before too. But they haven't stopped.

He came over and touched my forehead.

His hand felt very cool and it made me relax and close my eyes in comfort.

"You don't have a fever or anything." He removed his hand and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Are we no longer fighting?" I asked him softly and he flinched. Then after a short pause, he sighed.

"I guess not." He smiled, "I can't really stay mad at you for long."

I smiled back.

For some reason. It gave me a lot of comfort, knowing that we were friends again. It made my whole being relax a little.

"But," He said, "Don't hide things from me again."

I thought about it, then replied, "As long as you don't hide things from me, I won't do it either."

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise." I took his hand even though he didn't show it to me or anything and shook it. I wanted to shake it. I wanted to feel him to be sure that he was real and here.

I then got off the bed to get some water. There was a glass of water by the window and I grabbed it without thinking much.

"Stop!" Leroy stopped me just as the glass reached my lips, "Don't drink that."

I brought the glass down, "What?" I looked at him, "Why not?" He walked over to me and took the glass from my hand.

"Sorin, what is wrong with you?" He looked at me in concern and I only stared back in confusion.


"Look!" He brought the glass right in front of my eyes, "Don't you see the ants in it?"


I looked inside the glass to see three red ants looking back at me.


"These are poisonous ants, Sorin." Leroy glared at me, "They can kill you."

His words sent shivers down my spine and my skin stood up in fear.

"I-," I looked at him in disbelief, "I'll be more careful." I replied.

My heart was beating erratically.

He sighed, "You've become very careless," He frowned as he looked away, "It's worrying me." He looked at the glass and threw the water out of the window, then looked back at me, "I feel something-" He stopped and sighed but I understood his worry.

"I was just a little out of it." I said with my heart still pounding out of unknown fear, "I'll be more careful." He looked at me with an upset look, "I promise," I told him and he calmed down a little while I didn't.

Something was still haunting me.



I walked in the palace corridors in a frenzy. I was nervous because I was going to talk to Leonidas. After what happened at the party, we exchanged no words at all and I can't let that keep going. We had barely made up, now this?

I was able to talk to Kaan and Enri, I should be able to come to terms with Leon too! I know it was easier with them both since they don't remember anything and Leon does but I can't just keep avoiding it now.

He found out I'm a demon in the worst way possible but if I think about it, I found out I'm a succubus in the worst way possible too.

There are already enough things bothering me, things I don't even know about. I can't let this one thing I can talk out with Leonidas be a part of it.

I looked around all over for him, he wasn't in his room or the royal study or the library. So, I made my way to the big garden stairs where I stopped at the top and found Leonidas sitting at the bottom step, just like before.

It made me sort of scoff.

Is this his brooding point or something?

I shook my head at him, then took a deep breath and began to descend the stairs. The sound of my footsteps reached him and he turned around to see who was coming down.

He flinched when he saw it was me and perhaps there was a thought of running away too but at the very end, he decided to stay put and I reached him.

"Hey…" I waved my hand at him.

"Hey…" He replied and I sat down next to him.

"How have you been?" I asked and he just nodded his head, "I've been meaning to talk to you, I-"

"Have you been lying to me?" He cut my words and said what he wanted, almost as if he was keeping it inside of him.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion, "Lying?"

"You're a demon." He looked at me with doubt.

"Half," I corrected him.

"And you hid it from me." He was upset.

"I didn't really" I replied as I told him, "I didn't know either."

"What?" This time he was confused, "You didn't know?"

I shook my head, "That was the first time it ever came out." I sighed, "I never knew I was a half succubus."

"You're lying." I couldn't tell if he was accusing me or just unsure.

"If I knew, I wouldn't have gone to the brothel to begin with." I did my best to explain it to him.


"But what?" I said, "It's because we went there and the scent of lust and sex got to my head, my demon came out." I told him, "And exactly why I lost my consciousness to it."

"..." He looked at me in suspicion.

"You don't believe me?" I asked, "I'm telling you the truth! Why would I lie to you?"

"I don't know." He replied, "It seems like you have many secrets."

"It's not like I chose to be born this way." I huffed, "I'm trying my best here too!"

He looked down in defeat, "Right…" There were some minutes of silence where I wanted some answers but remained quiet for him.

I let him think this through.

"Well," He finally said, "You really didn't know?"

I shook my head, "You and I found out at the same time." The real Sorin never found this out. Perhaps she knew about her being a demon because of her dark magic abilities and slightly better hearing and vision than normal humans, but even she never finds out who she really is. But Leon doesn't need to know that I knew that I was half demon because of the novel but the fact is, I had no idea about the whole being a succubus thing.

"How could it be?" He still seemed doubtful, "How can you live your entire life without knowing that?"

"Because apparently, that side of me has been forcefully kept at bay." I answered him calmly.

He raised his brows at me, "How?" He asked firmly.

"Did you notice Leroy and I were fighting the past few days, well, not exactly fighting, we weren't talking to each other."

"I did," He replied, "I'm sure many people must have noticed that since you both are always together but these days you won't even look at each other."

"This is why Leroy and I had a fight." I sighed, "He knew all along about what I am and he gives me a magic serum to keep my demon asleep."

Leonidas's eyes grew wide, "Really?"

I nodded, "Remember that one time he was giving me the injection and you three barged in my room."

"Oh!" He got it, "That's the serum."

I took a deep breath, "Yep." I looked at him and pouted, "I always thought it was for my non-existent allergies." This should clear everything up.

I've told him everything truthfully.

I glanced at him and saw him staring at me with a slight frown, "Are you sure?" He asked and I felt a little betrayed. I thought he would believe me if I told him myself. It's not like I'm lying to him. I had no idea any of that would happen.

"Yes…" I frowned but he didn't reply. He kept his eyes on me with a suspicious look, making me feel like a criminal.

There was a pause from his side, a very uncomfortable one and when he finally spoke again, it hurt me, "You're not lying to me? You were very aggressive that night."

"I just told you… I wasn't me…" I felt betrayed, "That night…"

"Ah well…" He still wasn't convinced and that was like a sword to my heart for some reason. I felt like my emotions were pierced.

"Forget it," I stood up, "I can't believe I came to apologize to you, even though it wasn't my fault!" I rubbed my temples, "Or maybe it was my fault for coming to you in the first place. I'm the idiot here!!" I began to go back up the stairs in anger when he caught my wrist.

"Wait!" He stood up, "I'm sorry."

"No!" I jerked my wrist out of his grip, "Everything wrong is my fault anyway!" I glared at him, "I'm sorry I'm the root of all your problems!" I was feeling very emotional and I stomped my way up when I felt him run behind me and hug me.

"I'm sorry, Sorin." He had his arms around my waist, "I was just so confused about this whole you being part demon thing."

"And you think I'm not!" I was furious, "I'm the center of it all!" I choked up, "Do you think it's easy to hide so many things just so I can live!" I elbowed his stomach, "I'm sorry I lost my mind and assaulted you at the brothel too!" He didn't budge, "Let me go!!"

He didn't, he hugged me tighter, "I'm sorry…" He kept me in my place and I realized he's a lot taller than me. Like, he's towering over me and upon that realization I stopped struggling, I wasn't getting out of his grip, "It must have been hard. I'm sorry for not thinking about that more." He didn't move, "I was just confused. Very confused. I never imagined something like this would ever happen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I didn't speak after that but my anger did cool down although I still wasn't completely calm yet. I just took a deep breath while he kept me in his embrace like a big puppy.

"I didn't mean to anger you." He finally spoke again.

"It's fine," I said, "I am a problem."

"Sorin! No," He opened his arms and placed his hand on my shoulders, turned me around to make me look at him and repeated those words, "No, you're not."

"Really?" I looked at him unamused, "Didn't I traumatize you at the brothel?"

"Well…" He flinched at my words, not sure what to say.

"We slept together didn't we?" I just asked it straight out.

He froze at my words and looked down. He neither gave me an answer nor did he show it with an action.

I sighed, "Fine, let's just forget about it." I said as I placed my hands on his and got them off my shoulders, "I don't know if we did or not, but let's just forget that ever happened." I kept my eyes on him, "You regret it too don't you?" I stepped back, "That's bad enough."

I turned to leave when he caught my arm again, "I don't know." He replied and I paused.

"You don't know?" I looked back at him, "What?" I frowned.

He looked back up at me, "That's what has been eating me up too." He held my other hand too and made me turn to him again, "You release some sort of magic then, it made me pass out."

I looked back at him wide eyed, "What…?"

"It wasn't just about you being a demon." He took a deep breath, "I just had no idea what to do because I had no memory of it. I- I was afraid."

I suddenly felt defeated.

Why is this happening?

Why is there a constant memory loss for things like this? Things that can cause a drastic effect on my life. It's almost as if the world itself is trying to erase things. It happened with Leon but he and I both don't know, it happened with Kaan and Enri and no one remembers.

I sensed something wrong…

My heart started pounding again in anxiety.

"Well," I felt a surge of negative emotions inside me. There was something tugging at me again. It was the same feeling I was getting before, "Probably nothing happened…" I looked at him, "I mean, I'm the female, I would have felt something down there if something happened," I gave him a fake smile, "We're both fine right?" He most likely doesn't know how Succubus' body works.

My answer relaxed him a little but it also flustered him and he looked down, then nodded, "I'm sorry." He said and I apologized too.

"I'm sorry too." I feel like I shouldn't be here, "Let's just pretend all that never happened and move on." It's better this way.

Leon seemed a little reluctant about that, "Well," He darted his eyes around as if looking for some answer but then he finally looked at me, "Alright," He smiled, "You're here with me, that matters more."

He pulled me into a hug after that, startling me.

That was unexpected but it felt very warm.

It even relaxed me a little and I ended up hugging him back.

It feels so nice being with him.