Is destiny changing??


"So?" Leonidas asked as we both sat on the middle stair, "You found the noble right?" He asked and I nodded, "Who is it?"

"Duke August," His eyes went wide when I told him.

"Are you sure?" He was in disbelief.

"I'm not blind Leonidas."

"Call me Leon," He pouted and I giggled.

"Fine, Leon." I smiled, saying his name like that felt a little weird but I also felt like it was a step closer to him, "Our demon guests were with him." I answered, "And I was there when he told them he wanted me dead."

"I see…" He didn't question me this time, "Duke August." He looked at the clear blue sky and so did I, "He was close to father."

"Very close." I replied, "And the only person alive who was involved with Kaan's imprisonment too."

Leon looked at me, "So?" He asked, "What he did is technically treason."

I chuckled, "Yea," I said, "But our proof is two demons and me." I looked at him, "No one would believe demons over a Duke." I rolled my eyes, "And we can't exactly say I was there as a prostitute…"

He chuckled at my words and I elbowed his shoulder, "Sorry, sorry." He apologized.

"This is serious." I told him, "We need to come up with a plan."

"I know," He said, "You made King Kaan a promise too." He raised his hands next to his chest in defeat.

I took a deep breath, "I did," I nodded, "And we need to give him what was promised to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"But," Leon was concerned, "That's a Duke we're talking about."

"I know," I stared at the white clouds happily passing by the sky, "We won't get him by legal means but-" I looked at Leon, "What they did to Kaan wasn't legal either."

Leon realized what I meant by those words and his eyes widened, "Do you-" He paused, "What are you thinking?"

"I still am," I told him, "I haven't arrived at a solution." I looked at him, "On that note, how are the negotiations with the nobles coming along?" I turned my body in his direction, "About the slavery abolishment."

"Uh…" He sighed, "Well, they're not cooperating." He looked at me with an awkward defeated expression.

"I see…" I closed my eyes as I sighed, "Well, we both knew that was going to be hard." I felt a little bummed.

"AH! But don't worry." He said, "I'm doing my best." He showed me his enthusiastic face, "I'm sure I can turn them all around." He held my hands making me flinch, "Believe me." There was a light in his eyes.

His actions made my heart race a little but not in a bad way, "I do," I told him, "I know you'll do a good job." I smiled, "That's why I asked you."

I know, you'll do good, because you are loved by them all.

"Oh?" He remembered something, "I received some news too." He let my hands go and got a letter out of his pants pocket.

"Yes?" He handed it to me and I opened it.

"We got some elf envoys wanting to come for a visit."

My heart skipped a beat, "Elves? Here??" Something immediately clicked in my mind, "Why?" I felt my mind race.

"Well, I guess they heard about our decision to form a peace treaty with the demon nation. That might be what they want too."

"Right…" I looked down at the letter with weird feelings, "We share a border with the elves too." Shit… I didn't think we would steer in this direction too. I thought since the war wouldn't happen, the elves won't get involved.

Is it just me? Why do I feel a little paranoid?

"Hmm," Leon replied, "So?" I looked at him, "What do you think?" I kept staring at him, "I think it's a good idea."

I gave him an awkward smile.

It can't be.

In the book, when the demons attack, Leon, Enri and many other people take refuge in the Elf kingdom. That's where Leonidas meets Sonomi. The half elf, half fairy. Just like her name suggests, she was full of hope. As an elf, she had high healing properties too.

I kept staring at Leon.

They fall for each other like any other cliche plot where Sonomi is there for Leon in his hardest time. At the end of the novel Leon marries Sonomi. Just like Kaan marries a demon named Leysa.

Is the world telling me something?

It is that I can change a few things but people who are destined to be together will still meet?

Wait no!

I'm thinking too much here!

We're talking about Elf envoys. Sonomi isn't one. She was just a helper healer.

"Sorin?" Leonidas made me snap back to reality, "You've been staring at me like a mad man."

"AH," I laughed awkwardly, "Sorry," I was thinking about something."

"So?" He asked, "I think it's good and we should send an official invitation to the elves."


It will be good for the kingdom. Because Leon married Sonomi, peaceful relations were established between the two countries but that was because of the war. We can now do it with negotiations. I don't need to fret about it.

"Alright," I answered, "Elves are pretty, so why not?" I shouldn't think too much about it.

Leonidas chuckled, "You're pretty too Sorin."

"What?" His words send my mind and heart into a frenzy.

"Oh…" He got a little flustered, "I mean, you are."

His words made me flush, "Oh… Thank you…" I felt my heart act weird. I bit my lower lip. Weirdly happy but at the same time.

What is this?

What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be this happy just because he complimented me. I know we're not related by blood or anything but still!

I can't be getting the hots for Leon!

I shook my head and stood up in a frenzy.

"I- I'm going back in." I frantically began to ascend the stairs when Leon came running behind me.

"Watch out!!" He yelled and I froze. At that very moment, I felt something ominous, Something threatening. Something that made my mind go blank.

Leon grabbed and pulled me back into his embrace as a large vase fell and shattered into pieces, on that exact place where I stood a millisecond ago.

"What are you doing!!" Leon yelled at someone and I looked at him from his embrace only to find him staring up, so I slowly looked up to see as well but for some reason, I still wasn't out of my trance yet.

"I'm so sorry!!" It was a young maid, "I'm so sorry your highnesses, it slipped out of my hand!!" She started crying, "I'm so sorry!!" She started begging, "Please forgive me!! I- I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!" Tears were streaming out of her eyes like crazy.

My heart sank when I realized, it was probably because she was thinking that I was going to kill her or have her tortured. My reputation exceeds my actions after all.

"It's fine…" I replied and another maid came and took her away.

"Sorin, are you alright?" Leonidas was very worried. I could see it in his eyes and I loved the sincerity but at the same time, I was getting paranoid.

I looked at the shattered vase again.

It would have hit my head directly if Leon hadn't come.

I would have died immediately or could have ended up with a terrible head injury….

I shook my head.

I'm being a bit too paranoid. Things like this can happen. I'm fine right now. Nothing happened. I was saved.

I smiled at Leon as I pretended to be okay, "I'm alright."