My one and only


I heard the door to my room get unlocked and I immediately knew it was Leroy. He has a spare key to my room but I didn't get up from the bed for him. I was facing towards the window and kept my eyes closed.

Right now, I was feeling very down. I needed time to myself before I came to an end.

Leroy came in, grabbed the chair and placed it right next to the bed and then sat on it. I was facing the other way but I could feel his gaze on me.

He gently pulled the blanket to cover me more and sighed.

"You've changed a lot…" He whispered, "Not that it's a bad thing…" There was something in his voice, "It's good for you." Something sad, "And I want all that is good for you."

"..." I wanted to speak up and say something but there was a part of me that told me to keep pretending to be asleep.

"That day," He paused, "At your coronation party, when I saw other people come to your aid faster than me…" Ah! I found it. "I was stunned. For a long time there was just you and me." I found out what was in his voice. "I felt so weird." There was pain in his voice, "I know we were fighting but I was still worried about you. I saw what happened but before I could come to you, Enri and Kaan had already found you…"

"..." It made me feel a little better. He was secretly watching me even though he was mad. He really is a wonderful person.

"A few days back too. When you and Leon made up… I saw…" His voice was trembling a bit, "I wish the best for you Sorin but I feel like you're being taken away from me."

What's this?

What is he so remorseful about? Because I made up with Leon? We're supposed to be siblings, not related by blood but still, I should get along with Leon for our safety! What is it? Is it because it may seem to him that we're drifting apart?

"Sorin," He called my name in a very light tone, "I'm your real brother." He took a deep shaky sigh, "We're the real ones. We have the same father." My eyes shot open as my heart began to pound. I was too stunned to move or to breathe.


Leroy is my real brother?!?!

What is this? What is this revelation!?!

He didn't see me open my eyes because my back was to him.

"Ah…" He sighed, "Why am I rambling?" I felt his hand come to my head and he gently caressed my hair and I shut my eyes again, "I don't know what happened today but know that it's all alright. I'm right here."

"..." I was so shocked but touched at the same time, my emotions started acting up once again. Leroy has silently been protecting me my whole life and I could never do anything for him in return! All I do is cause him more burden…

I pursed my lips to not let any sound come out as tears started forcing their way out of my eyes.

"I never told you about this because I'm still afraid that you might not want me as your brother…" There was pain in his voice but he was wrong! He's the best older brother anyone could ask for!

I wanted to say that to him but there was something inside of me, telling me to just listen to him.

"Sweet dreams. It doesn't matter if you leave me and have more people with you. It's a good thing." It seems like he came to a decision, "I will never abandon you." His words made me feel weak for some reason, "Whatever the situation is," Good thing my face was on the other side because I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down, "I'll always be there for you."

My heart was in constant pain, it was the kind of pain where you feel guilty because someone loves you unconditionally and you're useless to them.

He then stood up and walked towards the door where he stopped and looked back, "I met someone at the party, We were fighting then, so I never got a chance to tell you-" He paused for a moment, "Perhaps, I would never really tell you this or anyone at that because I have to stay with you." He was speaking as if we were having a conversation, "Um," He tapped his fingers on the door, "I never thought I would find someone so attractive," He seemed quite heart broken, "She was quite charming…"

"..." He's fallen for someone? Who?

"But well," He opened the door, "Not that I could be someone for her, my family went to ruin ages ago and she's a noble from the west..." He stepped out, "Good night Sorin,"

I stayed in my place, slowly curling up into a ball, I clenched my shirt over my chest.

We're siblings. I still have someone. I still have a family. I haven't lost everything…

The news was slowly sinking in and much of the things made sense.

Especially why Leroy was with me ever since I was a baby. Why he was so protective of me and why he even sacrificed himself for me.


It hurt me. He's my brother!

More tears streamed down to the side I was lying on!

Everything made sense.

But it also gave me more pain. It filled me with a crippling sense of guilt. Because of me, Leroy faced so much, because of me he's isolated in the palace and from the other servants. Because of me he hears hurtful whisperings everyday and because of me, he died once. He went through so much when he only deserved the world…

Yet whenever he comes to me.

He smiles and acts normal. Like everything is fine. He even likes someone now but he's choosing to stay with me…

My chest tightened

I can't let this go on. I'm an awful person and I'll become something worse if I let this go on.

I sniffled.

I want him to be happy. I sat up. I'm going to change some things before I'm gone. I'm going to give Leroy what he deserves. I'm going to do everything in my power to make him happy!