Another problem


I ended up puking so much it feels like nothing is left to give energy to my body.

Shit. I sat in the bathroom with a bucket in my hands.

This is not good. I feel like my health is going down… I have to get things done fast.

I stood up, washed my face and went straight to the study to talk to Leon. There were a bunch of things I had to get done with him and it also had to stay between me and him. I feel like I don't have much time to waste.

I got out of the bathroom, changed my clothes and made my way to the royal study. I didn't knock and opened the door to walk in.

Leon looked up to see who it was but when he saw me he stood up in surprise, "Sorin!" He stepped aside from the desk, "Are you okay?!" I could see the worry in his expressions and that gave me some comfort.

"Yes" I closed the door behind me, "I just need some favors from you."



We asked for an audience from the king and were called into the throne room where the King sat on his chair looking down at us.

Humans and their sense of superiority… I shook my head in disapproval.

We stood in the middle of the room and he asked us, "Your purpose here?"

"Your majesty," Blight spoke, "I just wanted to ask if it was normal to treat demons with so much disgust here at the palace?" He looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Did someone say something to you?" He asked.

"The servants here treat us rather coldly." He replied, "We see the disgust in their eyes and expressions at the time."

His eyebrows twitched, as if he was angry and he stood up, "If anyone disrespects you, tell me." He looked at his servants, "I'll deal with everyone myself." He gritted his teeth, "Anyone who even tries to do something will get fired immediately." He looked back at us, "You're my guests. I hope you'll live here comfortably."

Blight moved in closer to me, "He's being too nice to us."

I moved in closer to him, "Too nice." It was a bit suspicious. "Your highness," I said, "Can we talk privately?" As soon as I asked, the guard next to her placed his hand on his sword so I spoke further, "It's been some days but you still haven't signed the treaty or passed the law of demon abolishment."

King Sorin looked at the people in the room, "Leave," He ordered them, "All of you."

"Your majesty!" Enri, the captain of the guards, looked at him in disbelief, "Not again."

"Leave Enri," He didn't look at him, "Now,"

The captain was furious, "I've had enough of you ignoring everyone." He began to descend the stairs, "I'll come to you when this is over." The king didn't seem to entertain him at all and Enri passed by us with a furious expression.

Are they fighting with each other or something?

The room was empty after that and the three of us stood there looking at each other.

"We know what really happened to our King." Blight glared at King Sorin and he flinched.

He laughed awkwardly, "What's that supposed to mean?" He raised his brows at us.

"He was here." He said, "In your dungeon."

He looked back at us in horror, "Who told you that nonsense??" He sighed, "Duke August?" He glared at us, "Don't believe any of the bullshit he spouted."

"Oh?" Blight was on a rave, "But it wasn't all bullshit." He glared back at him with full force, "The dungeon below this filthy palace had King Kaan's blood in it." He raised his hand to show him his fingers smeared with his blood, "You can no longer lie to us."

He was stunned, "What makes you think that's his blood?"

"Oh please!" Blight rolled his eyes, "Only dragon blood reacts to demons." He licked the blood on his fingers and his eyes glowed, "The Blood of the Demon Lord."

Sorin's pupils were shaking and he sat down in his pretty golden chair with red soft cushions.

There was a pause of silence where Blight glared at him while Sorin placed his hand on his forehead while his elbow rested on the arm of the chair.

He had his eyes closed for a few moments as he thought about something.

"It wasn't me." He finally said and looked back at us, "It was my father's doing."

"The noble said otherwise." I said.

Sorin folded his arms and shook his head, "He wants me dead." He said rather calmly, "Think about it, if I had imprisoned Kaan, why would I let him go?" The look in his eyes was softer now, no, it was rather broken, "And if I was Kaan's imprisoner, would he really have let me live?"

"Right…" Blight and I looked at each other, "Then why make him hide this all from us?" I said.

"I don't want a war between us." He looked rather sad, "Please don't spread this." He stood up from his seat and began to descend the stairs, "War kills many people." There was pain in his voice, "I am ready to take responsibility for what my father did." He came to the floor and walked towards us, "Kaan has agreed with me." He stood in front of us, "I won't ask for anything in return." He looked at us with dark eyes, "Just let this all go…"

"Why should we?" Blight was firm, "You disrespected our king!" He raised his voice, "Kept him in a dungeon!"

There was a short pause of silence.

All of the sudden Sorin went on his knees, "Please," With his hands on his thighs he bowed his head in front of us, "Please." His actions left us both flabbergasted, "Please, I beg of you. Let this go."

"Uh- I" Even Blight had no idea what to say. This was so out of the blue and something one would definitely not expect from a human royalty. Never in a million years!

This was beyond shocking! A king was bowing in front of us!

"I proposed a peace treaty so something like this doesn't happen again." He kept his head down. "I can not give the Demon Lord his lost time back but I wasn't the one who took it from him yet I'm ready to make amends in my father's place so please!" There was so much desperation in his voice, "I beg of you. Go along with it." His head went further down and it unnerved both of us.

We had gone through many scenarios in our head but this one wasn't in any and even if we have made more, this was never going to be in any.

Looking at him made us both question ourselves. It made my high pride collapse a little. And I thought about what we were even doing here when our Lord had already made his decision.

"He's right, Blight." I placed my hand on Blight's chest, "Our Lord knows everything and if he agreed to this, we should too. If He wants to let everything be in the past. We have no right to pursue it."

Blight was still in shock. He kept looking at the small frame of the king and then looked at me in confusion.

"Fine…" Blight replied as he calmed down, "But our king refuses to leave here.At least not until you do the things you've promised him." Blight stepped back, "We'll keep our mouths shut as long as you keep your end of the bargain." We couldn't see his face. He just kept bowing.

"Let's go." I told Blight, "We have what we wanted."

Blight nodded and we began to leave. We turned our backs to him and made our way to the door but I couldn't help but look back at him. He didn't raise his head but for some reason, I felt awfully bad for him.

He just looked so lonely kneeling there in the big wide room all alone.