

Those silver blonde hair, those gray shiny eyes, pink lips and skin as pale as snow.

It was her.


I felt my chest tighten. A surge of emotions clustered me.

"Welcome," I said to the elf envoys who had just made it to my kingdom, "I hope you all will have a wonderful stay here." We were in the throne room and I sat in my chair with heavy feelings.

I looked at Sonomi again.

It really is happening. The oracle was right. Some parts of destiny will happen no matter whatI finally understood what had been bugging me all this time. I was trying to blend in, I was catching feelings and perhaps, the men around me were too… but it's not meant to be.

I felt a lump in my throat but I drowned my feelings and tried to smile.

I felt my heart hurt. I know what it is and how it is but every time things unfold in front of my eyes my emotions get the better of me.

"Thank you, your highness!" They all gave me a small bow, "I hope one day you'll invite our leaders here too."

"Well of course!" I smiled, "They are as welcomed here as anyone else." I looked at the maids, "Guide them to their room and make sure they have everything they want."

The maids bowed and began to move. I looked at the elves again. Such beautiful creatures, they glow.

"We'll meet at dinner." I maintained my smile.

"Most certainly." The eldest among them said and they all began to leave.

I kept my smile on but my eyes wouldn't leave Sonomi.

I hate to admit it, but I was jealous. She's Leon's destined partner… I clenched my fists, this is so frustrating.



"Why would we comply with that?" Miss Leez was not having it.

"Demon slaves are so useful!" Count Bringham wasn't having it either.



Actually no one was having it. I called a meeting at Duke August's house and had every noble household head attend it but we've been at it for hours and still haven't reached anywhere.

The reason for choosing Duke August's house was also to get to know his schedules and when he leaves the mansion and the places he goes. Everything was asked by Sorin and I couldn't turn her down. I already told her I'd get the approval of the nobility and so here I am.

I sighed.

I guess Sorin knew this would happen, this is probably why she gave me this scroll I have in my pocket. Although, the method she suggested is bothering me.

I sighed. I guess I wasn't much help all on my own.

"Sorin gave me an incentive." I looked at all the heads of the noble families and they all stopped talking.

"What incentive?" They all stiffened up at her name.

"Even he knew how difficult it would be to persuade anyone to abolish demon slavery." I took a deep breath, "He said if I can accomplish this. He'll pass the title of king to me." They all were stunned, "Immediately." Soft gasps left everyone's mouth, "And I'm turning eighteen next week."

"Wait," Everyone seemed so confused, "Really?" Lady Nerha said, "He would do that?"

"Lies," Duke August said.

I nodded, "Well, He knew I would fail, that's probably why he agreed to something like this." I passed them all an awkward defeated smile.

"What if he's lying?" Duke Norman said, "What if he's planning something else?"

"Yes!" Baron Wesley nodded, "You can't trust him. And how can you trust him when he's put the title of king on the line."

"It just proves how much he trusts in me failing." I looked at them all, "He knows you all won't agree to it and he'll keep ruling." I know none of them like Sorin, so this is the best way of argument I can use, "And then none of you can complain about him."

My words left everyone shocked and then they got furious.

"Ah! That brat!" Miss Leez slammed her hand on the table, "He sure is something." Everyone began to argue among themselves again.

"Leonidas," Earl Ean had quietly been observing this whole ordeal, "How sure are you that his majesty will pass the throne to you if you succeed?" His question caught all the attention in the room and everyone shut up and looked at me

"I'm gonna say, I'm ninety percent sure." I shook my head, "He's already prepared the documents." I said, "I've read it all and I've even signed and thumb printed on it." I actually don't know why Sorin said all this. She practically forced my signature on it, "Sorin said that as soon as I accomplished this feat. He'll sign the documents."

Sorin, just what is going through her mind? It can't be just to convince the nobles. Everything she's made is real and now that I've told all of them about this. She can't just back away from her words.

"Hmm," The Earl kept his eyes on me, "And do you have the scroll with you?"

I nodded, "Yes," I took it out and placed it on the table making many people gasp.

"This can't be true," Mizz Leez grabbed the scroll and examined it. Then she looked at everyone, "It's real…" Her eyes were glued to it, "The royal seal is stamped on it too!!" SHe gasped, "My God!"

Many people gasped at that and one by one, everyone took the scroll to see for themselves. It was an unbelievable thing but the proof was right in front of everyone's eyes.

"That's interesting." The Earl said as he took the scroll and examined it, "If there can be a peaceful transfer of kingship, then I don't mind giving up my demon slaves."

"How can you be so calm?" Duke August said, "Demon's work the best in physical labor."

"Exactly!" Baron Wesley said and everyone agreed.

"True," The Duke replied, "But I also believe that none of you here are that poor that you can't even afford to hire more manpower." There was a mocking tone in his sentences. He was doing it on purpose to rile everyone up, "Or perhaps, you all are not what you show yourselves to be." He passed them all a nasty smirk.

His words left everyone furious.

Yep, that's the thing about nobles. If anyone questions their wealth in any way, they lose it.

All of them started arguing and I looked at the Earl. He winked back at me, leaving me astonished.

Indeed, he's a cunning man.

I'm glad I asked for his support before this meeting but at the same time, I'm more worried about Sorin.

If she leaves the position of king she might even end up in danger. Well, I guess she'll be fine for the time being since there are only two royals right now in the palace but still,I'm sure she knows that it's all very dangerous!

Just what is going through her mind?

I have to do something about this! I want to keep her safe! And I want to keep her happy…with me…