Final orders


I watched from the roof of the palace, some happy people. In the morning I saw Leonidas hang around Sonomi in the rose garden. Since she's the envoy's daughter, he had to entertain her but it looked like he was having fun too.


After all, Sonomi herself is such a pure aura person, Everyone gets comfortable with her.

I looked at the distant sky and let the soft breeze brush by me.

Then I looked down again only to find another happy couple in another place. Kaan and Leysa walked on the paths outside the garden, making their way around the bush maze. They seemed really close but I guess that's a given.

They're childhood friends.

I took a deep breath as the Oracle's words roamed around in my mind.

I don't belong on this throne where I sit like I own it.

I right my wrongs.But I'm still uneasy. I feel guilty. Probably because I'm still a liar. I'm deceiving the whole kingdom simply by being the king.

These echoes of the people from the future have eased now but these hateful gazes from the people of the present, those doubtful talks from the past will never leave me.

So, I guess it's time to abandon myself now.

It's time to let everything go.


Leonidas was the star of the party and like anyone would expect, he was the center of attention too. People congratulated him like he was their own son.

I stood in between the crowd to blend in and not be easy to find but still every now and then cold gazes were directed at me. I believe many of them were because Leonidas got the demon's their freedom and still wasn't king yet.

I mean relax people. He turned eighteen today. He'll get what he deserves!


I had a glass of champagne. I was drinking slowly because this time I did not want to get drunk. I've already been puking enough as it is, I can't afford to actually get sick.

I took a deep breath to keep myself calm and for some reason, I was actually succeeding in it. I was feeling a little better for some reason.

Perhaps, it was because I had finally started to accept reality.

"Your Highness," Someone called me, an unfamiliar voice that made me turn and look at the person.

It was a tall young woman with pitch black hair and goat-like eyes.


I immediately knew who it was but she still introduced herself, "My name is Leysa, your royal highness." She gave me a small bow and I gripped my glass tighter as I passed her a smile.

"Yes, Leysa?" I definitely did not want to see her face this close to me.

"I'm sorry to intrude and everything-"

"It's fine," I cut her words, "Is there something you want from me?" I wanted her to get to the point so I could get away from her.

Just like how I didn't want to be near Sonomi, I didn't want to be near Leysa either. This might be childish of me. But whenever I see them I'm reminded of what a clown I am to have feelings for men who already have destined partners.

"Um, right." Leysa seemed to have sensed the malice in my voice, "Kaan is refusing to leave." She said.

"Kaan?" I raised my eyebrow at her and she panicked.

"I mean King Kaan," She corrected herself and I scoffed internally. Of course she calls him by his name.

"Proceed," I told her.

"He's been gone for a year now, he's our king, our lord." She looked me straight in the eyes, "He needs to come back now." I felt like she was accusing me of something.

"I'm not the one stopping him." I glared at her.

"Yes, but he's staying because he said he wanted to spend more time with you." She stood firm in her place.

What the fuck is wrong with Kaan? I rolled my eyes. He should go back now! I've had enough!

"Fine," I gave in. I had to anyway. Kaan has to go back to his kingdom at some point. I guess the sooner the better, "I have a plan." I told her and finished my drink, then I showed her the glass and made her take it from me which she did in a confused manner.

I then turned around and strutted away

I stood near the podium and took a deep breath.

The time is here.

I went on the podium and cleared my throat, but of course I needed to use some magic to speak loudly.

I used a spell and created the magic microphone in front of me, "Attention everyone!" My voice boomed and everyone stopped their chattering and looked at me.

People looked at me with the same cold gazes that wanted to eat me but now I actually didn't care. I wasn't going to be here for long now.

"It's my younger brother's birthday." I smiled at Leonidas and he smiled back, "Congratulations on becoming an adult." There were roars of cheers for him, something I had expected but the discrimination between us never gets old.

As they cheered, I looked down for a moment and sighed, "And!" My voice boomed, making everyone stop and look at me again, "I have a very special gift for him."

The hall was very brightly lit. The chandeliers sparkled and soft music played in the background.

I looked at Leroy who came and passed me the royal scroll, "I told Leonidas if he can accomplish an impossible task, I'll give him something special." I smiled, "And he did," I opened the scroll that showed the documentation of passing the title of king from me to Leonidas, "My gift for him is the title of king," There was a pause of shock. Every person in the crowd stood there with their mouths open, "I have already signed the papers and Leon has too." There were many gasps in the hall, "A few days later, we'll hold his coronation ceremony and he'll be crowned king of the Maximillian empire."

The gazes that were always so cold towards me turned soft. There was first the look of disbelief, then the people began to cheer and noise erupted in the place.

The hall was in a joyous frenzy, every single person was happy there except for three men, Kaan, Leon and Enri, who were looking at me in horror. They had no idea what was happening but of course, no one except me knew about this.

"One more thing!" I yelled to quiet everyone down, "The law abolishing demon slavery has been offcially passed as of today." I received those cold gazes back again, "All the demons will be going back to the Demon Empire with Demon Lord kaan." People were pissed at me, "King Kaan and Leonidas will be leaving for the Demon Empire tomorrow."

I almost laughed when everyone paused at my announcement and their eyes came off their sockets.

It was something I just decided on my own after all. I was on the roll making one announcement after the after and it was actually fun seeing the funny reactions of all the nobles.

"We're signing a peace treaty with the Demon Empire so of course one royal has to visit the other country. The documents have already been signed from our side and stamped with the royal seal. Now Leonidas will go and have the documents signed from King Kaan's kingdom so we have an official order."

Every single person was bewildered but someone had to go to the Demon kingdom and get the signing completed. Kaan didn't have his royal seal with him here, so of course one of our envoy's had to go there and I decided it had to be Leonidas.

I don't know why but I wanted it to be him because in the original timeline, it was him too. Leon and Kaan are the original signers of the peace treaty. So this time, it should be them too.

"Why him though?" The voice came from the crowd but I knew who it was. Miss Leez won't stay still until the time she's in her grave. That stupid hag, I hope she trips over herself, dies and then rots in hell.

"Because he said he wanted to go." I lied straightforwardly.

Kaan, Enri and especially Leonidas, were all still looking at me with their mouths open. They had no idea what I had done or why but well, I really wanted to get this all over with.

"Enjoy the party everyone." I ended my talk and got off the podium, blended into the crowd and even disappeared out of the hall after grabbing a bunch of fruits because out of nowhere I had some fruit cravings.