

I gulped as I clenched the bottle of medicine in one hand and Rion with the other.

"I sense a very similar aura," He further said, "Something like mine." His voice was menacing. He kept getting closer and I turned my head slowly towards the door. 

It had started to pour now but I can't get caught here. I can't be exposed here. All I did would go to ruin!

"Show yourself." He demanded, "You have a very familiar scent."

My breathing was getting haggard because I was getting scared. No! I can't get caught. Not here!

I felt his hand come towards me and right at that moment, I dashed towards the door.

"Hey!" As I ran out in the rain, he came after me. I had just managed to leave the shop when he caught my cloak and snatched it off of me. It made me momentarily stop and turn around to face him because of the momentum and force.

The rain kept pouring, the wind blew along with it and our eyes met.

He immediately recognized me even though I looked a little different now. My hair had grown along with my body. After I was no longer getting the injections, my succubus side took over and merged with my human part. My small horns are now always with me, along with the wings on my back. My features got more alluring as well but still, I was the same person.

"Sorin…" He was astounded at what he was seeing, looking at me almost as if he couldn't believe it was me. Well, I can't blame him. I was buried in front of him. I had a whole funeral procession. His eyes wandered on the boy in my embrace, "What…?" His right eye twitched at the sight when he saw Rion..

I gulped. Seeing him after so long is making my heart go wild but I can't stay here. I can't be with him. As we stood there, the rain started to drench us

"Mama…" Rion let out a meek cry and my heart squeezed in agony.

I didn't have time to waste, I have to leave now!  I turned around and began to run again.

"Sorin!!" He didn't waste any time running after me. 

It was a chase now. Through the narrow and big streets of the city, through the people, the big and small, young and old, all trying to find shelter or their way home.

"Sorin!!" Kaan kept calling out my name, "Why are you running away!!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs, "Stop!!"

I couldn't.

I can't stay with him. 

"Sorin!!!" I had started to lose him now that I was running through people. Being small in size helps in situations like these, especially when everyone else is in a panic too, "Sorin!!" His voice was getting distant, "Don't leave!!"

I kept running. He followed.

"Please!!" It moved my feelings every time he called out to me but what could I do? I had to go back.

I didn't stop but my heart ached.

"Come back!!" I knew he genuinely meant that. He must have a lot of questions too.

But I have to get to the port, I can't get stuck here.


I looked back to glance at him but his figure wasn't in my plain sight, he had lost me now and his distant voice seemed almost haunting.

"Please…" I felt my chest tighten. I felt like I was betraying him. He even saw Rion, I'm sure he's going to figure out that he's the father. Something like this can't be hidden. He's the only dragon alive, of course only he could be the father.

The sound of splashing water buzzed my ear, I kept my arms around Rion to protect him from the rain but I myself was completely drenched. I could see the port now and I knew the ship was leaving. It had already started to move but I could still make it.

There was no return for me.



The rain is washing it away fast, her scent and the energy she and that child is carrying. But I can still follow it. I can't use my wings in this sort of weather but I'm still going to use my powers to reach her.

I lost her in the crowd but the way she was running to. It leads to the port. I stopped in my path, letting the rain drench me as I focused my energy onto myself. For teleportation magic, visualization is important.

I visualized the port in my mind and focused my mana on that specific place, then teleported.

The port had workers on it who were frantically gathering their things, all the ships were docked. All but one. One that was leaving even though the weather was cruel and it was the only dock on which one man stood without any worries.

There, it should be that one.

I teleported with the intention to land on it but for some reason I didn't. I ended up on the dock where it left from, the nearest place but not on it.


At first it was a bit confusing but I caught what was going on immediately. The ship must be infused with magical barriers.

I clenched my fists as I saw it leave. It must be leaving for Rugen. That small place sure has strong defenses.

Damnit!! I gritted my teeth.

I noticed the guy on the dock again, a garuda. He was slipping away quietly but I went and grabbed him.  He panicked the moment he saw me.

"Y-your majesty??!" He was quite shocked seeing me, enough that his entire body shook up.

"That ship," I pointed at it, "Why can't I board it?"

His pupils began to shake as he looked at the ship and then at me, "I- I don't-" I grabbed his neck before he could finish his sentence.

"You work for that ship and the captain, don't you?" I squeezed his throat, "Answer me." My eyes glowed as my anger rose.

"I-it can only be boarded by mixed breeds…" His body trembled violently.


"The magic barrier doesn't allow full breeds. I-it's for the safety of the people on it."

I kept glaring at him.

"Your Highness, I'm not lying!" He cowered in fear as my claws slowly began to seep into his skin, "My lord! Please!!" 

The rain was showing no sign of stopping and there was no way for me to fly all the way to the ship if I couldn't land on it. This left me no other choice.

I looked at the Garuda, "You're coming with me."