Finding her

>>Kaan ( A few months later)

"You still can't find her?" I stared at my knights in disbelief while I sat on my throne, in the throne room.

"Your majesty." Leysa was the captain of one of our best platoons, "Finding that island alone was too difficult." She was speaking on behalf of all the soldiers, "That island, Rugen, almost no one knew it even existed."

"I know," I frowned as I put my hand over my eyes, "But the only place she could be. We've searched everywhere else." I massaged my temples.

That's right. I had the whole demon kingdom searched. Leonidas had the Human empire searched and Enri was sent to look among the elves but she was nowhere to be found.

The only lead we got was about an island that only has halves or mix breeds living there. Rugen, the name of the island but barely anyone knew anything about it.

It took us a lot of time just to find out where it was but we can't get inside. They don't allow anyone else other than mixed breeds in. It's a safe haven for all the mixed races but exactly because of that we haven't found a trace of her.

"Your majesty, we can't get in." Leysa said, "Plus, there's little we can do when we don't even have a name."

I can't provide them with a name. The names royal families possess can't be used by any other people and I know Sorin is smart enough to change her name because she didn't want anyone to find her. No person in their right mind would keep the name they had as a royal.

"Knowing that she's a half succubus and half human should limit it down a lot." I looked at her again, "Mixed breeds are very rare."

"We got to the island." She took a deep breath, then looked at the other soldiers and gestured to them to leave. After they left and we both were the only ones in the throne room she dropped her formality.

"Kaan, why is finding that girl so important?" She asked me the question directly.

"It is for a reason." I replied, giving her the same answer I always do.

"No," This time she wasn't having it though, "Tell me why?" She stepped forward in anger, "We've been at it for months! And I've put up with your demand without question for far too long." She dropped her ax on the ground, "If you don't tell me why, then I'm calling off the search."

I glared at her, "Leysa, you have to understand, this is important."

"Why?!" She was frustrated, "Why is she important? Because you fancy her?"

"It's more than that!"

"Kaan, you can have any other person in the kingdom!" She took off her helmet, "You have options right in front of you!" She yelled at me, "Are you blind?!"

"Stop!" I stood up in anger but then immediately tried to calm myself, "Don't fight with me Leysa." I turned my head away, "I don't want to fight a dear friend."

She gritted her teeth, "Fine," She turned around and left the room in anger and I sat back down on the seat.


I took a deep breath and looked outside the window. A storm was brewing. It was going to rain soon.


I guess it's the perfect time to go for a walk. My head has started to throb too. Maybe I'll get something for it.



I looked up at the sky, dark clouds were assembling and the cool wind had started to pack more strength.

"It's going to rain," I sighed and moved faster. I have to get to the demon pharmacy.

I wore a big dark cloak to hide myself but I was still very anxious. Coming all the way to the demon kingdom was not a good idea but I had no other choice. I ran through the stone cobble streets to find a place that sold medicine.

I knew the one I needed would only be sold here in the capital city because it isn't needed anywhere else.

"Mama…" I looked down next to my chest. At the small adorable being.

"Yes?" I had my son in my arms, hidden inside my cloak, "Baby, just hang on a little longer. Mama is going to get your medicine." He looked back at me with his big round purple colored eyes, the same ones his father has. 

He's the reason I had to come here. He's barely a year old and he got sick. I went to every pharmacy in Rugen but since Rion is a dragon like Kaan, I couldn't find anything that would cure his fever. Everything I tried provided temporary relief.

The doctors on that island told me that dragon blood is very rare and too powerful to be treated by normal remedies. I tried everything else but they were right, nothing worked.

This was my last choice since currently the only place where I'd find something made specifically for dragons is the place where the ruler himself is a powerful dragon.

"Rion," I called his name as I kept running through the streets, "Mommy's right here okay?" He meekly nodded, tears stuck in the corner of his eyes while he sniffled and I hugged him tightly.

Thunder rumbled above us and I knew it was going to turn into a bad storm.

I have to hurry. 

I have to get out of here too. The ship might leave without me otherwise.

Shortly after that I saw a big pharmacy that made me stop in my path.


I ran in without a second thought as it started to drizzle.

I took a deep breath as I made it to the counter, "I need help." I asked the woman on the counter in a panicked voice. There were two more workers there along with some customers.

"Yes dear." She was goat spirit, had a very clean green silk robe on her white fur and wore a pair of glasses.

"My son's fever just won't go down. I've tried many things but his temperature keeps getting back up."

"Your son?" She asked.

I nodded and removed the cloak a little to show Rion to her. He was burning up at the moment, his grip on my shirt was quite strong and he was sweating.

"Please!" I looked at her desperately, "Nothing seems to be working for him. I can't lose him! He's my only family."

"Ah,um," She got a little flustered at the sudden request, "Okay, okay, calm down," She looked around as she gestured to me to remain calm, "What's his breed?" She asked and I froze.

"Um…"  I was hesitant to say it, I didn't want to expose us both.

"Maam, I can only help if you tell me what blood he carries. This is the biggest pharmacy in the capital. Trust me. I can help you." She was being as sweet as she could be.

I gulped and glanced at Rion. He had his eyes closed now.

Oh man! I have to do this! For Rion!

I leaned in closer to her and she got the hint so she leaned in towards me from over the counter, "He's a dragon…" I whispered in her eyes.

She paused, then backed away, "Excuse me?" She looked at me in disbelief, "A dragon?" She said it out aloud, "Your son's a dragon?"

She looked at me like she thought I was lying.

"Shhh!" I gestured to her to keep it down, "I'm not lying. This is why nothing else is working for him." I looked at her with desperation and anxiousness.

But she still looked at me suspiciously, "Dragons are of royal lineage, the king is the only one alive right now." She didn't keep it down, "You want me to believe your son is-" To stop her from talking further I took Rion out of my cloak and showed him to her, "... A dragon…" Her mouth hung open and she froze when she saw him.

Rion is still little, so he can't hide those tiny black wings and tails, a tail like that only belongs to dragon breeds, plus the puny black horns on his head as well gave him a complete look.

I didn't realize it at that moment, but everyone in the pharmacy was staring at me. And just at that moment, someone else entered the place.

The goat lady was stunned out of her mind, "A dragon…" Her brain seemed to fuse out a little but she still bent down and pulled some medicine out and placed it on the counter.

"Thank you!" I said and Rion opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Oh My God!!" She screamed, "He has the same eyes as the Demon Lord!!"


I slapped my hand over her mouth while I kept the other around Rion, supporting his weight next to my chest.

"Quiet!" I grabbed the bottle of medicine when I felt something big loom over from behind me.

"A dragon you say?"

My heart dropped the moment I heard that voice. I felt my heart skip a beat, then speed up

It was Kaan.