

The amount of people glancing at me made the alarm in my head act up.

I had only come down from my room to get some breakfast but felt something ominous.

As I walked around the place, I felt like every single person was trying to look at me.

It made me wear my cape and hide myself more.

There was something wrong. I knew it. I felt it!!

I was at the counter and the waitress stood in front of me, her eyes fixed on me while I tried to avoid her gaze and kept looking down.

"How long?" I asked her about my order. I just ordered some soup and bread I could take to my room but the wait has been very difficult. Constant prying and for some reason, a whole lot of weight.

"You're not from here, are you?" She asked and I shook my head, "Any business here then?"

I replied softly, "Just some personal stuff." I glanced up at her, "The food?"

"Oh! It's getting ready." I looked down again and glanced around at the people in the inn lounge through the corners of my eyes.

Why is everyone staring at me? I have a very bad feeling about this. Is there something going on that I'm not aware of?

"You know," The waitress spoke again, "The demon Lord announced that he has a son." My eyes went wide and my heart stopped for a moment when I heard that. My body froze and my thoughts raced.


I knew that he must have found out Rion was his! I mean he couldn't be anyone else's when he's a dragon too! What now?! Does he want him? He is his child!


Calm down!!

He saw the ship leave and he didn't see me! In his mind I've already left! I should be fine! I'll go to the port again today. The Garuda, Allard, should be there right? I'll have to get in contact with him, he's the only one who can find me a ship back.

But a ship that leaves for Rugen… There's a chance I might not find one for several days, weeks even… I bit my thumb nail as I grew anxious. I can't stay here. It's too dangerous.

Rion's fever went down thanks to the medicine but I wish I never had to come here for that.

I pursed my lips.

Will I be able to hide here for long?

A dog person came and stood by my side, "Hey!" He greeted the waitress.

"Hi~" She flirted back.

"I heard the king's being threatened." He leaned on the counter and I felt my heart rate spike as he spoke, "Heard he has a child who has been abducted."  He slowly turned his head to look at me and I turned my face the other way, "Rumor has it it's by his former lover."

"No,"  The waitress replied, "He said he isn't being threatened or anything but he wants the child back." I felt her gaze on me as well, "Along with the woman who has the kid." Icy gazes, filled with intent, they made me realize what I was missing.

So much had spread in a matter of two days. If everyone here is looking for me, it would explain the gazes.

Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!

"Isn't my food taking a bit too long?" I glanced at her. I've been waiting here for an hour now.

"Yeah," She smirked, "We're understaffed at the moment since everyone wanted to see your son." I shot my head at her with my eyes popping out, "You left him in your room, no?" I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.


I dashed towards the stairs when the dog person grabbed my cape, pulling me to a stop while choking my neck.

No! Not here!

I swirled around to get out of the cape and ran towards the stairs again when a whole group of people launched themselves at me. The adrenaline in my veins rushed up and I ran faster while hunters came after me.

It was as if it was a race, everyone ran like crazy. With all the speed I could conjure I burst into my room where I saw three people standing near the bed on which Rion was still asleep.

They all looked at me as I froze after entering the room.

The people behind me entered the small place and stopped the moment they saw us.

All eyes were on the baby. My baby.

"Stop!!" I yelled at them and they all shot their heads at me, "He's mine. Let him go."

"Is he?"  They all glared at me, "Or are you just keeping him?" A hooded person asked as he removed the blanket from Rion.

I shook my head as I felt the oxygen in my lungs dry up, "H-he's mine… Please…" There was nothing I could do here, there were too many of them against me. I was trapped. I can't believe how fast all of this was going. I had absolutely no time to counter it or come up with a plan. I wish I had noticed something sooner! But I remained in the room for a whole day to nurse Rion.

"It is him." The serpent head picked up my baby in his arms who slept with his thumb in his mouth, "Look at that black tail."

"The wings," The lynx woman who stood beside him exclaimed, "And those horns!!" She squealed. She looked like a hunter too, like the rest of them, except the hooded man.

The commotion woke Rion up and he lazily opened his eyes with his thumb still in his mouth.

Someone from behind me yelled, "He has purple eyes!!" The people began to celebrate something I wasn't aware of.

The jumbled sounds though disrupted the child, "Mama?" Rion was distubed because of all the unfamiliar faces around him. He looked at the person holding him and got confused, he looked at the people behind him and then the people around him. Seeing so many strangers made him nervous, "Mama!" He began to squirm till his eyes landed on me and he spread his arms towards me, "Mama!" He began to cry, making everyone pause in their places.

I stepped forward, "Please," I begged, "Return him to me." I pleaded with the serpent head, "I want no trouble." I shook my head softly.

"The king wants his child back." He replied coldly.

"I'm his mother!" I yelled.

"And he's the father!" Someone spoke from the crowd behind me.

"AND!" The serpent head hissed, "He's our future lord!" People cheered again.

I shook my head, "No…" I raised my hands, "You've got it all wrong…" I don't know why I even said that. It wasn't going to work.

"Lady," The lynx woman stepped closer to me, "We're taking the boy to the Lord." She glared at me, "But we'll let you leave," I shook my head, "Or, you could simply accompany him to the king as well."

I felt like I lost without even fighting. I was at a loss, my world spun.

I was at a dead end. What were all my efforts for? All I did to run away from the key characters…

I shook my head but the reaction was for myself.

I have no problem with Kaan. He's a lovely person but I don't want to make an enemy out of him. He's also the man who once killed me and destroyed my kingdom.

I can't meet him.I knew if I met with Kaan, something would go wrong. I am not meant to be with him. I may have fallen for him at one point but we can't be together-

I looked at Rion who was crying, wailing his arms around wanting to be held by his mother.

-Even though we share something so precious together.

What if we meet and the world decides to kill me? Or Kill Rion?

I shook my head as my eyes began to well up with tears.

I can't lose Rion.

And I don't want to die either!