

I'm not a strong magic user, nor am I a fighter. I could never take any of these hunters on.

In a situation like this, I am trapped. I will always be trapped because I was neither raised as a mage nor as a fighter.


I am a succubus. If nothing else, I have one trick up my sleeve and at a moment like this, I'm not ashamed to use it.

I looked at the three infront of me, they were right by the bedside which was in front of the window.

I took a deep breath and let the magic flow inside of me. I don't have much mana, so this is going to be my only shot.

My eyes glowed and my tail swayed as my pheromones oozed out of my body.

Succubuses have a special survival trait. Charm and seduction.

"What are you doing!" The lynx woman grabbed my shirt and everyone else was alerted too, "What the hell are you trying to pull-" Her eyes went wide when she smelt it. These specific pheromones of mine affect the mind and the body and as her body began to tremble because of the pheromones, she let go of me.

It works regardless of gender afterall.

All the hunters in the room felt weak and the scent of lust began to fill the atmosphere. These pheromones work faster on demons than any other race because of their beastly natures.

This was my only chance because if allowed, people with stronger minds can resist it.

I jumped towards the serpent head, snatching my baby from his hands. As I landed on the bed, I then immediately threw myself at the window as I casted a defensive spell.

The window broke as I passed through it. I heard the commotion behind me. People screaming, them coming after me, I felt them conjure spells and felt their hands come to grab me.

Everything that I avoided by a speck of hair.

The glass shattered onto the ground below where I landed but I wasted no time there. I immediately stood up and ran.

Of course they came after me. Not only them, it seems the word had spread. There were others joining in.

How was I supposed to out run them all? 

Why!!? Why did this happen?!! It looks like the whole world is against me right now! 

But why!?! I left!! I only came because I had to! Not because I wanted to! I don't want to die!!

I glanced up at the sky.

"Why are you doing this to me!!!" I screamed but then I felt Rion's hand grip my shirt. I looked down at him. He had his eyes wide open while he was staring at me. I guess he sensed that something was wrong, he looked worried.

I frowned and brought his head next to my chest.

I wonder, is it wrong of me to keep the father and child away from each other? But even if they meet, I can't join them.

I ran through the narrowest streets trying to lose the people after me. It was a clear day today and luck just wasn't on my side. 

I thought I was losing the people after me when I ran through alleys but my worst nightmare stood on the other side.

I came out to an open square from an alley and saw the worst person there standing right infront of me, as if she was waiting for me.

I came to a pause the moment I saw her.

"Leysa…" I panicked when I saw her.

She raised her brows at me, "You know me?" She began to step towards me and I frantically looked around for another escape. I looked to the left  but  leysa's soldiers were there, securing the exists, the right side had the same view too. I even looked back but a few of the hunters had caught up.

I was completely trapped.

Well, shit.

I turned to face Leysa again.

"I can't go to Kaan." I said as she stopped right in front of me.

"I don't care what you say, the Lord's orders are absolute." She tried to grab me and I dodged her grip.

I shook my head, "Listen to me!" I looked at her desperately, "Kaan and I can't meet!"

"You have his child," She tried to grab me again and this time she didn't miss, she got a hold of the area between my shoulder and neck, "You're coming with me." She seemed very annoyed.

"N-no!" I shook my head, "Leysa please!"

Something ticked her off, "Do I know you?" She glared at me, "You call my name as if we're friends!" She hissed at me.

"I-I know you," I said softly, "You don't know me though…" She increased her grip on me and it made me hiss in pain, "L-listen, Kaan and I aren't meant to be together!" I looked into her eyes, "He's supposed to marry you." 

Upon hearing my words, she paused a little, "What?" She was startled by my words and her grip softened.

"I know this seems weird but I know because I knew an oracle. These words are from her. She told me I can't be with Kaan." I looked down at my son, "Mistakes happen but if Kaan and I meet, bad things will happen." I gulped as I looked into her eyes, "Please," I begged, "Let us go."

She frowned, "What you said, about me and kaan-"

"It's true!" I replied to her before she could finish her words, "The oracle told me everything and I don't want to interfere." I looked at her with hope, "I just want to leave. I won't ever come back. So please." I kept my gaze on her and she stared at me for a few seconds.

Then she glanced around, "Fine," She looked back at me as she let me go, "You can go."

I felt a wave of relief rush inside me, "Thank you-" I didn't even get to thank her properly when she suddenly grabbed Rion.

"But I'm taking the kid." She grabbed my head with one hand and Rion with the other and separated us in an instant.

"No!! Please!!" I begged but she didn't listen, "Please! Leysa!!!" There were many people around us and what she did was probably to avoid suspicion but she used strong dark magic.

As I tried to grab Rion, a gust of black ball energy fell where we stood. It was an attack one me, one I could never counter. It was far too strong and everything went black the moment it struck me.