

Contrary to how I fell unconscious with a bolt of crucifying pain, I woke up on something soft and pleasing.

I opened my eyes and felt the soft blue silk under me.


The bed I was on was extremely soft and comfortable, like the one I had in my palace. 

Where am I? It all felt a little hazy.

I sat up while my mind was still in the process of waking up and looked around. It was a room, perhaps a guest room. I was on a double bed with silk blue sheets and net curtains around the bed frame. The windows of the room were in curved shapes, they curved with the room and showed an open view of the sky.

The room itself was big but the more I looked at it, the more nervous I got.

Where am I!?!? Where is Rion!!!

I stood up from the bed frantically but felt an electric current go through my body.

"Ooofff!!" It took no genius to understand that my body was injured to the point that it was hard to even walk.

"Shit…" I cursed under my breath but still walked over to the open windows with weird steps. I was afraid of where I was but I couldn't make it to the windows. 

Instead I walked into magical barriers.

"Oh no…" My eyes grew wide as I realized the way to the windows was purposely blocked off by magic. I placed my hands on the invisible barrier, even banged my fists on it but there was no chance of it breaking. Of course it wouldn't, it wasn't something for show and I could tell it was some high grade magic.

I gulped and sighed when the bedroom door opened making me flinch


"Trying to run away again?" My heart skipped a beat when I heard Kaan's voice and the dread in my mind increased.


I couldn't bring myself to look back but he didn't wait for me to do that either. He walked over to me while I kept my back to him and grabbed my shirt from the back.

Then out of the blue he began to pull it off.


"What are you doing??" I panicked and looked around at him as I slapped his hand off of me but the moment I came face to face with him I froze.

He was angry. His expressions were serious and his eyes cold.

It made my chest tighten.

"Are we talking now?" He said coldly and placed his hands on my shoulders making me jump but I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him.

What could I say to him? How am I supposed to tell him why I'm avoiding him? How am I supposed to tell him why I faked my death and ran away but also had his child but never wanted the both of them to meet?? Just how??

I felt his intense gaze on me but all I could do was look away. I couldn't attempt to run away because my whole body hurt a lot at the moment.

My actions were bound to annoy him, I knew that but I wasn't expecting him to pull me along with him and throw me on the bed.

He then mounted the bed and grabbed my shirt again.

"K-kaan!?" He looked scary. This is the very first time he's looked so angry!

He pulled my shirt off in one clean sweep,leaving me in my bra.

"Kaan!" I tried to grab my shirt that was in his hand but he threw it away.

"Stay still," He ordered in a quiet domineering tone and it automatically made me freeze.

I gulped as he moved behind me and slowly began to move his hands on my body.

My heart began to pound.

What is he doing??

Then, I heard him mutter a spell and his palms glowed a little. He then glided them on my skin and I began to feel better.

The pain my body was giving me began to soothe.


He was using healing magic on me…

His hands started moving from the back of my neck to the front of my shoulders, slowly gliding to my arms and gently moving his hands over mine. I wanted to hold them at that moment but controlled myself and he continued but when he moved to my torso.I tensed up.

What he was doing wasn't meant to be sexual but his big hands moving on my body made me feel hot.


When his palms came over to my chest I pursed my lips and thanked the Lord I had my back to him because my face had started flushing.

He moved to my stomach, softly pressing on it that made me gasp. And when I did I blushed harder.

Oh God no!!! 

Shit!!! Why did I do that!!??

Kaan didn't stop. He kept going down further and a bigger alarm went in my head when he began to take my pants off 

"No!!" I grabbed his hands, "I can do it myself!"

His face was right next to mine, "I said stay still." He whispered right next to my ear making that area where his breath landed burn, "You don't have any mana left do you?" His words made me pause. 

He was right… I didn't have enough magic to heal myself but still him doing this was too embarrassing!

"You don't have to take it off," I said, "I didn't take off yours when I healed you."

He still took off my pants and I felt like dying Of embarrassment. It was already killing me that I was only in my underwear now but as his hands moved on my thighs I flinched a number of times.

Kill me!!

It was so embarrassing I wanted to bury myself somewhere.

It didn't take long after that. From my knees down it was a clean sweep and he was done.

And as soon as he was done he stood up from the bed and looked away.

"It was quite the stunt you pulled at the inn." I felt his gaze on me again, "But it's disappointing to see that's all the magic you have."

I pursed my lips and grabbed my clothes but refused to answer him. I don't know if he was there or if he received a report from someone but what did it matter now? I was caught anyway.

I knew I was being a complete ass but in reality I was just ashamed.

Kaan turned his face away and began to leave the room when I asked,"Where's Rion?" He stopped at the door, "My son… where is he?"

He didn't look back at me and opened the door, "I don't know." He replied, "There was no sign of any child with you."

His words made my heart shatter. No!! 


I got up from the bed to run towards the door but Kaan glared at me from there, "You won't be leaving." He said and shut the door, locking me inside.

"Kaan!" I tried to grab the handle but couldn't. He had placed a magic spell on it too, "Kaan please!"

He had locked me in a magic prison that he knew I couldn't escape with my capabilities.

"Kaan!" I tried banging on the door but it made no sound because of the spell casted on it, "Kaan?" 

I heard nothing from the other side.