Why would you do it?


She may have changed, her appearance looks different than before because now her demon has merged with her but her petite body remains the same. Her thin waist and that beautiful back has only become more charming now.

As I glided my hands over her soft skin I couldn't help but feel the tenderness. When I pressed her stomach to check for internal damage she gasped.

Her reaction made me lose my composure for a moment. Her back was to me, her bare back. It looked so smooth and pretty I almost went ahead and kissed the middle.

A second later and I would have done it but in the end, before that happened I was able to stop myself. Though, it did not make it easier, her body constantly flinching at my touch was hard on me.

Having her on the bed between my arms was more tempting than I could have ever imagined. I could think of so many things we could do right here, at this moment. Be what I thought we were going to be but, that's probably just me.

This was something I wanted, but did she? I thought we were on the same page, sharing the same feelings back in the human palace…

I kept my eyes on her as I kept going.

If I could take her, I would do it right here and now but the feeling isn't mutual, is it? The desires lurking around in my heart and mind are not reciprocated, are they?

Why else would she go through such lengths to disappear? Why else would she run away to a place where no one can reach her? But then again, I am curious.

Why do all that? Just why?

I finished the healing and stood up for an escape. I needed to cool my mind before I could ask her anything else. I need to control myself before I proceed with questioning her.

This was better for the both of us.


"I told you not to hurt her," I looked at the person sitting behind prison bars.

"She said she wanted to leave." Leysa replied back calmly.

"Does not change what I said." We were having this conversation in the palace basement. It isn't a place for cells, it's more of a temporary confinement place because the dungeon is located elsewhere and I did not wish to send Leysa to jail but what she pulled back there can't go unpunished.

"You got your son." She replied, "Isn't that enough?'

"I said I wanted both of them. Unharmed," I glared at her, "If I hadn't come there right before you struck her at the town square, she might have died." Sorin doesn't have the mana to fight back and neither is she strong physically. The move Leysa pulled could have hurt her very badly.

"..." She pursed her lips while she still faced me but averted her gaze.

"Answer me Leysa." I ordered, "Why did you do that? You know best how much I wanted her back."

She took a deep breath before answering to me, as if she was preparing herself mentally, "I believe she's not a good match for you."

Her answer left me dumbfounded, "We're not like humans." I sighed, "We don't do those kinds of things here. We don't play political games when it comes to people and what we desire." I kept my eyes on her, "So, why did you do something like that?"

"Yes," She spoke confidently, "But we do share one thing in common with humans," She looked at me, "We don't have halves here either."

"..." I actually didn't have an answer for that. It was true.

The hatred between humans and demons is too deep rooted. Unless one is able to completely hide their human side, the demons tend to be aggressive to these species as well.

This is probably the only reason why a country like Rugen came into being.

"It doesn't matter," I said, "I know human halfling have trouble everywhere, especially when they don't have a family to be with but perhaps it's time we changed that."

"Change what?"

"They may be half human but they still are half demons too." I kept my glare on, "It's time we bury this useless hatred and take back our own, even if they're halves." They came into being because demons and humans fell for each other, so why do we continue to carry this hate on? It should start to come to an end, after all, we've also signed a peace treaty with humans.

"..." She didn't say anything in return but I saw her jaw clench.

I didn't say anything further either and turned to leave the place. It wasn't a big area anyway. There were about five cells here only made in case of emergency confinement or if something was meant to be kept hidden.


With Kaan gone, I sat on the concrete floor with my back against the cell bars.

It hurt my feelings to know that my childhood crush had chosen a complete stranger over me. Someone he met briefly and isn't even a full fledged demon.

She isn't even capable of handling herself. She's weak, barely has any mana, doesn't have any family either and from her looks, she's not financially strong either.

"Hey!" I heard someone call me from another cell.

So why? Why would Kaan ever like someone like her?


He's always liked people who take responsibility for themselves. Those who could stand their ground and fight. People with a strong mindset.

"Hey!" I didn't reply to the one who kept calling out to me.

This was infuriating. How could I lose to someone so unspecial? 

"Hey! Cap!" He didn't stop bothering me though, "Hey Lady!!"

I sighed. "What!" I tried to remain calm.

"I can help you!"

"...." I shook my head in annoyance and stayed in my position.

"Well since I know you're listening, I'll just go ahead and say it." He seemed like a persistent one, "I can take the half girl away from here." While I didn't think it would happen, his words actually caught my attention and I turned around to try and see who he was.

"What did you say?" I caught a little glimpse of him from my cell.

"If you can get me out of here, I can take the half succubus away from here."

"How?" I noticed that he was a Garduda. Ah! That's the one Kaan brought with him from the port.

"I have access to Rugen Island." He smiled, "It's part of my work to help halves get there."

Ah yes~ This can work