Love and family


The palace seems like it's in a frenzy. Kaan still hasn't come back and Rion is up now. He kept whining and I knew he was hungry. I breastfed him but he also needs a little bit of semi solid food now since he's almost a year old.

I picked him up in my arms and walked to the door. I was expecting there to be a barrier there but surprisingly, there wasn't one there.

It did shock me but then again Kaan told me to stay here and wait for him so I guess he removed the barriers since I agreed.

I smiled.

Doesn't he trust me a bit too much? It made me feel quite guilty really. He's such an amazing person. Any woman would be blessed to have him as a partner and here I am, who dearly wants him but can't have him.

I gulped as I thought about things. A lot of time has passed, can I really not be together with him?

I walked out of the room and looked around. There was no one guarding the room either which was yet again surprising. I thought he might have left someone but there was no sign of anyone. But then again, the demon kingdom has less people plotting against each other as compared to the human empire. People here live happier.

"Mama," Rion called out to me and I looked at him, "Wak!" He looked at me with glistening eyes and I just had to put him down so he could walk around the place.

For some reason, he was really excited. I guess it might be because the palace is overflowing with dragon energy. He probably feels at home here.

I followed Rion as he went walking around with his tiny legs. I had to carry him down the stairs but he began running as soon as we reached the ground floor again. Everything here seemed to fascinate him. He was ogling at everything with his eyes wide open but unfortunately I didn't know what most of these things were and each time he pointed at something I didn't have an answer for him.

I felt quite devastated at that, I'm going to get Kaan to hang out with us because Rion seems angry now. He's looking at me with puffed cheeks and disappointment!

We walked by the courtyard that had several exits and entrances and while Rion found the fountain in the middle of the open space very interesting and ran towards it, I couldn't follow him.

Why? I was going to but then I was pulled into a darker exit by someone and my mouth was blocked off by his hand.

"Shhh!" Someone whispered next to my ear before I could try anything, "Don't panic," It was a familiar voice, "It's just me, Allard."



I shot my head towards him and he removed his hands from me.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I was taken away by his majesty!" He whispered back, "I was in the basement cell!"

"What?" I frowned at him, "Why?" I actually understood right away and then sighed, "He wanted to ask you about Rugen and the ship, didn't he?" Allard helps operate the ships that come and go to Rugen.

He nodded, "He was quite furious…" He looked defeated, "I guess he's worried." He stared at me, "About you,"


"Ah- well…"

"Why leave him?" He was very curious, "Demon Lord Kaan is a great man."

"I know," I looked away, "I have my reasons…"

He sighed, "Well, I'm leaving from here, if you want to go back to Rugen, you know where to find me." He then stepped further back into the darkness and it clicked.

"Wait!" I looked at him in disbelief, "Did you break out from prison?"

He only chuckled in return and then he was gone.

Oh man… Is this why this place is in a frenzy? They're all out looking for him… Kaan must be frustrated.

I shook my head and looked back at the courtyard but my heart leapt out of my chest when I saw Rion jumping in the fountain.

I felt my stomach knot and I ran towards him at full speed only to find him flapping his tiny wings in the water and floating in it leisurely.

My soul almost left my body when I saw him jump but now it's relaxed all of the sudden and I feel exhausted. I leaned against the fountain borders and let out a loud sigh.

"Parenting isn't easy…" I watched Rion live his best life in the fountain as he splashed around his arms, legs and tail.  But seeing him have fun automatically made me smile too.

"There's no need for you to do that alone.", I perked up when I heard Kaan's voice and looked back. He was now formally dressed from head to toe. Looking like a dignified king with elegant clothes, he made his way towards us, "I'm his parent too."

"Sorry," I apologized softly, "I couldn't just wait in the room." He smiled at me.

"It's alright." He said as he stopped right next to me, "I just want you to stay here, with me, you can go anywhere you like." He glanced at Rion who now sat on the fountain edge and stared at Kaan with big wide eyes.

"Dada!" He extended his tiny arms towards him, telling him he wanted to be picked up.

Kaan chuckled at his son but wasted no time in picking the baby up in his arms even though it made his fresh clothes wet and wrinkled.

Rion shook his body like a little dragon to dry himself but it made more water sprinkle on Kaan. Although he didn't mind that at all, he quite enjoyed the little actions of the little man. The look in his bright purple eyes screamed that he was proud of his little creation. It made me feel happy too.

Rion grabbed onto Kaan's horns and stared at them with wide sparkling eyes. 

"You like them?" Kaan asked while Rion climbed onto his shoulders with a tight grip on his father's black horns.

"Un!" Rion's legs were wobbly so Kaan used some magic to provide him with a stable surface to stand on. And even after that, he kept his hands around Rion so he wouldn't fall off. Seeing how careful he was being with his baby, gave me a large amount of serotonin dose.

"Careful little man," He smiled, "You have the same thing."

"Sem??" I don't think Rion's eyes have ever twinkled like this before. He's been happy and excited about many things before but this leaves everything behind. There are literally stars in his big round purple eyes.

"Yea, yours will be as big as mine too," I guess the same goes for Kaan. Just by looking at him I can tell how much he wants his family. But then again, these two are the only same kind alive right now. So the bond is extra extra special.

Rion's tail wagged around when he heard that. For dragons, their horns symbolize their power. It's also the place where they can store and concentrate their magic on. I guess hearing that made Rion excited and happy.

Ah~ I could get used to seeing this everyday!

I watched them interact as my heart just kept melting at the scene. It was just so adorable! They say when you see your man be a loving and great father to your kids. You fall in love with him all over again.

I feel like it's happening to me right now. The more I looked at them both, the more they glowed. As I watched Kaan pick Rion in his hands and extended him towards the sky, I felt like he shone. Whenever I heard Rion giggle next to his father, I felt my heart throb.

It honestly felt like they both belonged together. Well, ofcourse, they are father and son. But it feels like I can't take Rion back with me anymore.

I gulped. Will it really be okay though? I can't live without my son… My chest tightened at the thought. It was a very depressing feeling. One, that I didn't want to think about.

Kaan brought Rion next to his chest and sat him down on his arm then looked at me.

"Elayne," My heart skipped a beat when he called me by my name, "You're staying," He asked as he extended his free hand towards me, "Right?"

It was a heavy question. It weighed on me like a boulder. Precisely because I had no idea what was the right thing to do.

"I'm-" I felt too bad trying to utter the rejection but was I going to reject him? I had no idea. I was confused. I want to say yes, but can I? Am I allowed too?

I just stared back at him and his hand in disappointment and confusion and I guess Kaan noticed that.

"I promise," He said, "You'll be fine." He assured me, "We'll all be just fine." He passed a reassuring smile to me and at the same time Rion moved to look at me as well.

It felt like a perfect image. Even more so because my son extended his hand towards me as well.

"Mama," He called my name and opened and closed his fist that faced me and I knew he was calling me.

"Elayne," Kaan showed me the palm of his hand and I suddenly felt calmer.

At that moment, I couldn't help myself and take his hand.