

"You saw someone outside the guest room?" I sat in my private study as I talked to Robin, the vice captain of the demon army.

"I didn't see it directly My Lord." He answered, "I was told this by the gardener."

"I see…" That's the room Elayne and I were in, "That clearly means it was a spy…" I sighed, "There's a high chance it was that Garuda, Allard."

"It was definitely a bird spirit." Robin nodded, "Seeing how the room is on the third floor and he still managed to spy."

We don't know how much he caught on or if he heard something or not. The barrier wasn't strong around the room. I didn't set it up to be that strong since Elayne has weak magical powers. I sighed again. I never thought we'd run into a problem like this. The demon kingdom is usually very peaceful afterall.

"Make sure the palace is secure." I ordered Robin, "We still haven't found him so he might have already escaped the castle grounds."

Robin nodded, "I'll have my people search the port as well."

I nodded, "Send Leysa in when you find her,"

"My Lord!" He bowed and left the room. I think it's better to have Robin search the port and the area around it because I have my suspicion about Leysa. She's the captain, I refuse to believe that garuda escaped and she had no idea what happened.

Something tells me she helped him out and if that is the case, sending her out won't do me any good because either she already knows where he is and isn't telling me or even if she doesn't and manages to find him, she probably won't tell me.

I don't want to doubt her, she's my childhood friend but something's bugging me and I don't know what it is.

I sighed and leaned against the chair's back to relax when I heard something. There was a very faint knock on the door. Something you could almost ignore because it was quite feeble but exactly because of that, I caught onto it.

The feeble knocking continued, making me frown. What could this be?

I stood up from my chair and walked to the double door and opened it only to find a pleasant surprise waiting for me.

"Dada!!" Rion was standing on the other side of the door and the moment I opened it he started laughing.

"Hey!" I, on the other hand, was a little confused because there was no one else there with him, "Where's your mom?" I picked him up so naturally I forgot I never had babies in my arms before him, "Why are you alone?" He adjusted into my arms very comfortably then looked at me with his big purple eyes, "Where's your mama?"

"Mama?" He held onto my shirt for support and then pointed at the end of the hallway, "There,"

"Did you run away from her?" I kept my eyes on him and watched as his arm slowly came back and his cheeks fluffled as he pouted. The way he avoided my gaze but kept looking back told me he was guilty as charged but there was no way I could get angry at him.

He was too adorable for that.

I chuckled and kissed his cheek, "It's okay," I grinned, "Let's go back before she panics." I started walking and he giggled and relaxed at my actions.


"Why do I have so much mana?" Elayne and I decided to take a stroll on the pebble track in the garden, "It feels strange," She was genuinely confused, "I feel so full." Rion was still in my arms but he was about to fall asleep since he had just finished his meal.

"You're a succubus Elayne, That's how they replenish their mana." It was a good day, it was a summer afternoon that was windy and pleasant.

"But I didn't have any as a human."

"Because your demon was forced to sleep, so I guess that part of your mana was too."

"Ah~" She nodded, "Of course, demons naturally do have more mana, my human side barely had any." She thought about it, "So that's how you get essence and mana." She nodded, "Through sex?"

I chuckled, "Not for all demons, everyone is unique."

Thunder began to rumble and we both looked at the sky. Dark clouds were assembling and it looked like it could rain any moment.

"We should go back." She said, "We walked a lot today." She looked back from where we came and I followed her gaze.

Indeed we came a long way from the entrance of the garden. The place we currently were in had a bunch of old monumental buildings I had neglected my whole life but now that I look at them, I should have them renewed. They're part of the garden's beauty. 

I glanced at Elayne

And I'm sure she would want to come here often.

A buzz of lightning went around in the clouds snapping me back from my thoughts, "Let's go back." The weather was changing fast. Before it was a little cloudy with wind but now a full fledged storm was brewing in a matter of seconds.

As we jogged back, the cloud turned dark, soon it began to rain and we barely managed to make it to the garden veranda, getting a little wet in the process.

The whole place had gotten dark but the lights didn't turn on.  I noticed something odd in that but then again perhaps it might be a maintenance issue.

The veranda ceiling was high and made of strong glass. I never really came to the garden side but now that I'm standing here, looking at the pot decoration hanging from the ceiling on the iron grills for support reminded me of my mother.

This place was decorated by her. She loved greenery but since I never paid much attention to the garden side, this place isn't what it used to be.

I glanced down at Elayne who was admiring the view from the veranda. This place was designed to enjoy weather like this since it had a glass ceiling.

I smiled and wondered if she'd like to maintain this place? Does she like gardening? She does seem interested in the garden though, I wonder what she likes doing in her spare time.

Might as well ask her, no?

"Elayne?" I called her name and she looked at me then grinned.

"He fell asleep." She giggled, "He sure is comfortable with you, he doesn't fall asleep like that with anyone else."

"Ah!" I glanced at Rion who had his head against my chest and his thumb in his mouth as he snoozed away. I smiled at the baby when from my peripheral vision I saw something fall right next to me.

The small shirk and the sound of something falling was overwhelmed by the rumbling of the clouds but I shot my head towards Elayne immediately as I felt something ominous.

My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach when I saw her down on the ground. My chest tightened and my expressions grimmed when the lightning struck. The big bolt of electricity illuminated the place and I saw that a pot had fallen directly over her, it hit her head directly and then she fell to the ground.

I don't know how to describe this fear and anxiety I felt when I saw what I did.

It was like something was ready to eat me up and all I could do was stand in my place in fear.

Blood began to seep out of her head while she laid there unconscious with a broken vase pot right next to her.