


I sat in my study, face pressed against the palms of my hand while my elbows were on the table in front of me.

It didn't make any sense. How did that even happen? I know that place isn't that well maintained but it's not neglected either. It's part of the palace after all.  It gets clean every now and then and it's not damaged.

It can't have been a coincidence. It just can't! It feels too well timed to be a coincidence.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. The servants clean the veranda and the pots all the damn time!

I know I felt something odd there. I don't know what but I know what I felt. It must have been magic. The kind that can be concealed! The moment we entered the place I got a weird feeling. I should have paid more attention! 

This is all my fault!

Someone definitely plotted this! And I failed to protect Elayne. On the same note, Rion could have been hurt too!

Oh God! I shouldn't have been this relaxed because there wasn't any imminent threat… At least in the beginning I should be more careful. Anyone could harm her because she's half human.

Well, I actually don't think anyone would do that. Human hate is a separate thing, it only emerged because of the hate humans threw at us but there hasn't been any incident like that with halves… 

But still, I think I should address that, just in case. Mostly demons are very accepting after all.

I groaned as I stayed in my place when I felt a tiny hand press against one of mine and I pulled my face out to look at the concerned baby sitting on the desk.

Rion stared at me with big worried eyes and a frown on his face. I sighed when I looked at him. He's a dragon too, and dragon children are very sensitive to things. They catch on fast too since they can recognize aura's.

"Hey…" I picked him up and sat him down on the middle edge of the desk, right in front of me, "Are you worried?" He didn't see what happened to Elayne but I'm sure he can tell something is wrong. She hasn't woken up yet and he's getting anxious without his mom.

He shook his head and placed his small hand on my cheek, "U k?"

Ah- Is he asking me if I'm okay? I ended up smiling at his question and kissed his cheek lightly, "I'm fine."

He puffed his cheeks and nodded, "An mama?" I paused at his next question. I wasn't expecting it to come this fast but now that it has, what do I do?

What do I tell him? Will he even understand anything? He's just a baby…

"Mama's sleeping." I answered and he frowned. I knew he would react this way considering he's always with her and now has been away from her for about two days, "She'll wake up soon." I promised him but he wasn't happy.

I sighed. 

The injury Elayne got was bad. It was a direct unfiltered hit on her head and if the healers weren't called in immediately it could have led to something very bad. Something I don't want to think about.

"Unnn!" Rion felt annoyed and tried getting down on his own but I knew that would be impossible for him so I grabbed his cute round waist and put him down on the floor. He then started making his way out of the study towards the room Elayne was asleep in.

I quietly followed him, opening the doors in his path till he reached the final obstacle. The door behind which his mother was asleep. 

I wasn't sure if I should just open it or not because I wasn't sure how'd he behave and even considered taking him back with me.

But I helped him out in the end when he went ahead and began to knock on the door with his tiny little hands but got no response back.

He knocked again, "Mama?" He called out for his mother, then leaned his ear against the door in an attempt to hear better incase he missed something. He concentrated very hard, clear lines formed on his forehead while he squinted those precious purple eyes of his.

Honestly, it was too adorable! Looking at the fluff ball try and hear his mom was too much sugar! After his third attempt at knocking he looked at me and frowned, "Unn!" He slammed his hand on the door, "Opn?" He pouted at me and there was no way I wouldn't open the door after that.

I think I've gotten too attached to him in a matter of a few days. I feel like I won't be able to part with him now. Well, him or his mother.

I walked to the door and turned the door knob softly, I peeked inside first to check if it was okay to go in but Rion ran in through the crack in the door.

"Mama!" He exclaimed and I panicked.

"Oh! Hey wait!" I was about to grab him when I noticed something. Something, no, someone on the bed.

It was Elayne. She was up and sitting calmly on the bed with her face the other way.  There was a wave of relief that swirled around in my chest but it was very short lived.

I straightened up when I saw her while Rion jumped on the bed and grabbed onto the sheets to climb up.

At this point, one would expect Elayne to just pull her son into her arms but she didn't move. She kept looking out the window, the other way.

It was as if she hadn't noticed us at all and I started feeling something inauspicious.

"Mama!!" Rion was struggling with the sheets and only when he screamed for her when he was about to fall did she come back to her senses and looked at him.

"Rion!?" She panicked and picked him up, "What are you doing? When did you come-" She looked towards the door and paused, "In…?" Her eyes met mine, "Kaan…" She brought Rion to her lap but kept her eyes on me.

"Hey," I closed the door and walked over to the bed, "When did you wake up?" I sat down at the edge of the bed, "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

She passed me a wry smile, "I'm fine…" She replied softly, "I woke up like," She shook her head softly and tried remembering when but couldn't get it down, "I don't know, two hours ago? Three? I can't really say…"

She seemed a little out of it and even Rion noticed that. He was in her arms, leaning against her stomach and chest, "Mama?" He stared at her with a concerned gaze, "Ok?"

She smiled at him, "I'm alright." She told him.

"You don't look fine," I spoke up, "I'm sorry," She looked at me, "I-" I didn't really know what to say. I hadn't discovered the cause of the incident.

"It's okay," She replied, "It wasn't your fault."

"But still!" I was frustrated.

"Kaan," I flinched when she called my name because of the way she called me. Like she had something to say to me, "This was a warning." My eyes went wide at her words and my chest tightened.

"Elayne, No!" I stood up, "It wasn't!" I suddenly felt really worked up. Perhaps because I knew where this was going to go.

I just met her again!

This can't be happening!

"Kaan," She hugged Rion, "Calm down and listen to me."

"No," I refused her calmly, "It's not that," I looked directly into her eyes, "I know."

"Kaan please," My heart had begun to tremble violently. It was beating with fear at the moment but I didn't want to show it. I wanted to remain confident.

"No," I replied again and turned to leave, "We're not going there." I walked towards the door, "You stay here," I opened the door and looked back, "I'll get to the bottom of this." I knew I had to solve this case fast or something bad was going to happen.

"Kaan!" I didn't wait to listen to her. I had to prove her wrong!

I can't waste any time!

I'm going to deal with whoever did this and find my peace!

I'm going to make my family stay!