

The season had started to change and the nights had started getting chillier. I stood at the top most terrace of the palace alone when I heard someone else make his way towards me.

I knew who it was just by the footsteps and smiled as I waited.

"You made a bold decision to accept halves into the kingdom." I looked at Kaan as he came over and stood by my side, next to the railing.

"There was never a rule where we banished them. The bad blood between the demons and humans caused useless hate." He smiled as he glanced at me, "But I want to enforce the harmony now." 

Gentle breeze blew, fluttering my hair with it. I slipped my hands around his arm and got comfortable as I placed my head on his arm.

"People have taken the order quite seriously. I didn't think it would work so nicely." I stared at the beautiful night sky.

"The effect is most likely because of Leysa's punishment."

"Ah- Right, where did you send her though?"

"To the cold city."

"Cold city?" I wrinkled my forehead as I thought about it, "Is that some sort of jail?" Did he send her to jail?

"In a way, you can say that but no," I looked at him while he stared at the clear black sky that was full of stars, "I had questioned her and the boy who was involved, their purpose was to scare you away not kill you."

"But they almost did." I definitely thought at that time that I was going to die but after getting to know the whole truth I do get that it was a set up but it won't change the fact that I was terrified and almost finally reached the afterlife.

"I know," He replied, "Thus why both of them were banished to the cold city."

"What is the cold city?"

"At the edge of the demon empire, it's an extremely cold place. A nightmare for demons. It's hard to govern the demons that live in that place since most of them are violent and aggressive."

"So you sent her to live there as a punishment?" 

I sort of feel a little bad for her. It wouldn't have happened if I wasn't in the picture. Then Leysa and Kaan would have married like Leon and Sonomi did… She only wanted me out of the picture… I even told her she and Kaan were meant to be together and here I am getting married to him next week…

"It was long overdue that there needed to be a governor there. It's going to be a constant battle for her but considering everything, this was for the best."

Well, maybe it was. What she did was very dangerous even if her intentions weren't that bad. You have to be responsible for your actions and she did harm the King's lover. This must be considered as treason. Since I'm a half too, people must be scared that Kaan is serious about punishing people who discriminate between full breeds and halves. 

He's already set the example by sending Leysa to the cold city.

I kept my eyes on Kaan but he didn't look back at me and I wondered if he was aware that Leysa had feelings for him

  I looked towards the sky again and we continued to stare at it for a while in silence before he spoke again.

"Your brother asked me about something."


My brother?

"Who? Leroy?"

He nodded and then looked at me, "About finding your father."


My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened. Right! My father! I did once ask him about it but never got to know about anything! So I guess he contacted Kaan.

I looked at Kaan in anticipation but the excitement was short-lived.

"Don't get your hope up," He didn't allow the fire of hope to kindle, "I couldn't find him…" Immediately all of me felt down.

I looked at the ground, "I see…" I don't know why I got so excited, this was the obvious result. I guess hope never really dies…

"I don't know for sure but there is a high chance he was killed in Maximillian for having an affair with the queen."

"There was no such rumor though…" I sighed, "I don't think anyone knew." After all, my mother did everything to hide it.

"But the fact is there right?" I felt a spike go through my heart, "Considering your father didn't know, it's best to assume the queen probably killed him and all the others who knew."

Hearing that only made it harder on the mind and heart but honestly it wasn't a shock. It was something I had thought of and it's most likely true.

"Yea… These kinds of things do happen…"

This was followed by a longer pause of silence between us. We quietly kept looking at the stars as the wind blew past us.

Oh well, at the very least, now I know I won't ever be seeing him again. I do wish I had got a chance to see him but it's alright. I have all the family I need right here with me.

I took a deep breath and exhaled my negative feelings out of my system.

Then Kaan spoke, "You still haven't learned how to fly," He looked at me and I turned to him in surprise, "Have you?" He looked at me with a smile as he waited for an answer.

"Well, no… I didn't really get a chance to…" With my pregnancy and then taking care of an infant, I didn't find any time to learn how to fly!

  "Well then," He stepped away from me and presented his hand to me, "I guess it's time to keep my promise then."

His words made my heart jump in glee. I was immediately reminded of our time back in Maximilian and the promise he made when he flew me around in his arms.

"Ah-" A smile spread across my face as I took his hand, "Yea," I looked at him, "I guess it's time." 

He smiled back at me and took out his wings, "Spread yours," He said as he jumped to stand on top of the railing while I spread out my wings with my hand still in his, "Now for you, it's got a lot to do with your mind too. The size of your wings will help you move around but your base comes from your telepathic powers. Do you understand?"

I nodded, "I did study the basics, I just never got to implement it."

He smirked and flapped his wings, "No better time than the present." He jumped in the air as he pulled me to the railing top, "Visualize it and focus the power in the form of energy all around your body, especially the feet."

He maintained himself in the air while I closed my eyes and focused.

I let my flight magic roam around my body, "Flap your wings," I heard Kaan and flapped my wings along with spreading my magic, "That's it, keep doing it."

I felt quite at ease doing it, probably because nowadays I have a lot of mana I can freely use. 

All of the sudden, I felt Kaan let go out of hand and opened my eyes in shock.

He was right there, still in front of me but a smug expression was plastered on his face, "You're a natural." He grinned and I was confused for a moment but right the next I noticed I was floating above the railing.

"Hah!" I gasped, "Oh my!" I looked at him again, "I did it?"

"Well," He extended his hand towards me again, "You got the base," I placed my hand on his, "But since this is just the beginning, I'll guide you."

I nodded at him as he gently pulled me towards him and we both went further up.

He kept telling me what to do and kept his pace at the minimum so I wouldn't be burdened. The magic, the mana, the usage, all of it came to me slowly but naturally. I didn't have to force it and I flew around, I felt so much comfort surrounding me that I actually felt at peace.

We covered quite some distance and stopped in front of the clear view of the big wide full moon where we both stayed for a few minutes.

"Good job," Kaan complimented me as he placed his hand on my cheek.

"I have a good teacher." I replied and he snickered, then leaned in for a kiss that sent my heart a buzz. It was soft and gentle but it still made butterflies go crazy in my stomach.

I feel like slowly everything is falling into place