

I looked at myself in the mirror. I can't believe I'm standing here in a wedding dress. My heart pounded as I continued to stare at myself, mainly because I never thought I'd ever make it to this part. I mean, it's sort of like my third life and I died single in the first two.

I took a deep breath as I stood in my shiny red wedding dress. My hair beautifully bound in a bun with the front locks curled and let loose. The red lipstick paired with my pale skin color looked very alluring but my succubus charm also paid a big role in that.

"You look beautiful." My heart jumped when I heard someone say that and shot my head around to see the person.

"Leroy!!" He smiled at me and I picked up the dress to run to him. It had been so long since I last saw him. We exchange letters frequently but I'm seeing him after ages!!

I went and hugged and he embraced me back tightly.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Never better," We kept our grips tightened, "I'm glad I got to this day."

"Me too sis," He slowly broke the hug and looked at me as he held my hands in his, "Me too."

My heart warmed as I kept looking at him but the thing that made me most happy was that we both had reached our own peaceful and happy places. He's quite happy where he is with his family and status and I'm peaceful where I stand.

"Am I interrupting?" Kaan's voice made us both flinch but when we turned to see him we ended up chuckling.

"No," Leroy said, "I was about to go the banquet hall anyway."

"Oh! You can stay here for a few more minutes." Kaan insisted

"I would love too but my wife would get anxious amidst so many demons." He said then looked at me, "I'll see you on stage."

I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead before he left the room leaving me and Kaan there alone.

Kaan stared at me quite boldly, "You look stunning." He walked over to me.

"Thank you," I couldn't stop grinning. Today was just too happy and good.

He came and stood right in front of me but didn't do or say anything for a few seconds.

"Kaan?" I poked his stomach, "Is something wrong?"

"Oh no," He said and rummaged through his clothes pocket to take something out, "There's something I wanted to give you for a long time."


I genuinely had no idea what it could be.

"This," He took out a silver hairpin with jades on it, "I wanted to give you this." My heart skipped a beat and a major wave of goosebumps went around my body as I looked at the hairpin. 

"Oh my God…"

It was that exact same hairpin that I liked when Kaan and I first went out on a 'date' back in maximilian… I didn't buy that because I was upset. I remember it very clearly… I wanted it because I found it really pretty but then again, I was a man back then and when I was reminded of that I left with a broken heart.

I lifted my face up to look at the demon lord, "Did you buy it then?" I had my mouth hanging open.

"I did," He chuckled as he closed my mouth by lifting his finger under my chin, "And I'm glad I got to give this to you, may it be now."

Kaan extended it towards me and I hesitantly moved my hand to grab it.

"It's beautiful…" I clasped it in my hands as I felt a strong wave of nostalgia take over but as it calmed down, I found my peace again, "Can you put it in my hair?" I extended it back to him as I smiled and he nodded.



It was for political reasons but Leonidas and his wife Sonomi came to attend the wedding too just like Kaan had attended theirs to encourage the peaceful relationships between the two kingdoms.

But, it was very nice to see him. We may not be related by blood but I did have history with him. It was nice meeting him and Leroy.

Even Enri who was their escort with a bunch of other knights but just like Kaan had told me. It did seem like Enri had changed a little. He had become a little quieter now and I heard that he's no longer the playboy he once used to be.

I walked up to him when the event was about to end. He was standing near the champagne stall and saw me coming but that didn't stop him from chugging down his drink.

"Hey," I said as I stood by his side.

"Hello," He placed his empty glass on the table, "Congratulations Your highness."

"Thank you," I looked at him, "How are you doing?"

"Fine, same as usual." His voice was still jolly like before though.

"You looked a little different."

"Well," He chuckled, "I am getting older."

I giggled back, "You look younger than your age."

"Well, physical fitness has always been my strong point." He made a slight joke and then there was silence between us for a few moments, "Are you happy?" He asked.

His question caught me by surprise and I looked at him with an astonished expression. I wasn't expecting him to ask me that but it did make me smile.

"Yes," I replied, "More than I've ever been."

"That's good." He nodded, "That's what matters." 


The rest of our talk was pretty idle. What people said about him did seem right. He didn't pass any naughty comments anymore and somehow he looked really mature now.

Not that it was anything bad but I noticed that it might have come from being the only single person in his circle. It's just a hunch though but considering his position people might be getting on his nerves by now. He's from a very prominent family afterall. True, he was getting older now but he wasn't old.

So I pray that he finds the love of his life and settles down as well because now we have peaceful times ahead of us instead of wars and battles.


The ceremony ended, most people went back by midnight while our guests from Maximillan stayed in the guest rooms especially prepared for them. Everyone had a lot to drink and I'm sure pretty much everyone passed out as soon as they hit their beds. 

Everyone but the newlyweds.

That was me and Kaan. 

It wasn't like we didn't drink, we did and quite a lot at that but neither one of us was the type to let the special event called, 'wedding night' just pass by us. We had a lot to do, perhaps even make another baby.

But well, in short, we had our wild wild night and I don't remember at which point of the night I passed out.

But the next morning, I woke up next to a strong sturdy chest, in the arms of the man I'm supposed to be with. In a warm room and next to someone I love a lot.

And for once I felt so calm and safe. Everything felt real and surreal at the same time and I realized that there was no more agony in my heart. No more stress, no more pain.

Just happiness and Love

The End