

The dealer's house was empty. 

If my words seem odd, then let me explain. Clearly someone is living here but the small house was mostly empty. There were only necessities there, that one needed in order to survive.

How strange. For someone who deals with pearls, they shouldn't be living this frugally.

Another odd thing in the house was the unusually big bathtub in the bathroom. Why would someone need such a big bathtub? And it wasn't wide but it was long. About five feet long and it barely fit in the place, leaving no room for other things. For a commoner she sure had a big bath but well, maybe it was just a preference.

I looked around the place some more to make sure I didn't miss anything important.

I knew I was at the right house though, I found some pearls in a clear jar on the kitchen table but there was no one in the house.

I went outside and asked the neighbor who was making his way towards his house about the woman who lives here.

"Ah, she often goes to the river." He looked in the direction of the forest.

"River?" That's deep in the forest though, "Why there?" 

"I don't know, she's a weird woman, never really went and asked her why." I knew he wasn't lying. People don't lie to me, the captain of the royal knights, who hovers over most people in height and strength.

"Weird? How?" Honestly, I was a little annoyed. I didn't want to come here and do this petty job but no matter how mad I am at that family. I can't seem to say no to my mother…

"Just," The middle aged man made a face, "She looks deranged most of the time." He shook his head, "Has a bad vibe, so no one really approached her."

"Alright," I nodded and gestured to the three knights I brought along to come with me and we began to make our way towards the forest. 


The river runs long through the forest, up and down and swirls around the place as well. So which part she went to, no one knew. But the best bet was going in a straight line from the house to the forest that led to the river.

But unfortunately, we didn't find her there.

"Split up," I told my team, "If you find her, take her to the house and keep her there. We'll all meet there in two hours."

"Yes sir!!"

While the other went deeper in, I decided to go to the path that led up towards the mountains. And as I kept walking I realized there was something I was hearing.

The sound of someone singing.

It made me halt in my path for a moment then without realizing I started walking towards the melody.

It was odd really. Who could be singing so deep in the forest and so beautifully at that? I don't know what it was, but for some reason, it was tugging at the string of my heart.

The voice was melodious but also a little muffled.

And I don't know why, I couldn't even make out the words, yet the song seemed so sad. 

Like …. The symphony was full of sorrow…

It felt like a cry for help.

The sound of the waterfall started increasing and I knew I was reaching my destination but then suddenly the singing stopped.


I stopped in my path and turned around to see if I could catch the voice again but I couldn't. It was like it just disappeared all of the sudden. Right at that moment, my guts told me to go faster and that's exactly what I did.

I jogged through the forest along the riverline but till the end I wasn't able to see anything.


The two hours are almost up. I should go back to the house at this point and look for something suspicious. I turned around to leave but something kept bothering me. The source of it was most likely that melody.

I've never heard it before and I've never heard anyone talk about it either.

So what could that be?



I'm quite sleepy…

Mother pulled me out of the river water in a hurry saying that someone was here. Damn it! How'd she know? It's not like she has superhuman powers, so how'd she find out?

It's most likely her paranoia acting up.

I was in the back of the handcart, the big black rag was draped over me and I couldn't see anything outside as mother dragged the cart back towards the house. Because of her anxiety, I didn't get to heal fully and the injuries still hurt.

If she doesn't take me back, the scar's gonna remain and it might damage my body.

"Mom…" I let out a weak cry, "Go back…"

"Honey no!" She sped up, "There's someone there." It's a miracle that she can hear me when I can barely hear myself.

My eyes were droopy and I wanted to fall asleep again. I wish I wasn't drugged. I want to run away again. Just one more chance, just one!

"Mom…" I tried to move but I could barely even keep my eyes open. It was better in the river, the moving water made me feel something. It gave me enough strength that I could sing freely.

"Shush!" She said, "I'll take you back again at night." 

"It hurts…" I tried to move my hand to grab the rag but I barely got it to move an inch and it dropped back lifelessly on the cart.

"Not a sound," She said, "Go to sleep." The cart was really unstable and the jerking around a lot, "I know you must be tired."

It's because you keep drugging me…

My eyelids became heavy again and the pain in my stomach began to subside when I saw more light come in through the rag. It meant we were out of the forest now.

"M-om…" I felt my mind go number and number as I felt like I could drop dead at any moment.

The road we were on got smoother so I guess we were closer to the house now.

Gosh… If only I had the strength to move my hand out of the cart, out of the rag. Someone would notice! But I can't even do that. I'm even losing strength in my voice.

"We're almost home." She said, "I'll change the bath water, you can sleep comfortably!" She said as she sped up even more which was a little odd.

Who was she running from?

"Hey!!" A sudden loud voice of a man altered my mind a little, "Stop right there!!" The cart came to a sudden stop and me along with the other things under the rag got a violent jerk.

"S-sir knight…" I heard mom say, "What might be the problem?"

A knight?

A knight is here?!!!

"You seemed like you were running away from me." I heard the knight come closer to us, "I might be wrong-" He had a heavy voice, "But you seem quite scared for some reason." He came and stood by the cart.

Oh please!!

Please throw the rag away to see the cart! Please!!

"Oh no! I was just in a hurry to get home." Mom said, "Why would I be running away? I don't even know you."

I opened my mouth, "Si-r," My voice was just a whisper. I have to speak louder, "Kni-"

"You see!" My mom spoke louder, "I have a daughter who I have to get back to!" She overpowered my voice which was far too feeble to begin with.

"Hmm~" He seemed suspicious, "What do you have in the cart?" He asked.

"Oh! Just some vegetables," She said, "I washed them at the river."

There was silence between them and I tried to speak again, "Pl-eas-"

"Show me," He demanded and my voice was overpowered once again but a ray of hope lit in my chest.

Yes!! Have the rag removed! Please.

"Yes," Mother complied and grabbed the rag and my heart trembled as she did.

Yes! Please! Please remove it!! Show him what you have in here!

But, she only removed the rag from the front part where the vegetables were. I was at the end.

"See," She said, "All clean."


No! No! NO! 

"I see…" His tone got softer

No!! Please!! 

I tried to move my arm and hand. 

It can't end like this!! 

Just a little! Just a little, so he can see! Just a tiny bit!!! I mustered up all my courage and all my strength in my corpse-like body to move my hand.

Please! Just move enough to make him look more! Just enough to make him suspicious! Please!

It worked. I was able to slid was arm outwards, "Help-"

"Do you need anything else sir knight!?" Right there she closed the rag and covered the whole cart again.


"No," He replied, "You may go."


No! Please! NO!! At least check the whole cart!!

Mother didn't say anything else, she grabbed the handles and began to drag us away.



This might have been my only chance!!
