The request


One clean sweep and the target's head was cut off. The wooden head of the doll target fell to the ground as I sheath my sword and took a deep breath.

It was the start of winter, so early in the mornings one could see the steam come out of mouths during deep exhales.

"Bravo!" Rose, a guard of mine came over, "You're aging and still so agile!" She teased me as she walked up to me.

I sighed when I looked at her, "There's still time before the morning assembly, why are you here?" I walked to the bench and picked the towel up to wipe myself.

"Um, well," She stepped closer as she looked around, "The duke has summoned you."

"The duke?" I brought the towel down from my neck, "Why? What does the duke need from me?"

"He's your older brother, no? He might just want to see you." She passed me an awkward grin.

I scoffed, "The duke asking for me just to see me?" I shook my head lightly, "Impossible." I threw the towel back at the bench, "Tell him I'm not coming." I began to walk towards the changing area.

"He said it's important." I stopped and looked back at her.

"I'm not going." I told her sternly and she hissed at me.

"Why are you getting mad at me!" She clicked her tongue but I ignored her and kept walking, "Your mother asked you to come."

I paused, "The duchess?"


I turned around to glare at her, "Why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because the duke asked too?" She shrugged, "I thought it would be the same thing since they're both your family."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. To outsiders I guess it may seem like the same thing.

"Fine," I exhaled, "I'll go." I began to walk away when she called me again.

"Say captain?"

I let out a groan, "What now?" I glanced back at her.

"Did you really reject the ladies that came to the banquet last week?"

"Why are you so curious about that?"

"Well, just because, it's unlike you…" She pouted her lips knowing full well the answer to that question yet feigned ignorance.

"I did," I looked away as I sighed.

"Why??!" She frowned, "You could have just gone to play like you usually do."

"Haven't I stopped doing that for a while now? What made you think I'd start again?"

"Well, maybe, I don't know, didn't you like playing around?" She spoke such disrespectful words with a worried expression plastered on her face and exactly because of that I couldn't even get angry at her.

"You just said I'm aging yourself. It's time I act my age." I began to walk away once more.

"I-" She stuttered, "I didn't really mean it, I was just joking! You're only thirty two! You're young!" She suddenly got angry, "Captain!!" She screamed my title to make me stop in my path once more.

"What?!" I was annoyed at this point.

"You didn't get over her, did you?" She looked at me pitifully, "That girl you liked two years ago." She stomped her away to me and stood by my side.

I closed my eyes and licked my lips softly, "That's not it."

"That is it!!" She pulled my arm towards her as I tried to leave again with both her hands, "You changed after that!"

"It's not that, I'm just getting old,"

"Thirty two isn't old! You turned thirty two a week ago!"

"I'm telling you, it's not that!"

"Then what else is it!!?" She started whining

"I'm just tired, I've had my fill!" I yanked my arm away from her, "It's got nothing to do with her… You all keep saying I'm getting old," I looked away, "It's true, I am getting older." I said sternly, "That's it." I began to walk away as the chill in the air decreased since the sun was coming up and this time I didn't stop.

"I'm sorry," I heard her apologize, "We all made fun of you then, saying you deserved it but none of us actually meant it..."

I didn't answer her.

I probably did deserve it. I wouldn't really call it a heartbreak. I wasn't in love with Sorin or anything but it wasn't like I didn't like her either. I grew quite fond of her and losing her all of the sudden made me go through something very foreign.

Seeing her as Elayne at Kaan's wedding was another shock. She had a child with him. I'm not envious or anything. Even happy for her, she deserved it.

But something changed in me that day. That last day I spent with her.

I had grown fond of Sorin and that morning when we were chatting in the training area. I was wondering if there could be a time if we could be something more but right there, she died. It left a scar, it was like the world itself answered my question for me.

That she wasn't for me, so I gave up before my feelings developed into something more. So what the people around me think isn't exactly right. 

Although after that incident, I couldn't go back to my old ways. I don't know what's really changed but perhaps, I just no longer want temporary and meaningless pleasure.


I knocked on the door of the family mansion.

"Young master," The butler came to open the door, "The duchess has been waiting." I nodded at him and went inside. I made a beeline for her room that was on the second floor and knocked again.

"Come in," She said and I entered the room.

"Duchess," I greeted her politely.

"Son!" She was happy to see me and stood up from her chair to come over to me, "How have you been?" She seemed overjoyed for some unknown reason.

Ah! Perhaps it was because she got to see me but her feelings were one sided.

"I don't have much time," I said sternly, "Tell me why you called me, I have other places to be." She stopped in her path, a few steps away from me, after hearing my words.

Right the next moment a sorrowful expression overcame her face, "Are you still angry?" Her voice was soft though.

"Duchess," I bound my hands behind me like a soldier, "I don't have much time, please understand."

She stared at me for a few seconds, looking as if she was going to cry, "You never come home."

"This is not my home." I gave her a quick and firm response.

"Enri," She wheezed, "Your father's dead…"

"Duchess," I stopped her firmly, "I have other places I need to be."

She looked down in defeat, "There's this woman," Her voice was broken, "She brings me the finest quality of pearls, different shades of them too but-" She paused.

"Go ahead,"

She looked at me, "I've heard that she never really leaves her house much. Some servants said that she was a very weird person too. So where she got those pearls from is unknown."

"So, you think she might be selling stolen goods to you?"

She nodded, "She might be involved in something bad, I just wish to be safe."

"Alright, I'll have someone investigate it." I sighed and turned to leave.

"No," She said, "I want you to do it."

Her words made me stop at the door and look back at her in confusion, then anger, "I'm at a far superior position to be handling such a petty task."

"Enri," She begged, "Please," She looked at me with hopeful eyes, "Please, you do it."

She was most likely pleading with me to do it, just so that she could see me again. Her intentions were as clear as day.

But then again, it was shameless of her to ask for me.