

Why am I on a bed? I had barely opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar soft place. But why did she put me on the bed and not in the water? I'm usually always in the water if there's an unhealed injury, of course it doesn't do much though unless it's the river or the ocean.

Ah! I got my answer after thinking about it a little.

Mother must have put me here in case the knight wanted to come in the house. Man, she's cunning. She's always so careful… Even if anyone came here, they would find nothing suspicious.

I felt utterly defeated once again. At this point only a miracle can save me. I looked at the ceiling. All because the timeline changed…

It seems no one else remembers what happened in the original timeline… Of course they wouldn't. The oracle was the one who cast the spell and the king pretending to be a guy was involved in it. I'm sure only those two remember but mother said they both died… 

Well fuck, this was probably their retribution for performing a taboo but then again they did save the lives of many people so maybe it wasn't simple death. Perhaps they got to go somewhere better.

But on that same note, where every other person is oblivious and living their life happily, on the other hand, not only do I know what happened, I was given such a beautiful second life and then thrown back to hell.

My only fault was being near them that day, that day in the first timeline when the kingdom was under attack and The Oracle and the king met in the forest. I'm sure they didn't notice me during their conversation. I fell in a bush, obviously I couldn't have been noticed. Not then at least but I'm sure the Oracle noticed when she suddenly had to take care of two souls instead of one.

But she was going to reset the world and the spell was in function so she didn't have any choice but to send me to the other world too but was it also necessary to bring me back? She could have just left me there. I didn't want to come to this shitty place anyway.


I hate it…

I'd give anything to just get out of here. Anything at all! I'd devote myself and worship anyone who helps me!

So please, I closed my eyes as I begged, please, I felt so powerless and weak, please someone!! Anyone!! Just take me away!!! 

I'd do anything! I just want to get out. I can't feel anything, not even my legs but I know since I'm dry, I have legs instead of a tail but I can't even move my toes.




Anyone… Anyone at all. Please, please, please just save me. Please get me out of here…


My eyes shot open at the sound of the window opening. I couldn't move my body but my eyes were free.

I saw a tall gorgeous person open the window and stealthily come in. He practically jumped in but his movements were so elegant and precise, he didn't make a sound.

My heart began to pound when I saw him. Light poured in from behind him and he looked stunning as he stood up straight in the room and looked at me with a smile. Then he softly brought his index finger up to his lips, "Shh," He gestured with a gentle look on his face, "I'm here to help." He whispered and then began to walk over.

Right at that moment, I felt a flame of hope ignite in my heart. It was as if my desperate prayers were answered. I was so stunned when I looked at him, my eyes were wide open.

When I saw him coming towards me like a knight in shining armor, I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to do it, I had no intention to, but as my heartbeat began to accelerate, tears automatically came out of my eyes. I couldn't really move and I could barely speak but the tears came running out.

I felt so relieved that my body sank in relaxation. My breathing got a little erratic but deep down I was happy.

Someone was finally here to help me!

"Hey~" He got flustered when he saw that, so he immediately came and crouched down next to the bed, "Don't cry," He whispered as he cupped my face gently, "I'm here to help," He was very gentle and sweet as he wiped my tears away from face, "I'll get you out of here." His voice seemed heavenly when he assured me that he was here to help, "So, don't cry," His entire existence felt so comforting at that moment even though I had never seen this man before, so much that it only made more tears pour out.

"Unn," I didn't know what to say or if I even had the energy to say anything but my expression churned in relief when he touched me. His hands were rough but they felt awfully nice on my skin.

"Hey…" He was a little confused at my non-stop crying but that didn't stop him from helping me, "It's okay," He comforted me, "I'll get you out of me." He then slid his hands under me to pick me up.

He was careful when he did that but even I didn't know I didn't have anything on under the blanket, just my undies and bra. It was when the blanket slipped off me that I learned of that shock 

"Uh-" I couldn't say anything and it was embarrassing. He saw everything when the blanket slipped off, even the injury from this morning.

"Oh God.." The only reaction he had was of pity and he wrapped the blanket around me like a mature adult, "It's okay," He kept telling me everything was fine as he wrapped the blanket around me, "I'll bring you somewhere safe." After wrapping the blanket around me like a dress he picked me up and smoothly took me out of the house from the window.

The cool winter air hit my face and I have to say it had been a long time since I had felt fresh air.

It felt nice…

I felt a little alive…

"Are you okay?" He asked but I barely had any energy to nod at him but I wanted to answer him.

I gulped as I prepared myself while he walked me away from the house, "Y-es," I replied feebly but he heard me.

A smile softly spread on his face after hearing my answer as he carried me in his arms, "That's good," He replied but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was definitely a lot older than me but he looked so divine.

Those red hair of his and that handsome face, these strong arms and a firm body, everything about him made him look so perfect… But most of all, he was my savior. He got me out of that hell hole.

My heart pounded all the while he carried me, to the point where we reached a carriage and I was put inside on the back seat.

He was very gentle with me as he put me down, after that he crouched down next to the seat and gave me a reassuring smile, "Don't be afraid, everything's going to be fine." He gently caressed my hair and I felt sort of infatuated.

"Yes…" I replied as I kept staring at him. I just couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"If you're tired, you can go to sleep again." He gently placed his hand over my eyes, "We'll meet again." His voice was so soft throughout our conversation, probably because he was dealing with a victim but really, it made me feel really warm.

And perhaps because I was still under the influence of drugs, I just fell asleep right then and there.