Feeling Alive


I don't know how long I've been asleep but after a long time I've felt so alive after waking up. I shot my eyes open, I could look around, I could move!!

My body wasn't in top notch condition but I was able to move everything. I still felt lethargic and all but just the fact that I was able to shift around was more than enough for me at the moment.

I felt so full of glee when I looked around and saw I wasn't in that house.

My heart leapt around in joy when I felt free to move.


Oh Yes!!

It wasn't a dream! I was really rescued!! 

The smile on my face was so wide my jaws began to hurt but it didn't matter. I was far too happy at the moment.

"You're up?" A nurse entered the room, "How are you feeling?"

"Good," I was able to reply to her nicely. My voice was groggy though, so I cleared my throat a few times and then tried to sit up.

Contrary to my expectations, it was a little hard.

"Careful," The nurse came over and helped me sit up, "Your body is still recovering." She helped me sit up.

"Where am I?" I asked

"This is the nursing room in the Palace." She checked the IV drip attached to my arm.

"What?" I didn't exactly process it at first, "The palace?" My eyes went wide, "I'm in the palace?!"

She smiled softly, "Yes,"

"Why??" It was something I never even imagined. Why would I be here? For what possible reason?

"I'm not aware why," She kept doing her thing, "But I heard that it was a special request to give you the best care available and that's in the palace."

"And the King agreed?" This kind of thing can't happen without the permission of the king.

"I don't know for sure, but I heard the request was made by the Oracle."

My smile vanished, almost immediately.

"The Oracle…?"

She nodded, "I'm not one hundred percent sure though, just some rumors." She stepped closer to me, "Do you have any relation with Her Eminence?"

I looked down at my legs, "No…None…"  Not a relation anyone would understand anyway.

"Oh well," She placed some things on the side table,  "The doctor said it would be good for you to walk around. Would you like to walk around the outer corridors? It's still early in the morning," She held out her hand to help me up, "So there won't be many people there."

I nodded slowly, "Alright…"


Winter mornings are the coldest part of the day. The fingertip and toe tips freeze immediately but even when it's chillingly cold, winter mornings have unparalleled beauty, especially when the sun is rising.

I slowly paced my way through the outer corridors, just like the nurse had said, I didn't come across anyone on this side of the palace. The chill in the air made me feel cold but I didn't mind it because it made me feel alive.

It had been so long since I felt the stinging air next to my skin. Ages since I felt myself and months since I could walk on my own accord. So all of this, everything, felt amazing.

As I kept walking I heard something, the sound of low grunting. 

What was it? My answer came to me as I kept walking and came across someone.

A man, a knight, training with his sword in the training ground at a distance from the corridor. He was wearing a tight black shirt that complimented his body nicely. The sweat he had prespired made his top stick to his beautifully toned body. His short cut hair were slicked back but because of the sweat he had built they had gotten a little messy yet when he moved, those locks moved with him making him quite a sight to look at. 

That man, who was alone in the huge ground, was in his training attire and those long brown boots and gray training trousers of his made him look extremely dashing.

It was that same knight who had saved me and just looking at him made me feel giddy. 

Someone might say I saw wrong, or how could I even recognize a person I saw when I was half dead? But the answer was simple. He was my savior. There was no way I could ever forget his handsome face or those pretty eyes of his or those red hair strands or those beautifully firm arms.

I gulped as my gaze was stuck to him.

I noticed his muscles more clearly now because he had a half sleeve shirt on. He was swinging his sword around when he made an elegant turn and his eyes landed on me.


My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh!" He stopped when he saw me, then as his body relaxed he passed me a warm smile and waved at me.

My heart skipped another beat when our eyes met and I shyly brought my hand up to wave back at him. 

So he's a knight…

He jogged over me and came till the end of the corridor, he stopped at the edge but didn't climb up. The corridor was two steps up from the ground but it didn't matter to him. His tall stature made him come eye to eye with me even when he was a few steps down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

"Better," I replied in a soft voice, "Thank you…"

A soft smile spread across my face, "No need, it's my duty as a knight to help people."

"So you're a knight…"

He passed me a toothy grin, "I'm the captain,"


The captain!!!!

Wow… He's an amazing person then… Wow… 

I honestly had no idea what more to say to him but I didn't want to bid goodbye and leave either.

"How'd you know?" I asked but didn't complete my sentence and looked at him shyly as I bit my lower lip.

"About you?" He folded his arms and his biceps flexed making me squeal internally, "To be completely honest, I didn't. I had no idea." He sighed as he looked up at the brightening sky. Steam came out of his mouth as he did while the sun sent bright soft rays to shine upon him, making him look holy "The Oracle knew," He looked back at me, "I don't know how but if you want to know, she'll come over in a few days." He patted my head, making me feel warm and fuzzy, "You can ask her then."

"I see…" I looked down shyly, then stole a glance at him.

"Do you want to ask something else?" He caught on fast.

I nodded slowly, "My mom…"

"Ah…" He hesitated, "Um, I'm sure she's panicking now since you're gone. We didn't do anything about her." He sighed, "Why? Do you want to meet her?"

"No!" I replied rather rashly, "I don't!"

He was taken aback by my sudden change in voice and tone but he didn't act rashly in return, "Hey…" Instead he held my hands, "It's alright." He was very mature about it, "You're safe now."

He's probably used to being like this. He's a knight so must have helped a lot of people in his life so he knows how to handle things. Yet still, he's making me feel like I'm a little baby.

"You're treating me like a little kid…." I looked down as I said that softly.

He chuckled, "Well, how old are you?"

How old am I? I should be an adult this year… 

"Nineteen…" I answered him after careful thinking.

"Then to me, you're still a kid." My cheeks were a little red, probably because of the morning cold, "So it's fine if you feel scared." Talking to him felt really good for some reason, "If you ever need me again. You'll most likely find me here," He glanced back, "On the training grounds."

I don't know what it was but he just felt really reliable.

He turned back and passed me another reassuring smile, "My name's Enri, if you can't find me, ask for me." He grinned, "Okay?"

I don't know why but I was mesmerized by him, "Okay…" I nodded slowly.

"Good," He stepped back and his hands slipped out of mine and just then I felt a little disappointment, "Ah!" He remembered something, "I didn't ask for your name."

"Oh…" I licked my lips as I curled my fingers into a fist, "It's Mavis…" Maybe I wanted to hold onto him a little more…

"Well, Mavis," He took another step back, "See you around." He then turned to leave but I kept staring at him. He just looked so divine and handsome.

I just couldn't take my eyes off of him…