Lullaby of woe


I wasn't expecting to hear it again. 

I didn't think I would, yet I still came to the river in the forest after all my work was done. It was the middle of the night. People were in deep sleep in their beds but I was in the middle of the forest searching for the voice I had heard only once before

The night was dark and I had no idea if I would get what I came here for but something inside me told me to go anyway.

I wandered around the forest, making my way towards the river when I heard it.

A beautiful song yet a voice full of sorrow.

My heart leaped in joy when I heard the same sound and I relaxed a little now that I had gotten what I came for. Yet still, the strings to my heart were tugged at when I listened.

There were lyrics I couldn't understand, but the melody was beautiful, mesmerizing even. I don't know what magic they held in them but it was drawing me in. Just like before I began to walk towards the voice subconsciously.

This part of the forest was extra dark. The trees here were thick and their branches covered the view of the sky. This is why even when I reached the river I couldn't see anything. No light made its way down here and this specific part of the flowing river was pitch black yet also the place where the melody was coming from.

The singing continued, it was definitely coming from here because now it was loud and clear but I couldn't see the person at all.

Who could it be?

Would it be rude to intrude? I wonder if they'll leave if I interrupt or let my presence known.

I didn't want that so I quietly stepped back into the forest and took a seat on the ground as I continued to listen.

Whoever the voice belonged to seemed to be in a lot of pain…

Why do I think that? I don't know, it's just… That person's voice is full of woe.

I leaned against the tree and shortly after that I started getting sleepy. It was most like the effect of the song, it had a calming effect to it that made me fall asleep in no time.


Another cold morning where I wasn't ready to meet people yet even though I had recovered a lot. I can now freely move around but I haven't really gone anywhere where there are a lot of people.

I went to the river though. The fastest way for me to recover was to go there but I chose to go after midnight. When every person was asleep and even my mother wouldn't be there, I laid myself in the water, my legs transforming into a shiny red-orange tail that I moved slowly to keep myself in place in the flowing river.

The water made me feel really good even though it was cold.  The place was dark enough that it was difficult to see another person, although sirens have better vision than humans, this place barely had any light so unless a person had come really close even I couldn't see them.

But, I doubt anyone would come to this place, especially at this part of the night. So I relaxed in the water, ready to heal myself.

Then, I sang.

For a Siren, a song comes out of their hearts, so mostly it's what they are feeling at the time. So, for me, I was distressed, I was finally able to get out of my miserable life but I don't know what I can do for myself here and the saddest part is, I don't know any other siren I could go to help for.

The feelings of distress seeped into my singing and my longing for better days increased.

I wish there was someone who'd help me out. 


Coming to see Enri early in the morning sort of became a routine for me. It was surprising how he was always here, training and reducing his flaws every single day.

But well, I guess that's what makes him the captain… Although I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I can't stop myself from coming to see him every morning. There are times he doesn't even notice me, especially when his knights come in early and I have to leave because I'm still shy. 

They all seem so fit and proper while I, on the other hand, am so thin…

I sighed as I made my way towards the training grounds through the outer corridor, ready to see my savior's face once again when something unexpected happened.

I stopped to look at the ground where there was no one.

It was the first time this had happened and I was quite surprised not to see Enri there. I looked around to see if he was anywhere in the corners or perhaps making his way towards the ground but the entire place was empty.

My shoulders drooped in disappointment as I sighed. Not being able to see him brought me unexpected disappointment.

Where could he be? Did he sleep in or something?

For the first time in days, I decided to go down to the training ground and I had absolutely no reason to back it up. I just went in because no one was there but once I reached the training targets I was reminded of something sweet but dreadful.

My mother.

She was a knight once and she had even taught me the basics of sword fighting and combat.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered that it was probably because she was a knight once she knew how to keep someone hostage as well.

I looked around the place to see if I could find something to use. Of course, I didn't find a sword just lying around but I did find a wooden one in the shed nearby. I picked it up and then came back to stand in front of the straw targets. Then, I raised the wooden sword at it.

I remember the basics mom had taught me but the day dad died mom's switch flipped and she started keeping me inside the house. We moved cities quite a few times before settling here.

"Your form's not bad," The voice of a man made me flinch violently and I dropped the sword to the ground as I turned to look at the person who appeared out of nowhere.

"E-enri?!" He looked as dashing as ever. His tall masculine body in tight-fitting clothes made its way toward me.

He had a haughty smile on as he walked over, "Good morning Mavis." He came over and picked the wooden sword up from the ground.

"Morning…" My gaze followed him as he picked the wood stick and examined it.

"What brings you to the training grounds?" He looked at me.

"Nothing special…" I collapsed my hands together as I looked away because I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I only came because I wanted to see his face.

"Hmm~" He smirked, "Have you ever trained before?" He extended the wooden sword towards me.

"Years back…" I took the thing from him.

"Hmm~," He thought about something, "No wonder your form wasn't bad." He leaned in closer to me making my heart jump, "Say,"

"Y-yes?" I looked back at him shyly.

"Would you like to learn more?"


"Yes?" My eyes widened as I looked at him, "You'll teach me?"

He straightened up, "Sure," He folded his arms, "If you're up for it," He grinned, "Why not?"

Something's wrong with me.

Why is my heart pounding so violently at something so simple?