

A silhouette came into view as I desperately tried to dry myself but I wasn't fast enough and soon the person came into plain view. The person I was dreading to see.

The one I just want to run away from.


When I saw her I flinched and froze.


She had her eyes wide open as she approached me full of anger, "How did you manage to run away?" She was furious and there was no way for me to run with my tail still out, "How!?!"

Running won't be an option anyway now and I know she'll drag me back to the house if she catches me. Considering how she keeps losing her sanity gradually, she might just cut my limbs off this time.

A shudder went down my spine.

I can't have that!!

She launched herself towards me but I had no intention of getting caught. So instead of getting my legs back, I rolled backward without care of injury and drowned myself back in the river.

I knew mother wouldn't just give up. She ran after me just like I had expected and jumped in the water. I wasted no time diving under and going against the flow of the river.

Mother began to swim after me but this wasn't even a race. What was she against a siren?

It was like a supercar competing against a carriage. There was no possible way for her to catch me in the water. I used all my strength to go against the current and this time I kept going and going. I didn't stop till I was quite far away.

Then finally I jumped out of the water and frantically looked around to grab something I could dry myself with.

This was a horrifying experience.

I knew I would come to face it someday the moment I started coming to the river but still the real thing is always more horrific.

I'm never coming to the river again. Not after this.



I have no idea where she went. For all I know, by this time she could have gone back to the servant quarters. I don't know why I'm still looking for the young girl but I'm worried.

Poor girl has already gone through enough and I hope her mother hadn't caught her again.

I let out a devastating sigh and decided to make my way out of the forest.

I know I'm just worrying but I don't really have an excuse to give to her if I found her in the forest. Why am I looking for her in the forest?

I thought about it as I walked back.

I should come up with something to say as I go. I haven't seen Heather again, where could she have gone?

Knowing her mental state, I know she didn't go back home. She must have clearly heard the singing so she knows Mavis was here. I'm sure she's still searching for her but I hope she doesn't find her.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I'm becoming. I genuinely hope nothing bad happens.

It was a long walk out now since I had made my way quite deep into the forest along the river to search for Mavis. I went against the flow of current but now I feel like I should have gone with it.

I shook my head in disappointment at myself and kept walking towards the exit when I heard some rustling. I paused immediately in my stance and waited for action. The rustling didn't stop and I took my battle stance just in case.

The sound of someone running towards me kept getting louder and from behind the bushes, something dark began to come into view.

I sure as hell hope this is Heather or a random bandit.

I kept my eyes on the figure and soon it became more clear. The moment I figured out who it was running in my direction I relaxed. I let the other person who still probably hadn't recognized me standing in the way come to me.

Mavis jumped through the bushes, constantly looking back when she came and crashed into my chest.

"Ohhff!" It was amusing how she didn't see a big person like me right in front of her and exactly because of that, when she recoiled back after the crash, her soul almost left her body. She fell backward on her butt but immediately shot her head to look at me.

When she saw my face, her entire body relaxed and she let out a breath of relief. The color that had faded from her face came back and she immediately stood up, "Captain!" She ran towards me and jumped in for a hug, "Oh! Thank God!!" She wrapped her whole body around me and it made me chuckle. Her hair and clothes were still wet but not to the point where they were drenching me as well.

Mavis didn't say anything, she just clung to me like a little child.

She wasn't concerned about the fact that I was here past midnight, she didn't even ask. I wonder if it even crossed her mind? But then again, there are times knights sometimes patrol the forest so we can leave it at that.

She snuggled against me but her body was trembling. It was cold since winter was here but my guess is that her body was shaking because she was afraid. 

It made me support her even more. I wrapped my arms under her to keep her with me and comforted her, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, "Yes,"

Really though, I patted her back, I'm just glad she's okay.


Snuggling against Enri felt really good. I felt so safe right next to him. His shoulders, his arms, and his chest, everything was broad and provided a sense of power and safety. The moment I saw him and jumped into his embrace, I knew I was safe.

I knew nothing could hurt me anymore now that he was here. I don't know what kind of magic he held but that's just how comforting he was to me.

"What were you doing here?" His question made me freeze.

Of course, he was going to ask! He found me in the middle of the forest, and I'm still wet on top of that!

"I-," I gulped and kept my face buried in his neck, "Just wanted to take a stroll." I cleared my throat, "And slipped in the water."


The silence made my heart pound. I hope he doesn't ask me too much!!

"I saw your mother here." He didn't pursue the topic further.  He adjusted me in his embrace and then began to walk towards the exit, "I can't believe you came here to take a stroll."

"Sorry…" I knew far too well how dangerous it was but I couldn't tell Enri that I came here to heal myself. I don't ever want him to find out I'm not a human. I don't want to see our relationship turn bad.

"Did you perhaps see your mother?" He asked.

I tightened my grip around him, "Yes…" If I could, I don't want to part from him, especially not now when my heart's trembling.

"So you were running away from her?" He talked very softly and it made my heart warm.


He sighed, "Well it's a good thing you found me"

Yes! Me too… I'm glad I found you!

A few words from him and I started feeling better all of the sudden.

"I'm never coming back here…" I rubbed my cheek on his neck to comfort myself, "Never again."

"I see…" I started seeing the sky better. So it meant that we were almost out of the forest now.

"Mavis," He patted my back gently, "I think it's time to get a restraining order against your mother."

"What?" I pushed against his chest and looked at him, "We can do that?" I almost fell because I pushed too hard but he managed to adjust me.

"Yes, we have the report from a royal court doctor." He put me down on the ground even though I wanted to protest and stay with him, I couldn't really say that though since it was embarrassing. 

The first act was done in fear and I know he thought of it like that too. I blushed a little, it was really nice though, being so near him but I can't jump on him again…

He's going to find it odd…


I held Mavis's hand since her body was still trembling and we got out of the forest, "Then why didn't we do that from the start?"  She asked out of the blue and I felt alarmed.

"Ah well," I can't say that I had to investigate her mother before I took action, "It actually didn't cross my mind, I'm sorry." I patted her head, "There were a bunch of things I was busy with."

She looked down and then slowly nodded, "Okay. I understand."

I let out a breath of relief discreetly. It's a good thing she's a nice kid.