

I can't do it!!

The idea Rose and Nana gave is too straightforward! I can't bring myself to do it!!

I'm standing on the training ground with my eyes on Enri but I'm so embarrassed right now I can't look at him straight.

Each time he turns his head and looks at me I shy away and look the other way and my hands start shaking.

I'm being so obvious I feel like every knight here must have noticed I like him!

It's all Rose and Nana's fault. They came up with such a ridiculous idea!

"It's the only way he'll notice you." Rose said, "Otherwise you're only going to be a junior he looked after."

"This is the best option." Nana gave me a fighting pose.

But they told me to confess my feelings to him!!

Why is that the best option?!?

"He'll look at you differently once you confess." Nana gave me a serious lecture.

I closed my eyes as I gripped the wooden sword in my hands tightly.

It's impossible!

I don't have the courage to do it when I know he'll reject me!! Everyone knows he has no interest in me!

"Mavis?" The voice was right next to my ear and it made me jump pretty violently.

I stuttered on my words as I tried to compose myself and looked at Enri, "C-c-captain!" I gulped and mentally cursed myself.

"Are you alright?" He looked concerned, "Your face is flushed." He raised his hand and put it on my forehead. I froze and forgot to breathe as I stood there still and stiff like a stick.

My pupils were shaking and my already confused heart began to pound but it only did me bad. It increased the temperature of my body.

"This isn't good." He retreated his hand, "You feel a little hot." He stepped back, "I'll ask someone to take you to the infirmary." He looked at Rose, "Ro-" Before he could shout out to her I grabbed his arm.

"I'm fine!" I said and he looked back at me.

"With your face this red?" He clearly wasn't having it.

"I'm not sick!" I looked at him and he looked back down at me in confusion, "So then?" I stopped him because if he called anyone, especially the girls they'll all laugh at me. They know I'm not sick and just love-struck.

It would be so embarrassing to go to the infirmary because of this!!!

I cleared my throat, "It's because it's winter. It happens." I looked down as I pursed my lips, "Please don't disturb anyone. I'm really fine."

He sighed, took my hands off of his arm, "I think you need rest."

"No!" I looked at him, "Don't call anyone!"

"I'm not." He slipped his hand into mine and I exploded for a moment, "I'll take you myself since you're my responsibility." And then I died.

Oh! My! God!!

I'm his responsibility!!!?? How can he say that so casually!! Of course he can say it! He doesn't know what his words do to me!! He's unconcerned!!!

We began to walk out of the area and I felt my world spin. Shit! I feel dizzy! Maybe this is even worse! I should have told him I was going to leave on my own! I should have left on my own!!

It was so cold yet my hand that was holding his felt so hot it started to sweat a little.

Someone needs to save me!! I can't do this!! I might really die because of a heart attack!

I looked back at the knights because I wanted to ask someone for help with gestures but the moment I turned my head around I saw all of them looking back at me with wide grins.

It made my mind go blank for a moment and my jaw dropped agape.

Every single one of them, males and females alike, was cheering me on with gestures!


I was right! They all caught on!!

Kill me!!


"She's healthy." The doctor made a diagnosis, "There's nothing wrong with her." I sat there with my lips sealed in a straight line.

"What?" Enri was confused, "But she doesn't look alright." He turned to look at me and I flinched, "She isn't coming down with a cold?" He came near me and placed his hand on my cheek.

My skin instantly flared up because of his touch and I felt like a little kid.

"Look," He asked the doctor, "Her cheeks are flushed."

The doctor stared at me as I held my breath again.


This is all Rose and Nana's fault!!! I was okay till the point I realized my feelings but suddenly they forced a confession on me!! Now whenever Enri is near all I think about is the confession and get so confused and flustered I give myself away!

The doctor tried to suppress a smile. The nurse behind him did the same thing and I felt so humiliated and embarrassed I wanted to draw out the sword on Enri's belt and kill myself on the spot.

"Yes," The doctor cleared his throat as he did his best to keep his grin under control but it wasn't an easy task, "I'll look more into it." He looked at Enri, "You can leave, I know you're busy." At least he was smart and knew what call to make.

"Ah," The captain nodded, "Alright." He looked at me, "Take the next two days off, okay?" I nodded at him because I couldn't speak at the moment. I felt like I might start crying if I did because of how humiliated I felt.

Enri left the room and I let out a loud breath of relief. But at my reaction the doctor and the nurse started chuckling.

I felt so embarrassed I took the locks of my hair and brought it around my face to hide my cheeks. Death is better than this!

"Sorry," The doctor said, "I'm so sorry." He couldn't stop himself, "We're not laughing at you." The nurse held her stomach as she tried to stop herself, "It's just Enri is so clueless." He put his hands over his mouth and kept laughing, "We can't help it!"

"Oh! Mavis!" The nurse came over and put her hands on my shoulders, "You're the most obvious person in love I've ever seen."

"And yet he has no idea." They kept laughing. It was like they had seen the comedy show of the year.

My cheeks flushed brighter and I felt completely exposed.

I stood up and ran out of the room.

I'm going to kill myself!!!