

I had plenty of time to think for myself while I spent the two days in my room and I came to some clear answers.

"I'm here sir," I made my way to Enri's office, since he's the captain of the royal guards he also has paperwork to do and has a royal office in the palace.

"Oh, yea!" He had a bunch of documents in his arms, "Just a minute." He signed some papers but got distressed. He looked a little busy and as I stood there staring at him I started getting a little nervous.

I had realized something.

Nana and Rose were right. The whole world had noticed my feelings for him but he didn't. He was oblivious to it like a little newborn baby is of danger. Perhaps, the only way to let him know is to tell him. Although that task itself is terrifying I get a feeling I won't get anywhere without it.

Rose and Nana kept insisting that it was the only way and they obviously have known him for years so they know him the best. All the other knights found out too but none of them advised me otherwise.

I took a deep breath as Enri finished reading the papers and put them aside.

What's the worst that can happen? Rejection? I already know that's gonna happen. I'll confess and he'll say sorry or no or that he doesn't see me like that. I bit my lower lip. It'll be fine. At least he'll be more aware of me then.

He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back, "Yes?"

"It's regarding your mother." He took a single piece of a document and slid it on the desk towards me, "I did submit the report of your mother." He seemed a little distressed, "But," He tapped on the paper.

I stepped ahead and took the paper to read, "Is something wrong?" I asked as I looked at the arrest order for her.

"We can't find her." He said and I raised my head up from the paper in shock

My eyes went wide, "What?" That news actually scared me, "You can't find her?"

"She left the house you were living in." He licked his lips, "I think she caught on." He sighed, "She's sharp."

I looked down in distress, "I see," I nodded as I thought about it, "She used to be a knight, so she's strong too." I forced a smile, "Of course, she must have caught on."

He stood up from his seat, "Let's head to the training ground." He began to walk ahead and I nodded.

I didn't say anything and quietly walked a few steps behind him as I kept thinking about my mother. I wondered if she ran away or if she was thinking of a scheme. Knowing her, she won't just leave me alone. My mind was getting full and I didn't even realize how much we had walked.

"Mavis," Enri called my name and I looked at him. He slowed down a little and we came to walk side by side as the training area came into view, "Don't worry," He patted my head as came near the entrance, "I'm right here." It was as if he knew what was going on in my head and just a single line from him felt so comforting that my thoughts that were getting plagued by my mother started disappearing.

I pursed my lips as I felt warm and bubbly inside because of his words and actions, "I'll protect you." My heart felt full when he said those words and I knew I had to pour my feelings out for him.

And as he pulled his hand away I stopped walking. I raised my head to look at him and he made his way to the entrance.

I took a deep breath and steeled my heart, "Captain?" I called him and he stopped, realizing I was a few steps behind him he looked back at me.

"Mavis?" When he looked back at me and I found him so dazzling, "What is it?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Yea," He nodded, "Go ahead." and I looked around the place. All the knights were now present in the area so this wasn't a good place to confess.

"Can we go somewhere else?"

"..." He knitted his eyebrows, "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No," I gulped, "I just want to say something to you," I licked my lips, "Alone."

He glanced at his knights who were busy working out, then walked towards me, "Okay," My heart skipped a beat, "Let's go."

This is it!!

My heart started pounding.

This is it!!!


It was indeed a quiet place, near the stables, there were a lot of trees and greenery but no sign of anyone. Just me and Enri who stood there facing each other.

"What did you want to say?" He asked but it was hard for me to put it into words. I felt my breathing get ragged and the heat started leaving my ears.

"Captain," My cheeks got red and I couldn't meet his eyes, so I just closed them as I mustered my courage, "I really like you." 

"Hm?" I knew he didn't get it. The past few days were enough for me to understand that I need to be more clear.

I took a deep breath.

"I mean," I finally raised my head to look into his eyes, "I have romantic feelings for you." This had to be done, I could no longer keep these emotions inside me and only stare at him every day from afar, "I like you," My body trembled, "I really really like you."

His eyes went wide, "Wait-" He pointed at himself, "What?" He blinked several times in confusion, "Me? You like me?"

I nodded my head as I timidly waited for his answer but he seemed flustered.

"Mavis," He shook his head,  "I could be your father!"

I was stunned. Bewildered, astonished, baffled even.

What did he just say?

It left me perplexed and disoriented.

Never in a million years did I think he would reject me like this!

I felt so strange I couldn't define it in words.


He could be my father???! You'd have to get someone pregnant as a kid to be my father!!!

This was the kind of rejection that left me so stunned I couldn't think about anything at all till the time he spoke again.

"Listen," He said, "My nephew is the same age as you, would you like to meet him?"

"Meet your nephew???" My eyebrows twitched and I looked at him with a frown, "Why?" 

Just why would he bring someone else in when I just confessed my feeling for him? This was hurting my already damaged heart. 

"He's a good marriage partner." He was so oblivious to it, "Why not give him a chance?" To what he was doing to my emotions.

"..." I felt a violent stab in my heart, "You want me to meet someone else for marriage?" My feelings began to shatter. It was like I was being clawed at.

"Yeah, he's closer to your age." As he talked, it felt like he held no empathy for me, "And he's the eldest son so he'll inherit the title of a duke too." 

Take a glass and throw it on a concrete floor. The shards that shatter everywhere be an example of how broken I felt.

"..." I felt so hurt I couldn't stop the tear that formed in my eyes. They poured out like a stream and kept going. I felt so pathetic and bad I couldn't stop myself from displaying my deepest emotions.

"Ah-" When he saw that he froze but I couldn't look at him anymore.

So I just ran away.