My feelings


Just as Mavis was out of sight, my knight came into view.

I looked at them in bewilderment as they all slowly emerged from their hiding spots but it was something I expected from them too. They all were hiding behind different things during the confession and did a fantastic job at that but then again, I was the one who trained so I don't expect anything less.

I let out an exasperated sigh as they all began to surround me with disappointed looks.

"Oh, My God!" Nana looked disappointed, "You're such an asshole."

"Captain," Ains spoke, "You're too blinded."

"By your age," Rose completed his words.

"Why? What did I do?" I looked at them in defeat, "Did I say something wrong?" I most likely did. I was well aware but I had to put a point in too.

"I feel bad for her." Yeol sighed and looked toward the sky sadly, "Really bad." 

Are they all here to emotionally blackmail me?

"I never had the intention of keeping her here for long. She should be with her family." I said, "Not me." I looked them all straight in the eyes.

"And why can't you be her family?" Reom said and the others agreed.

After listening to that I ended up yelling, "I'm too old for her!!" I tried to make a point, "Look at our age difference!"

"Fuck the age difference!" They yelled back at me.

"Absolutely not!" I replied, "She's a kid."

"She's an adult!" Lilia said, "Girls her age have kids!"

"Well, that shouldn't be the norm!"

"Sure!" Lilia yelled, "But if someone wants it you shouldn't shame her for it!"

I shook my head, "I disagree." I didn't think about it at all.

They all grabbed their heads, "Ahh!" And they were all going to go bald with the way they were pulling their hair, "It happens every once in a while. The age difference is nothing in noble marriages." They all seemed like they were mad, "No one gives a shit, your the son of a duke!"

"I didn't even inherit any title." I said, "I can't. I'm the youngest!"

"The king will eventually give you one! Considering how much he likes you he's definitely going to make you a duke!" Rose yelled at me as she raised her hands to make a point.

"Well, that hasn't happened yet!" I said

"Well, it will!" They said, "But you chose your words badly! You hurt the poor girl."

  "She could like someone else too." I said, "Does it have to be me?"

"Feelings aren't a game! You don't choose who you fall for!" It's astounding how every single one of them is on her side when I'm their commanding officer.

"Why me! Why does it have to be me?" It was making me mad.

"Because her feelings are for you!" They all seemed frustrated, "Love is love!! Age is just a number!"

"Yea! Fine! Okay!" I agreed, "But you can't force them on me."

"No one's forcing it on you captain!" Nana pointed her finger at me, "You are the one being too inconsiderate of Mavis."

"And yourself!!!" Rose added, "You've stopped giving anyone a chance!"

"And why do I have to do that?"

"Because you deserve happiness too!!" All of my knights agreed while my eyes went wide in surprise.

It was a point where I was left speechless. There was something inside of me that felt odd. I felt strange.

Maybe I felt a little ashamed too, or perhaps I felt a little bit of anguish.

But whatever it was, 

I had no idea my soldiers knew me so well…


I was in my room sitting by the window with a lot going on in my head. I knew I had made a grave mistake. I could have handled everything more maturely.

I shook my head at myself. I made a claim about being a lot older than her and then acted like a teenager!

"OH God…" I sighed and looked at the dark cloudy sky, "Fuck…" I buried my face in the palms of my face, "I know I said that because I'm afraid…" But I chose my words very badly. I shouldn't have thought before I spoke but I panicked!

I wasn't expecting a confession! It didn't even cross my mind once that she'd be feeling something like that for me! All this time I thought it was admiration!

I let out an exasperated sigh, "I'll apologize to her. I know I rejected her but the apology isn't for that, it's for what I said and how I disregarded her feelings.

I bowed my head further down

What the fuck went through my head when I brought my nephew in?

Because of my parents?

Shit! My head hurts! I feel like such an asshole! 

I sighed.

I know I'm feeling worse because Mavis is a sweet person.

I clicked my tongue,

This is why I always had a fling with wild ones. I didn't have to deal with the aftermath.


I sat up straight.

What's that?

I heard a melody and immediately opened the window to listen.

The voice became clearer and I heard singing.

Oh shit!!!

It was definitely Mavis's voice and she was singing somewhere near. Not in the quarters but someone in the palace.

Shit! Oh! Shit!!!

I ran out of my room to follow the pained melody because I had a bad feeling about this.

In the corridor a few people were making their way towards the voice and I panicked.

I have to move faster.

So I ran towards the melody but somewhere in between, I realized something.

The voice of the singer… it seemed heartbroken…

The moment I realized that I slowed down


This is my fault, isn't it?

I cursed at myself and continued to jog towards the destination. As I got closer, suddenly the singing stopped.


As soon as the melody vanished I panicked.

Shit! Shit! Shit!!

I was near the Palace Lake so I ran towards it but came to a halt when I saw the scene there.

The lake was calm and quiet as it usually is, there was no sign of Mavis there but there were a number of people around the lake.

All of them were unconscious.