

I couldn't control my feelings. I was heartbroken after all and for some reason, just crying wasn't helping. All I did, in the end, was manage to get myself free pearls that I stored in the drawer in my room. My roommate had told me she'd be sleeping with a friend so I had the room to myself.

I had to somehow make myself feel better.

And is there a better place than water and singing for a siren?

And so before I knew it, I was at the palace lake. The sky was dark and cloudy so a normal person could barely see anything.

I jumped in the water without a second thought and swam to the hill in the middle that was barely out of the water.

As I sat there I let my feelings get the better of me and sang.

It was a sorrowful melody, full of broken pieces, shattered emotions, and trampled feelings.

It was a sad first love story. The only thing that made it worse was the fact that I knew I had it coming but it didn't make it any better.


I sang and I sang and I sang my heart out as tears kept flowing down my cheeks but the sound of water plopping was overpowered by my singing. I really didn't care about any gems or anything at all at the moment.

I just wanted to get rid of the pain in my heart.

Then, all of the sudden, I heard people around me, they were approaching the lake but it didn't matter.

I just kept signing till I myself got sleepy



People talked

All those who were there at the lake that night claimed to have seen a mermaid. 

They were excited, unlike demons, mermaids and sirens are treated better. And rumors spread like wildfire but the one in the center of it all seemed rather unconcerned. But then, I wondered, how did she put so many people to sleep like that? Then again, there were times I fell asleep listening to her too.

Is that a power possessed by her kind?

I saw her in the training ground for a few minutes and she seemed rather stoic like she didn't care about anything at all.

Isn't she worried? What if someone saw her? What if the rumor reaches her mother? What if someone tried to kill her because she's not human or someone tries to use her as her mother did?

Wait… Did she cry at the lake? Doesn't that mean there are a lot of pearls there? Is it common knowledge that sirens produce gems? I actually never knew about it so there's a chance others don't either.

But well, good thing she went to the lake then. They must have fallen in the water. No one will find out.

I let out a sigh of relief. That's one less thing to worry about.

I readied myself in the evening to go to her room and apologize. I had given it a lot of thought and knew that this was the only solution to make things better.

I was ready to knock on the door when someone grabbed my wrist, I was about to look at who it was when another person grabbed my other hand.


I looked at the other person.


Then I looked at the first person.


Then there was a third entry where someone grabbed my ear and there was only one person who could do that.


Because Lilia was my older cousin.

"Are you here to apologize?" Rose asked.

"Yes," I replied a little sarcastically, "So why don't you let me go?"

"I don't see any apology roses though," Nana who held my other hand glared at me.

"Why do I need roses for?" I looked at her in confusion, "I have my tongue. That's what I need!"

"I knew it," Lilia gripped my ear tightly and began to pull me along, "We're getting flowers." If I didn't move with her she'd probably rip my ear out, "Come along now.'

Da fuq!?

As if I have a choice with the way you're pulling me along?!!


I presented the bouquet of yellow roses to Mavis, "I'm sorry," I kneeled down on one knee, "My words were too harsh." I bowed my head, "That was very inconsiderate of me. Please forgive me."

"..." She was stunned at my actions but very honestly I was bewildered myself. In my whole life, I had never gotten anyone flowers.

I know I'm a douche but that was the intention all along since I didn't want anyone to get any ideas. I wanted things with no strings attached.

So me, presenting these flowers as an apology was making me feel weird too.

"You got me flowers?" Mavis tried to look at my face but I was busy hiding behind the bouquet.

Good thing there isn't anyone else in her room. I feel like I might just explode with embarrassment.

"Yes, as an apology," I said, "So please don't be mad at me anymore." My face was a little flushed so I kept it hidden, "I know I could have said it better but I got so confused I don't even know what came out of my mouth." I licked my lips, "I didn't mean it." Even my heart was acting up.

"But," Her voice was sad, "You're still rejecting me?"

"..." I took a deep internal breath, "I can't accept your feelings."

"I see,"

"You will accept the bouquet and apology, right?" 

"..." I didn't get an answer and waiting for a reply made me anxious.

Okay! I'll just say it then.

"I've never gotten anyone else flowers before." I peeked at her from behind the bouquet and saw her perk up, "You're the first one."

A soft smile spread on her face and it made me feel a little better too, "If you'll treat me nicely like before," She said, "Then I'll do it." She took the flowers from me shyly.

"Really?" I stood up, "You forgive me?"

"Yes," She nodded, "But I'm not giving up on my feelings."

I was surprised, "You're not…?" I was confused and let my gaze wander as I tried to make sense of it, "Why not?" I looked back at her perplexed.

"Because they're my feelings and I want to keep them." She held the bouquet close to her and smelled the flowers.

"The age difference doesn't bother you?" I asked the question out of pure curiosity. "It's a bad choice for you because I'm older."

All of a sudden her smile turned into a frown and then she started giggling, "Is that what you think?" She laughed, "Captain you're so silly."

"I don't think I said anything funny." I was genuinely confused.

"Oh! You did!" She cleared her throat, "And no, the age difference doesn't bother me," She shook her head, "At all!"  She then looked into my eyes, "Because that's how love is," She held on to the bouquet as if it was something very dear, "You're not bothered by trivial things like 'age' when you're in love." A slight blush spread across her face and she looked down shyly.

Her confession made me feel weird.

"I see," I nodded as I still tried to grasp onto the concept, "I'll see you in training then."

I then turned to leave as she answered, "Okay!"

Her voice now sounded more cheerful and that put me at ease.