

"The winter festival is almost here." Yeol and Nana had just come back from a patrol and they talked about an upcoming event, "The streets have started getting decorated."

"The winter festival?" I asked as I looked at them in confusion, "What's that?" I was on the training grounds with the rest of the knights who had just come back from duty.

They all looked at me like I had committed some grave sin

"You don't know?" Nana held my shoulders, "How long have you been living here?" There was genuine horror in her eyes.

Oh, shoot! I shouldn't give myself away! I can't tell them I've never been to one since I was drugged for almost two years straight.

I tapped her hands, "I've heard about it." I laughed awkwardly as I slipped away from her grip, "But I've never been to one since I've lived in the countryside most of my life."

"Ah~" She relaxed a bit, "That's understandable."

"It's like any other festival." Yeol came over to explain, "Just that everyone is allowed to participate and showcase their talents. Have their own stalls, sell things and stuff like that."

"Oh!" My eyes shone, "That's interesting!" I looked at all of them, "Do you guys do anything?!"

Their expressions glummed the moment I asked that.

"I'll take back when I said anyone can participate." Yeol looked dejected.

"Wait," I looked at them in pity, "Don't tell me, knights can't participate?" That was cruel.

"It's not like we're not allowed to." Lilia spoke, "Just that we're on duty,"

"Always," Yeol added.

"It's a festival, a joyous day but also a very busy one." Rose sighed, "So we have to keep an eye out for every small thing."

"Oh…" I nodded at them, "That's sort of sad,"

"But~" Rose added, "You can participate."

"Me?" I pointed at myself.

"Yes!" She jumped in excitement.

"You're not a knight yet." Yeol added, "So you have no official duties." He smiled, "And you're free to do whatever you want."

"Oh…" I scratched the back of my head, "But what would I do alone?" I shook my head, "There's no point in doing anything if it can't be with you guys."

"Aw~" They all squealed and hugged me like I was their adorable little pet.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!!" Nana held my shoulders again after pushing everyone aside, "Just because we're on duty, doesn't mean we can't come and watch you."

"Yea!" Rose clapped her hands together, "We're roaming around the site anyway!" Her eyes glistened, "So, what are you good at?"

"Um," As these four were looking at me, "A number of other knights came and began to ogle at me too, "I'm not really good at anything…"

"Come on!" Nana shook me, "There has to be something!?"

The number of eyes full of expectation on me made me say it even though I wanted to escape, "I can sing…" I said in a low tone.

"Sing!?" Yeol was impressed, "That's good! You can perform on the talent stage!"

"Why don't you sing there?" Lilia asked.

"Talent stage?" I got a little overwhelmed.

"It's part of the festival, it starts in the evening, in the middle of the town square, and people come and showcase their talents." Yeol said, "We can sign you up."

"But-" I didn't get to say anything before I was shut down.

"No buts!" The knights said, "Do it!" They all seemed sort of desperate, "Please." They begged me for some reason.

I got a feeling that they were just projecting their dreams and hopes of participating as a viewer in the festival onto me since none of them could do it on their own.

And when I realized that I couldn't help but agree.

"Alright." I sighed, "I'll do it."

They all cheered and I knew there was no backing out now.

"What's going on?" Enri's voice made me perk up and look at him. He entered the ground and demanded an answer when he saw his knights dancing in joy.

"Captain!" They all saluted him as he came over. It only took them a second to stand in a straight line and get organized.

Enri came and stood in front of me, "What's this about?" He folded his arms and stood there like the hot daddy he is.

I shook my head at myself. I should stop thinking about these internet slangs now. It's sort of cringe.

Just then I felt a chill go down my spine and I immediately knew that all the people behind me were planning something evil. 

"Oh~," Rose said, "Captain, Mavis has never been to the winter festival."

"We just feel bad for her! So we were telling her about it." Nana added.

Enri's expression softened. Unlike the rest, he knows what I've been through and he unfolded his arms. He was probably thinking about my time in solitude and pain.

"Right," He looked at me softly, "You've never been to one..." He sighed to himself 

"So!" Yeol added, "She should definitely go to this one."

"Right!" Lilia added, "But she needs someone to guide her around."

"Yea," Enri nodded, "She should." 

"We can't go though," Nana acted as if she was the most unhappy person on the planet, "We've all got the patrolling duty."

"I see…" Enri folded his arms again and began to think once more, "You definitely shouldn't go alone." He was most likely saying that because of my mother.

"Right!" The knights agreed.

"But who will go with her?" Rose whined, "She should get to enjoy the festival on everyone's behalf!" 

"Yea!!" The knights agreed again.

"Don't worry," The captain nodded at them, "I'll go with her."

His reaction was contrary to everyone's expectation. They all thought they might need to work on him a lot but he agreed pretty easily.

I knew they all were trying to hide their evil grins behind those pitiful masks. They all were probably jumping around in happiness because they think they were playing cupid successfully.

I sighed.

These people don't know. He's doing this because he feels bad. He knows about my mom.

"Don't worry about anything." He stepped closer to me and patted my head, "I'll keep you safe." He smiled, "I'll make sure you enjoy the festival." His action made my heart flip

Stupid Enri.

My face flushed at his words.

He's not doing it on purpose but it still makes me shy.

It makes me feel good.