Can’t leave


If there was anything that shocked me even more than all the knights coming to look for me was that the king was waiting for my return as well.

When Enri brought me back with him in his arms, the King was waiting for us at the door. He greeted me and wished me well.

That was shocking. It was a blow! I guess the King really does adore Enri, he was the king's instructor after all.

"I wanted to see you," King Leonidas smiled at me, making me all shy, "I've never seen Enri panic like that," He chuckled.

Oh? He's never panicked like this?

"It was a normal response, your highness," Enri insisted and I looked up at his stoic face. All the emotions he showed at the river were gone.

"Alright," The king looked quite young, I heard he's like twenty only, but he looks like a good person, "Whatever you say," He chuckled at his guard,

"I should take her to her room now," Enri readjusted me in his arms and I felt so embarrassed.

"I can walk!" I told him but he paid me no heed.

"Alright," The king turned around to leave, "Stay safe," He walked off in another direction while Enri took me toward the knight's quarters.

This was the most embarrassing thing !! Enri didn't let me down, even when my tail dried and my legs came back, he carried me all the way back from the forest, to the castle, to when we met the king, and all the way to my room.

Every single person saw what he did and I saw the stares they gave us! Their eyes were popping out of their sockets! His own team kept giving him stares until they dispersed when we crossed the castle gates

I was so embarrassed my face was beet red by the time we reached my room where Enri finally set me down on my bed but he seemed completely unbothered by it all.

"Rest well," He smiled at me and I just looked away and crashed my face on the pillow. I didn't say anything back because I knew there was no point in saying anything to him. He wasn't going through the roller coaster of emotions and shame like I was.

I heard him stand up and leave the place. As the door closed, I moved my head to the side to look if he was really gone. Then I bit my lower lip in frustration when I found the room empty.

How could he be so nonchalant?!

Is it because he's older? Wait, no, mentally, I'm older than him!

I sat up again and glared at the door.

It must be because he used to be a Playboy! I pouted and then frowned. A playboy… huh… Is that why nothing's working? Because he's used to all this stuff?

I slumped back on the pillow. The thoughts about his past only made me feel miserable.



"I can't go out?" I asked with a bewildered expression while I stood on the training grounds, "Why not?"

"Because everyone knows you're a siren," Enri stood in front of me with his arms folded, "Since you exposed yourself in front of everyone, you've exposed yourself to danger."

I pursed my lips and looked down, "I see…" I fiddled with my thumbs, "I understand."

"Hey!" Nana said, "Don't be so hard on her!" She walked over while the rest of the knights looked at us, "She did that to save you."

"I'm not being hard on her," He looked back at her, "I'm just trying to keep her safe."

"By confining her here?" Yeol joined in the conversation.

"Anyone can attack her outside." He made a point, 

"Why?" Rose said, "She didn't do anything bad."

"Humans aren't fond of demons." 

"She's not a demon," Ains said

"She's from the same category." Enri replied, "Just the water type."

"Not from the same place!" Nana said

"I mean come on!" Rose spoke, "The king married a non-human too! Is it that much of an issue?"

"The king married an elf!" Enri gritted his teeth, "Humans admire them and their beauty. That's an entirely different thing."

"Hypocrites." Lilia shook her head, "Clearly," She grabbed my face, "Our Mavis is beautiful too."

"Sirens are pretty," Enri replied, making my heart do a flip, "That's one of their traits." And then I feel a little down.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Lilia asked, "People are meant to be free."

"It's not just about that! Sirens are sold in the black market too!" Enri said, "I'm not confining her here, I'm keeping her safe!" He glared at everyone, "This is important," He had a serious expression, "You don't know how vile people can be."

Nana eyed him suspiciously, "Why do I feel like you know something we don't."

"Because I do," The captain replied sternly, "And I don't want Mavis to fall into bad hands," He looked at me and whispered, "Again…" And I knew he was referring to my mom. He looked at his team again, "The palace grounds are big enough, and it's not going to be forever. Only till the time we know it's safe."

"What if," I spoke, "It's never safe?" My question made everyone look back at me, "What if people hate me the same way they hate demons?"

Enri's gaze softened, "I'll find a solution then," He stepped closer to me and patted my head, "I'll always make sure you're safe."

His words made me blush and I looked down in embarrassment. Enri didn't realize the impact he had on me but the guards didn't let him be.

"OH~~" They whistled at him, "Captain~" Only after they did that, Enri got a little self-conscious.

"What?" He glared at them, "It's my duty!"

"Right~" They all gave him naughty looks, "You never treat anyone else like that~"

Enri balled his fists. I think he got annoyed, "Pick up your swords," He ordered, "I'm going to personally see how good you've all gotten to be joking like that with me."

And the color drained from the faces of each and every one of them.

"Wait!" They protested, "Captain!"

"No!" Enri yelled and took out his sword, "Come at me in order!"

And I could tell they all regretted every decision they made in life.