

I dressed up nicely, no, I was dressed up nicely by the female guards because everyone knew I was going out with Enri. And of course, that also earned me a lot of teasing but I didn't mind it much. I've learned that this all is just the guards being excited and anticipating things.

It was about ten in the morning and I walked to the main castle gates where Enri was waiting for me. Most of the guards were on duty, so no one came to see us off but the moment Enri saw me, a soft smile spread across his lips, and seeing that made my heart skip a beat.


He wasn't in his casual clothes today, but he looks awfully dashing in that uniform as well!

"Ready?" I reached him and asked the question.

"Of course," He replied and presented me with his hand, "Let's go," Looking at his hand made my heartbeat rise. Are we going to hold hands!!!??


I slowly moved my hand and placed my hand in his, "Yes," I answered him shyly. But when he closed his hand my heart did a flip

WEEEE!!!!! This is nice!!!!

And we started walking with a pleasant start to our date!

I didn't have any specific reason for coming out or visiting the market. I just asked him out because he was coming with me! We didn't do much, just talked and stopped at the market stalls to look at stuff. Somewhere in between, we let our hands separate and though it disappointed me, I was still happy we got to hold hands for a little while!

Our topic of discussion was pretty much centered around my life with the guards and how I was doing as a trainee.

Other than that, just like he said, there wasn't any malice around us. Well, at least I didn't sense anything hostile. On the contrary, I noticed people stealing glances at us but it was more out of curiosity.

But I guess, most people would know what I look like and it's understandable that they'd be curious about a water creature.

I didn't pay them much mind. I just wanted to enjoy the fact that I was out on a date with Enri. Before lunchtime, my eyes spotted a shop that was selling hairpins and small jewelry items.

"Enri!" I grabbed his arm, "I wanna check that out." I pointed at the stall and then ran toward it.

Since the captain was also keeping an eye out, he didn't follow me immediately but I knew he was right behind me. I went ahead and started checking out the items while he took his time and came to stand behind me while I did my thing.


I know I didn't receive a bad report but I wasn't expecting this.

As the captain, I'm able to see even the subtle reactions coming from people and I don't like what I'm seeing.

So many men are eyeing Mavis. They kept stealing glances at her and many of them weren't out of pure admiration, and I didn't like it.

"That must be the siren,"

"You mean the mermaid?"

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Gosh, she's really pretty." Men and women all around were talking about her.

"I heard her sing the other day, AND WOW! It was the most melodious voice I'd ever heard."

"Oh yea! Agreed!"

It was fine till then, but then the talks got worse.

"I heard she's single." When I heard people talk about wanting her, something flared inside of me. Something similar to what I experienced when I saw Mavis play around with the male guards.

"You think she'll go out with me?" OH Hell! NO! She won't! Who do you think you are!?

"Hey," It ticked me off, "I've heard you can do it with them in both forms," Someone passed a nasty comment and it turned my mood sour.

"OH, Shit! Really?"

"That's a double win," The sound of snickering was clear to me, but the more I heard it, the worse my mood got.

"But, hey, isn't she a demon?"

"What is wrong with you? Demons aren't beautiful, don't compare those ugly things with a beauty like a mermaid."

"Agreed!" I couldn't tear my ears away from the conversation and the more I heard them, the more infuriated I felt.

Why do they all want her? Because she's pretty? I gritted my teeth. Yea! She is, but there's more to her! None of the people here know her story.

Only I do

And that thought alone made me feel better. That's right. I'm the only one who knows her life story and what she wouldn't tell anyone else.

"Gosh! Look at those shiny bright locks of hers," Someone stepped closer to us, "I'm gonna shoot my shot." And then he started walking toward us.

I shot my head at him and he froze the moment he saw me. All I had to do was glare at him and he went back.

"Isn't that Captain Enri?"

"Why is he always with her?"

"Are they dating?"

"Shit… Are they?"

A smile spread across my face. I liked this conversation.

"Hey! Come on! Wouldn't they make it official if they were?"

"He's probably just guarding her."

I pursed my lips and it was that moment where I realized I was jealous. I was jealous even though Mavis was standing right beside me.

"Hey," She called and I looked at her, "How's this one?" She showed me a honey-colored pin that matched her aura. She put it next to her head, "Hmm?" Then she grabbed another one, "Or this one?" It was a red jeweled hairpin, similar to the color of my hair.

"That one," I pointed at the red one without a second thought, "I'll buy it for you," I moved quickly to pay for it.

"Oh?" She was surprised, "Really? You'll buy it for me?"

"How much?" I asked the man selling the pin and he told me the price.

Yes, really.

I want her to wear that. It should be a symbol enough that she's not single…

As I handed the money to the shopkeeper, I realized what I was doing.

I was being possessive… And the fact made me pause.

"Enri?" Mavis shook my arm and I looked at her, "You okay?" She had the pin in her hands.

"Yes," I nodded and turned my body to face her, "I'm alright," I looked at the pin, then took it from her hands, "Come closer," I requested, "I'll put it on for you."

Her eyes lit up when I said that and she took a step towards me, "Okay!" She presented her hair to me and since her hair was styled, it was easy to put the pin in.

I adjusted it so that anyone would be able to see the red in her pretty blonde hair.

"Done," I told her and she raised her head to beam a smile at me.

"How do I look?" There was a slight pink blush on her cheeks and I could see the happiness in her eyes.

It made my heart squeeze in glee.

"You look pretty," As I stared at her, I was reminded of the kiss we shared. I couldn't get it out of my mind for days and my feelings were conflicted. I kept thinking about her but also kept thinking it might be wrong.

People all around me tell me, it's fine, so, what am I conflicted about? After I solved the problem with my mother, I feel like I've become even more conscious of Mavis. If anyone talks about her, my ears always catch it, if someone wants to get close to her, my feelings turn red. If the men try to get to her, I feel possessive…

It's really happening… Isn't it?

She shyly tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and passed me a toothy smile, "Thank you," And then let out a soft giggle that tickled my feelings.

Maybe I can't really deny it.

I smiled at her when I saw her stand there with that pretty red pin in her hair.

I do want her.