An uncomfortable feeling


I guess that turned out well.

It was so easy too. I guess Mom was always waiting for me…

My heart felt a little heavy. 

Now that I think about it, I spent so many years away just because I was angry and I couldn't let it go.  I wasted a lot of time, didn't I?

I walked in the open corridor as I thought about the time I spent with my mother, I guess it was easy because that was what Mom had wanted all along, she just wanted me back while I kept rebelling. It's so stupid now that I think about it.I'm in my thirties and still I acted like a child. I let out a sigh. Well, this is better than nothing.

I'm glad I listened to Mavis. Now that I've gone and walked to my mom, I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. 

I was pretty satisfied till the time the training grounds came into view and a particular group caught my attention.

My eyebrows knitted together and I frowned.

It was the male guards playing around with Mavis. When I saw that view, my chest squeezed. This isn't anything I should be feeling worried or anxious over but as I watched Mavis interact with other guys, my heart sank for some reason. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy and disappointment.

Wait! No! I shook my head. I'm not jealous! What am I thinking? Why would I be jealous?! I pursed my lips together, but, I want to be the one making her laugh and having fun with her.  I don't like seeing her with other men. She seems to be having fun too.

What if she starts liking one of them??

I shook my head again, What am I thinking!?! I tried to push my negative feelings aside and remind myself that Mavis is her own person and is free to interact with whomever she chooses. But the thought of her potentially being interested in someone else makes me feel uneasy.

Wait! I shook my head once again.

What am I thinking!?!? Didn't I want that?!? Wait, no, would she do that?? 

I felt my heart drop. 

I already rejected her and said I couldn't accept her feelings, so of course, she has every right to move on


Why do I feel like I can't breathe properly?

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on something else, But no matter how hard I tried, my mind kept drifting back to Mavis and the other guys. I mean, they're right in front of me!!! And I don't know why but it's frustrating and overwhelming seeing them together!!

I shook my head

Don't think about it too deeply. 


I told myself again and again, but it wasn't working…


"I'm not that bad," I whined while the others teased my swordsmanship, "I'm just new."

Norn, Ains, and Yeol were having fun teasing me.

"Not only that, you're small too." Ains patted my head.

"That must be why you can't swing a big sword," Norn teased me.

"Hey!' They all laughed at my noobness, "I can do it!!"

"Yea sure," Yeol ruffled my hair, "Best of luc-" He suddenly went stiff when his eyes caught something behind me.

"What are you all doing?" It was Enri's voice and normally when I hear him I get excited, but not this time though, "Are you all done with practice?" I turned around to look at him. 

Today for some reason, he sounds angry, or maybe annoyed. 

He was oozing a strange aura. As if he was infuriated at something.

"Captain!" His soldiers gave him a salute and I did the same after but I noticed he had an annoyed expression on his face.

Was he mad about something? What?

He didn't join the morning practice because he said he had to go somewhere.

"I see that you're relaxing even though you're on duty," Anyone could tell he was angry. It looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"C-captain…" Norn spoke, "Our shift starts an hour later."

"Not anymore," Enri said, "From now on, you three won't have any free time at all."

"What?" The men went deaf when they heard that.

"Move," Enri said calmly, but his voice was so full of wrath, the three couldn't help but walk away. I guess that was better, they can talk it out when Enri's no longer angry.

He sent the three of them away but he didn't say anything to me, so I took the liberty of asking him if something was troubling him.

I grabbed his hands, "Captain?" And called his title softly, "Is something wrong?"

His expression softened when he looked at me, "No," He shook his head and then let out a loud sigh, "Nothing's wrong." He looked at me with such a soft look in his eyes it made me feel giddy.


There was a small pause where he thought about some things but he kept his eyes on me. His action made my heart beat a little faster and I wondered what was happening in his mind.

"I went to visit my mom." He finally answered.

My eyes lit up, "And?"

"I guess I'll be visiting her more."  He didn't remove his hands from mine and I pretended not to know. I didn't bring up the kiss from that night either. I didn't want to make things awkward.

Plus, he said he would think about it.

"That's nice," I said

"And," He squeezed my hands in his softly, "Would you like to visit your mother?"

I wasn't expecting that question.

"In jail?" I asked, then shook my head, "No…" I looked down, "I'm not ready to face her right now."

He nodded, "It's alright." He stepped closer to me, "You haven't been out right?"

"No," I replied, "I stayed on the castle grounds." 

He smiled at my answer, "Good," He nodded, "It's safer but I also did a survey."

"You did?"

"Yea," He nodded softly, "I didn't hear any negative backlash from the public."

My face lit up, "Does that mean, I can roam around? Go to the market?"

"Not alone," He answered, "You have to go with me."

O-oh, I would love that idea but what about him?

"Aren't you busy though?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll take out the time for you." 

GOD! His words! They do things to my heart!

"So," I got a little shy, "Would you go out with me then, tomorrow?"

I was asking him out on a date but I feel like he didn't pay much attention to the details.



"Look at him," Nana shook her head

"Yea," Ains shook his head, "Someone has to be blind not to see this."

"Exactly," I shook my head.

"I know right," Rose shook her head, "I can see the hearts around them."

"Oh! This is frustrating to watch," Norn shook his head

"The feeling is so soft it's making me want to puke." Lilith shook her head

"The captain is the only blind one then," Everyone shook their heads.

He's the only one who can't see just how much he adores Mavis.