
>>Duchess (Enri's mother)

"Madam," A maid came to me while I sat in the veranda knitting a scarf, "The young lord is here."

"Young lord?" I frowned, "Who?"

"Young master Enri, Madam."

I stood up from my seat in surprise, letting all the tools on my lap fall to the floor, "What!?" I couldn't believe my ears, "Enri is here?!"

He came here without me calling him? He came on his own accord?! My heartbeat sped up! 

Could something be wrong?! Why is he here? He never visits unless I call him. Has he decided to cut me off permanently!? But wait, he wouldn't be here if that was his plan. I shook my head. What if he's in trouble?!

"Where is he?!" I demanded to know!

"He's waiting for you in your room." The maid bowed

I grabbed the helms of my dress and started speeding my way toward my room.



I was looking out the window even though I stood far from it when the door burst open and I saw my mother enter the room with her forehead sweating, "Enri!" She came running to me with a horrified expression, almost tripping at the end. It startled even me, but I caught her before she fell.

"MOM" I held her and made her stand straight, "Be careful!" It scared the shit out of me.

"Enri," She placed her hands on my cheeks, "What's wrong?!" She looked at me with a pale expression, "Tell me what's wrong!?"


"Yes?" I was confused, "Wait!" Then I got it, "No, No," I shook my head, "Nothing's wrong," I understood why she looked so horrified and why the color had drained from her face, "I'm fine!" I told her, then grabbed her arms and made her sit down on the bed.

"Really?" She kept looking at me, "Are you really fine?" 

"Yes," I nodded, "I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about," I reassured her.

"Oh!" She let out a breath of relief, "Thank God," She wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand and then took a bunch of deep breaths.

As I watched her do that. A thought crossed my mind. 

Since when does she do that?

I frowned and the more I looked at her, I realized she was getting old. And she was so thin…

I've been absent for so many years and rarely came to visit, before this, I never noticed…

There was a strong pang of guilt and pain in my heart. It had a crushing weight.

"Wait," Something clicked in her mind, "You called me mom?" Her eyes lit up and went wide as her breathing got normal.



I didn't realize I let that slip. I always call her Duchess. It's just that when she almost fell, my mind went blank for a moment.

I stared at her and so much raced through my mind.

"Yes," I replied to her, "It slipped out of my mouth." No matter how much I show that I don't like her. I love her with all my might. She is my mother after all and she's loved me all my life. I've just been so busy trying to escape things, I didn't realize I lost a lot of time.

"Surprising…" She said and I nodded, "But I loved it," She whispered but didn't ask me to call her that again.

"…" I sat beside her on the floor and for a good few minutes, we were surrounded by only silence. What were we supposed to talk about? What do sons talk about with their moms? What did I talk about when I was young?

Nothing much really came to mind.

Was my mind filled with so many negative thoughts that I forgot about the simplest things I shared with them? I looked down with a heavy heart. I came here because of what Mavis said, but what am I supposed to say to her? Am I supposed to say something? It won't just get better on its own. I frowned. 

God, Now I wish I brought Mavis with me.

Then I felt her hand on my head that softly landed on my hair


She brushed her fingers through my hair softly, reminding me of my childhood.

Oh, right… She used to do it a lot when I was young. 

It relaxed me and I closed my eyes to enjoy. The window of the room was open, soft wind blew and whistled in the room. Making the room comfortable to sit in.

Mom kept massaging my head and I felt myself relax once again, that's when I thought about Mavis's words, the thought of her made me smile without realizing it, "I think I might be falling for someone." I let it come out

"Huh??!" It surprised Mom and she looked at me in surprise and I shot my eyes open, "What did you say?' I turned to look at her and I saw her eyes glistening.

"Uh," I panicked a little, "Don't look at me like that." I said, "I'm not sure," I paused, "Actually forget it, I probably just adore her, it's nothing like that,"

She looked at me with a confused look, "What makes you think that you just adore her?" She asked, "You just said you might be falling for her."

"She's a lot younger than me." I stood up, "I'm probably just stressed out." I shook my head, "Forget what I said," I walked to the door and put my hand on the doorknob, "I can't be falling for her."

"Enri," She stopped me, "Why did you come to meet me today?"

"Just because…" I looked down, "No specific reason." I didn't know what to say to her.

"There's got to be something." She asked softly and I could see it in her eyes. She was expecting something.

"Well," I looked at the door handle, "I just," I shrugged, "Someone told me that I should."

She smiled softly, "Is it the girl who's a lot younger than you?"


"I see," She seemed calm.

"It doesn't bother you?"

She shook her head, "No," There was a smile on her face that confirmed her feelings, "If she's of age, and likes you back, it doesn't matter, should it?"

I guess… She even said she's mentally older than me. I let out a soft sigh.

I nodded, "I'll be leaving then," I opened the door and stepped out.

"Alright," She said softly but I recognized the usual sadness in her voice. I stopped before I shut the door behind me and looked at her. She always looks like this when I'm leaving. Maybe because I only stay for a few minutes and then I'm gone for months.

"Mom?" I called her and she lit up

"Yes!!" She was thrilled that I addressed her like a son and not like a knight.

"I'll come over again," Her eyes went wide and I felt a little odd, "Can I?"

She stood up from the bed in excitement, "Of course!" She walked toward me, "Of course yes!" She came to the door and paused there, "This is your home." She put her hand on my cheek, "You're always welcomed here."

I nodded and gave her a smile.

"I'll be leaving then." I walked away.

"See you soon son,"

Something swirled inside my chest. 

An odd feeling.

An oddly wholesome feeling.