How do you feel?


My heart raced as his lips met mine with a rough urgency. His arms were strong around me, pulling me close, and I could feel the heat of his body.  The moment his lips touched mine, I felt a spark of electricity run through my body. His kiss was soft and tender but it didn't take any time for it to turn more passionate.

The intensity of his kiss sent shivers down my spine, and I found myself responding in kind, my hands gripping his shoulders tightly.

our tongues battled for dominance as they explored each other's mouths, while bodies pressed closer together in a fiery embrace. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, and the strength of his arms around me made me feel safe and desired all at once.

His kisses grew more passionate, more demanding, as he pulled me closer to him, leaving no space between us, I could feel the sensational jolt of pleasure go through my body.

I couldn't help but moan softly as he nibbled on my lower lip, his hands roaming over my back, making me lose my mind. The world around us faded away and I didn't want this to stop. I wanted to stay in his arms, I wanted to feel him more. I was afraid once I let go, he wouldn't come back to me.

Finally, when we both pulled away, gasping for air. I looked up at him, my heart racing and my body on fire.  I knew I wanted to hold onto this forever.

But just as I feared, once the pleasure came to a pause, Enri realized what he had done and pushed me away. He stood up to walk away but I stood up with him even though my legs felt weird.

"Enri!"  I grabbed his shirt while he attempted to walk away, "Wait!" He didn't and kept walking. But when I tried to follow him, my knees gave out and I fell to the floor. Here's the thing though, I didn't let his shirt go, so he sort of fell down with me.

"Mavis!!" He yelled my name as he came down with me but neither of us fell flat on the ground, while I sat down, he remained on his feet, just in a crouching position.

"Hey!" I kept my grip on his shirt, "Don't do this!" I moved my other hand and grabbed his shirt from the other side, "We had a moment!"

His eyes were on my hands, and he watched as if refused to let him go, then sighed.

"I'm sorry," He sat down with his legs crossed, "I'm," He shook his head, "Just confused."

"Why?" I frowned,

"Because I don't know why I did that."

That hurt my feelings, "Did you hate it?"

His gaze dropped, "No," He didn't meet my eyes, "That's the confusing part, I didn't,"

"Then?" I moved in closer to him, "Doesn't that mean you liked it?"

"I don't know," He placed his hands on mine, then removed them. And I knew he was planning on leaving so I grabbed his hands to stop him, "Mavis," I was trying to grab him but instead he sealed my hands in his, "Let me go." He stood up to walk away but I still felt like my legs had no energy.

Let him go? Is he telling me to give up on him!? Why?! That's too cruel! We just shared such a majestic and romantic moment and now he's saying this! He's telling me to forget about him!?

"No!" I replied, "I won't give up on you!"

"Ah! No," He corrected me, "That's not what I meant, I mean, physically, let me go," He removed his hands from mine, "I need time to think."

"Oh…" I didn't protest after he said that, "Okay…"

He nodded and stepped back. Under the bright moonlight, I watched as he kept stepping back and eventually turned around to leave when he was far from me. After a while, he disappeared into the dark corner.

Once everything else was silent around me again, I let out a sigh and looked back at the moon.

"Woah," Someone said, startling me, "That's a sad sigh."


I looked down in the other direction and saw the most unexpected person I could ever see.

"Your Highness?"

King Leonidas was walking toward me, "Hi," He waved at me, "I didn't mean to spy."


My face flushed when I realized he must have seen us making out. And I turned my face away.

"Mind if I join you?" He came and stood beside me.

"Ah, yes," I gestured to the empty space beside me with both my hands, "Please," He's super nice. This whole palace belongs to him, yet he's asking for my permission.

"Thank you," He sat down at the edge of the corridor with me and let his legs dangle outward, "The moon is quite pretty, isn't it?"

I smiled at his words.

I guess it really isn't a thing in this world, "Yes," I replied, "It's pretty." 

The full moon makes me feel good too.

"So," He started softly, "You and Enri?" He glanced at me, "Huh?"

I didn't have the courage to look directly at him, "Well," I cleared my throat, "It's only me right now."


"Yea…" I looked everywhere but at him.

"Does he not like you back?" He asked curiously.

"Well," I fidgeted, "He did reject me once, but he didn't reject me today." What the hell am I even saying?!

"Oh," He nodded, "Sounds a little complicated."

"Yes…." I replied and after that there was silence.

We both quietly stared at the moon as the night owls hooted and crickets made noise.

"Is there anything I can help with?" The young king asked out of the blue, catching me off guard.

"Um," I glanced at him, "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Like," He looked at me, "Is there some reason Enri is running away from you?"

"He said he couldn't respond to my feelings."

"Well," he chuckled, "I saw how he did today."


I knew he saw it!!!

My cheeks flushed, "Um," I looked away in shame, "Well, I'm not sure, but I think it's something to do with his family and him being the youngest and not even having a title."

The king's eyes grew wide, "OH!" He stood up, "How stupid of me!!!"

"Yes!?" I looked at him

"I should have done this the moment I became king!!" He cursed at himself, "GOD!!"

"Um," He began to walk away and all I could do was look at him.

"Thank you, Mavis!" He waved at me, "I'll deal with this!!"