In the river



These people just won't stop coming! I've been greeting them for hours! And why the hell are there so many young noblewomen being introduced to me?

I did not expect this. I was so focused on Mavis and becoming a man befitting for her that I completely forgot about this politics.

"Hey!" Nana approached me.

"Hi!" I was relieved to see her but only for a second. She had an angry expression on her face, "What's wrong?" I knew something was wrong even before she got to me,

"You didn't tell Mavis about this?" She folded her arms.

"No…" I replied, "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Yea well, it was too much for her to handle." She shook her head at me.

"Why?" I was baffled. I thought she'd be happy for me. Not having a title always bothered me and I told her that.

She pointed behind me, "Because she had to see that," I turned my head around to glance at whatever Nana was pointing at, then paused.


There was another swarm of ladies waiting for me.

"Shit…" Okay, I guess this can be too much for a person to handle. I shot my head back at my knight, "Where is she!?!" I demanded to know.

"Oh!' She rolled her eyes, "She left ages ago."

"Nana!" I groaned, "God damnit!" I began walking and she followed me, "You should have come to me immediately."

"How dare I disturb your excellency?" I glared at her and she flinched, "Sorry," She apologized, "Seeing this scene made me angry too."

We walked out of the room, and many people came to talk to me but I ignored everyone and left.

"Say," Nana looked at me curiously, "Why are you so worried about her?" I know what she was implying but this wasn't the time for that.

"Shut it!" I was pissed, "Go and see if she's in the dorms."



"No," Yeol came to me, "She's not on the castle grounds,"

Rose shook her head, "We looked all over the women's area too."

I let out a deep exasperated sigh, "Keep looking," I told them and turned to walk away. I had returned all the things I wore for the coronation and told Leon to finish the party. In the first place, I didn't need to ask for it. Just handing me the document was fine.

"Captain," Norn asked, "Where are you going?"

"You guys keep an eye here," I told them, "I'll look at another place.



I swam in the forest river, letting the steaming water soothe my heart and I sang. Letting the melody calm me. I was brooding but at the same time wondering what Enri was doing.

Is he chatting with those ladies in fancy clothes?

I pouted.

Is he kissing their hands?

I rolled my eyes.

What if someone asks him about marriage? I kicked my tail in the water causing a loud splash after which I heard footsteps.


I stopped and dove into the water as the footsteps came near and someone stood by the river. I had my head down, so I couldn't see clearly who the figure was.

"Mavis," But I recognized Enri's voice, "Come out," He demanded.


Enri? What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be at his fancy party?

I swam up a little and popped half of my head out to look at him. He looked a little angry.

"What did I say about not leaving the castle ground?"

Is he here to lecture me?

I was mad too!

I dove back in without speaking to him.

"Hey!!" He jumped into the water as well, "Hey!! Come back!!!" He dove in and I went further in but I don't know how he did it, but he managed to grab my tail


I guess that's a royal guard captain for you.

With one big jerk, he pulled me out of the water and let me go after throwing me in the air.

I screamed but he calmly caught me in his arms letting the water that came along with me splash him wet. I quiet down the moment I landed in his arms bridal style and looked at him soaking wet from head to toe while he glared at me.

Unsure of what to do there, I passed him an awkward smile while I shriveled up in his embrace.

"You little," He hissed.

"W-what?" I pouted.

"Why would you leave without telling anyone!!!" He yelled at me.

I grabbed his cheek in anger. Why is he yelling at me? "Because you were busy flirting with other women!" I pinched both of his cheeks and he jerked his face away.

"I was NOT," He emphasized on the word, "Flirting with them." He looked straight into my eyes, "I was merely greeting them." He made it clear, "SO," His voice was a little scary, "Why did you leave?"

I shrunk in his embrace but his seething gaze forced me to say something even though I didn't want to, "B-because," I averted my gaze as a blush slowly crept across my face, "I didn't like it."

"Didn't like what?"

I refused to look at him and pouted, "You being other women,"

He frowned, then paused, his expressions softened, "Were," He let out a soft scoff, "You jealous?" And all his anger was suddenly gone.

I flailed in his arms, "Let me go," Wanting to get out.

But he tightened his grip on me, "Tell me," He moved his face closer to mine and I panicked, "Were you jealous?" His hair was wet, and the droplets of water were dropping down his bangs making me look even more attractive.

My blush deepened and my heart pounded.

I wanted to get off of him but he wouldn't let me. But I also didn't want to say it. It was too embarrassing.

"Mavis?" A whisper of my name right next to my ear made my skin stand up, "Tell me," He had a really nice voice.

I felt weirdly giddy, "Yes…" I replied shyly and he chuckled, embarrassing me further, "Don't laugh!" I turned to glare at him. I was getting angry. It was all his fault.

He did this to me and now he's laughing?!

As I turned around to glare at him, I was shocked shitless.


Because he crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me.

My heart did a flip at first when it happened but as I realized what had happened my heart rate began to spike and I felt blood rush to my cheeks in excitement and happiness.