His mother


An area of the forest passes behind Enri's family mansion and we took that path to arrive at his house where the servants came running to us when they saw Enri.

At first, all of them were mesmerized by me, well, specifically by my tail but Enri just told them to prepare a fresh set of clothes for both of us and took me in.

He took me to a guest room and went out to his room to get changed as well. The maids brought me some clothes and helped me dry off after which I changed. My hair was brushed and styled and I even got some nice shoes to wear. After that, I went out.

I was guided to the living room where I met Enri's mother, the duchess. When I saw her, I thought something bad was about to happen to me but when she turned and saw me, a jolly smile speared on her face and she came to me with open arms.

"Mavis!" She called my name with excitement, "Oh! How lovely to meet you!" She came and hugged me and I was left baffled.


"N-nice to meet you too?" I slowly moved my hands and hugged her back but before I actually did it, she broke the hug and looked at me.

"You're just as lovely as I thought you'd be,"


I was confused.

"Do you know me?" I asked shyly.

"I think everyone knows you," She chuckled.

"Oh," I realized, "Right," I nodded, "The incident at the Winter festival."

She chuckled, "Yes," She replied, "That," She began to guide me towards the chairs, "And my son has also mentioned you."

"OH?" I looked at her in surprise as she sat me down, "He has?"

I then looked around. On that note, where is Enri?

"Yes he has," She took a seat beside me and gestured for the servants to bring some snacks, "I told him to bring you along when he visited again."

"Oh!" I was surprised, "You wanted to meet me?"

"Oh dear," She held my hand, "Most ardently,"


Woah. She looks really excited. Did she want to meet me that much? But why?

I looked around for Enri once again but there was no sign of him.

"Looking for your lover?"


Her words made me blush

"L-lover?" I panicked, "n-no, we're not lovers," I looked down, feeling embarrassed but I won't lie. I liked the word.

"Oh?" She was surprised, "Why not?"

"Well," I wasn't sure if I had to give her an answer or not but also, she was Enri's mother, "I don't think he likes me like that."

The duchess chuckled, "Really now?" I nodded and she poked my cheek, "But he told me he likes you a lot,"

My ears perked, and my eyes lit up. I turned to look at her with shiny eyes, "He did?"

"He did," She affirmed and I couldn't help but smile.

So he likes me!

I felt giddy all over it.

This must be why he kissed me again. He doesn't want those noblewomen, but me? He even left the party for me and didn't even go back. Instead, he brought me to his house where I got to meet his mother.


He brought me to meet his family!?!?!? Wait! Wait! Wait!! Isn't this like major progress!?!?

My heart swelled up with delight.


"But wait," I looked at the older woman, "You don't mind that he likes me?" I asked, "I'm not-" She pressed her index finger on my lips.

"I don't care," She told me, "All I care about is that he's happy."

My gaze softened. I understand where's coming from but I still had to ask this, "Even though I'm a siren?"

"Doesn't matter," She smiled, "You seem like a lovely child."

My heart warmed at her words and I looked at my lap where I had my fists balled, "I see," It felt nice.

"So," I couldn't look back at her, "He really likes me?" It seemed surreal, "He rejected me before."

"Well," She chuckled, "Men are stupid," I glanced at her, "They realize what they want almost too late." She smiled at me, "Is he late?"

I shook my head at her, "No!" I assured her, "I love him a lot!!"

Her smile widened, "Really?" I nodded, "How much?"

"Like," I didn't know how to represent it so I spread out my arms, "A LOT!"

She giggled at my words, "I see," Then she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a soft hug, "I'm glad you came into his life." I could hear her heart beating, "You brought him back to me." It was beating fast, "Thank you."

My eyes opened wider in shock. Not in a bad sense but rather, it was a pleasant surprise.

I relaxed into her, "No," I hugged her back, "Thank you for bringing him into this world and giving him to me."

It felt really nice.