Mutual feeling


In the wide, big, and elegant duchy, I felt my heart flutter with anticipation as I prepared to propose to the woman I had fallen in love with. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the room, casting a romantic ambiance over the scene. The air was filled with a delicate fragrance of roses, carefully arranged in vases throughout the space, symbolizing love and affection.

In the second-floor living room, a crackling fire danced merrily in the hearth, it's flickering flames casting a warm and inviting glow. The room was adorned with tasteful decorations, reflecting the refined tastes of my mother. A velvety sofa sat at the center of the room, adorned with plush cushions, and a small coffee table displayed an assortment of delectable treats and a bottle of fine champagne.

"Do I really have to do all this?" I was not used to this stuff.

"Yes," My mother entered the room.

"This is all too new for me," I was confused and the confusion was making me nervous, "Isn't this too much?"

"I think it's too little," Mom chuckled.

"Too little?" Perhaps, I really had no clue what's 'romantic' to women.

"Come on dear," She walked up to me and cupped my cheeks. I did have to bend for her to do that but I didn't mind it, "You're also pulling a bold move."

I smiled, "Yea…" It may be bold but it wasn't unwanted. In fact, it was something I had secretly craved. All my life I had envied happy couples with happy families. But I thought I'd never get one because my family didn't get along at all.

"Get ready." She said, "I'm bringing her here."

"Alright," I nodded and straightened up, "Okay!"


When Mavis entered the room, her eyes sparkled with curiosity, not yet aware of the surprise awaiting her. She wore an exquisite gown that accentuated her beauty, and her smile revealed a mixture of wonder and excitement.

Mom must have told the maids to dress her up, and I've got to say, they did a great job.

She looked mesmerizing.

"What…?" She looked around with a curious expression and it made me smile.

I approached her with a tender smile, my heart pounding with nervousness because never have I ever professed my love to someone. Was I doing the right thing? Or was I taking it too fast?

I don't know. I have no idea how these things work! I've never been in a relationship!! And because I've never been in a relationship, I don't know if I'll be able to commit.

What if I can't? What if I ruin it?

"Enri?" She looked at me as I approached her.

"Yes?" I took her hand in mine, feeling the warmth and softness of her touch. Our eyes met, and in that moment, I knew that I wanted her.

I knew I didn't want anyone else to have her! I wanted her to stay with me and even though nothing else was guaranteed, my chest felt like it was burning.

And the thing was, I couldn't believe I had come to crave someone so much!

I guided Mavis to the sofa, where I sat her down, and took my place in front of her. With our hands intertwined. Will I be able to commit?

I think, yes. Because I've never wanted anyone like I want her and I don't want to be with anyone else but her.

"I have somethings I want to say," I told her.

"Okay," She nodded, "Go on,"


As he himself kneeled on the floor, I watched him and waited for him to continue. I don't know what was going through his head but he seemed to be thinking a lot.

"You know what bothered me when you confessed?" He spoke after a while.

"The age difference." How could I ever forget? I sighed, "How could I ever forget?"

He chuckled very softly, "Yes but there's something else too." He looked into my eyes, "The fact that my parents had one too and they were in a bad relationship."


His extreme reaction suddenly made sense.

"I see…" It did make sense, " I've heard about the previous duke and everyone says you're nothing like him." I got what he was worried about.

He chuckled, "Really? He had many affairs." He pointed at himself, "I did too."

"Past tense." I said, "You're just scared of things repeating aren't you?' I cupped his cheeks, "I know you're not like him. Besides, you weren't in a relationship with anyone. So it's not really the same thing."

He looked back at me softly, "How are you so sure?"

I smirked, "I'm a very good judge of character."

He snickered, "I guess." Then sighed, "I knew I would never be like him since I saw the worst a man could be from childhood." He looked at the sky from the window, "And I had vowed to be nothing like him. So I never was in a relationship." "...." After a little while he smiled, "Yea," He then looked at me, "There was another thing that came very clear when I was thinking about my death."


"That I did want a lifelong relationship."


"With someone I love," He nodded, "Have a family, and be happy like other people and in that moment the age difference and other things didn't bother me at all. I just wanted someone with me who loved me." I felt his hand on mine and my cheeks flushed, "You were the one who came to mind." I pursed my lips as my heart pounded in my chest, "The whole time I was unconscious, you lurked in my dreams and thoughts."

His confession made me feel things, good things! It also sent shivers of excitement down my spine.

"Mavis," He took my hand and kissed the back of it, "The feeling is mutual." He looked into my eyes, "I do, I love you too."

And I cannot describe the feelings of ecstasy. My heart was beating so fast, I could no longer feel it thumping.

He paused, "I'm not sure at what pace I'm supposed to go," He nodded, "I feel like this might be too fast if I asked you to marry me-"

"No!" I replied in excitement, "Ask me!!" I was so excited I became shameless.

He was baffled at my words and then laughed,

"Alright," He took a velvet box out of his pocket and presented it to me, "Will you marry me?"
