My Mother


I went to visit my mother who was in jail now. Although, it wasn't an ordinary criminal jail. It was one for mental patients. After she was caught and put on trial, the jury came to the conclusion that she needed therapy as well.

So as she serves her time in this place, she'll also be treated.

"They'll kill you," She stood on the other side of her cell. I told her I was marrying a human, a royal guard, the same one she stabbed.

"No, they won't," I shook my head, "They've vowed to protect me." It automatically made me feel safe when I remembered how much the knights love and adore me. I'm sure when I tell them about my engagement, they'll all be overjoyed.

"They'll murder you as they did to your father." There was pain in her eyes, full of sadness and sorrow, she pleaded to me, "You can't stay with them, they know who you are."

My father was a Siren my mother had saved from a monster attack near the sea once. She was a knight back then and was swift on her feet. They fell in love and got married, then had me. But not everyone is accepting of non-humans and when I was about thirteen, the villagers discovered his identity and killed him.

From that point on Mother started losing her mind.

"They know who I am and they've accepted me as theirs." I smiled, "Don't worry Mom, I know they'll treat me right."

"What makes you think that!!" She yelled as she grabbed onto the bars, "They're all the same!! What makes you think they'll be good to you!!"

I remained calm, "You were good to Dad too," My words left a huge impact on her, they left her speechless, "Just the way you loved Dad, Enri loves me. He knew my identity from the start yet treated me kindly." She slid down on the floor with her eyes on the ground and I crouched down on the other side, "Mother,"

She glanced at me, "What?"

"I'm getting married," My heart jumped in glee when I told her that.

"You will regret it." The look in her eyes showed her sadness but I knew she needed time to get better.

"Did you ever regret marrying Dad?"

She looked down, "No…"

"I won't either," I stood up, "I will show you that the world is changing and I'll be the start of it." I told her that the whole city knows about what I am, "I go out to the market, but I don't feel threatened."

"Not all will accept you." Her soul was broken, and I could see that through her eyes.

"They don't have to," I told her, "The ones I care for, all of them do," I passed her a smile, "Dad would have been proud if he saw me today." She kept her eyes on me but didn't say anything, "Bye Mom," I waved at her as I began to leave, "I'll come to visit again."

I hope you get better


I stood in the training grounds early in the morning with a bright smile, "Ahem!" I cleared my throat to get the attention of the knights but boy! They're stubborn as hell, they're all focused on their work.

"AHEM!!" I said loudly and many of them looked at me, so I raised my right hand, the one that had my engagement ring on, and tucked my hair behind my ear with a smile.

They all looked at me in confusion then went back to their work

What the hell!?!

Are these people blind? Or do they have no faith in their captain?

Maybe they really don't have any faith in Enri… Oh, man… Poor Enri…

I let out a loud sigh, "My finger feels a little heavy with this ring," I made sure everyone heard me and I swear to God! When I mentioned ring and finger, I saw their ears enlarge.

They all looked back at me and I yawned clearly showing the ring in front of my face.

"Hey!!" Lilia's eyes went wide.

"It's a ring!!!" Yeol screamed and they all came running to me.

"Did," Rose pointed at the diamond ring while all of them surrounded me, "Did the captain propose?" She popped the question and everyone went silent. I looked at them all and I noticed they were all excited. In fact, they were so excited that I could see their pupils shaking in anticipation.

In the dead silence that they had created, I could hear the collective beating of excited hearts.

And I couldn't help but grin.

"Yes," I said and they all jumped in unison.

"YESSS!!!" They all practically started partying right then and there and honestly it was a very funny scene.

It made me laugh.

See Mom, they're happy for me. And I know they'll keep me safe too.

"So!" Nana stopped everyone, "That means it's wedding time." They all froze and gave each other the 'eyes.' And I did not recognize what it was.

"Um," I raised my finger, "So?"

"It means, it's our utmost duty to make sure it's perfect," Norn added and they all agreed.

"Where's the captain?"

"He went to see how the new house is coming along," I answered.

"You all," Yeol pointed at some men, "Get to the captain."

"And ladies," Lilia smirked, "We're on duty." The girls then grabbed me and I don't know what happened after that.

Time passed by in a jiffy. I was busy for months because now that I was getting married, there were a lot of things to see, buy, try on, and supervise.

One of these things was buying a house and the King wanted to give us one of his mansions as a wedding gift. But Enri refused to take any more for him saying he was doing too much.

After that, we bought a bunch of things together for the house. Sometimes it would be a date and other times the knights accompanied us but however it went, I saw how affectionate Enri got with me.

My wedding dress selection had the whole female section involved; of course, Lilia, Rose, and Nana were at the top of the list.

I didn't realize how the months went by and the day of the wedding came in the middle of spring. And Just like every girl's dreams, it was a perfect day.