

He really ages like a fine wine. How is it that the older we grow he becomes more charming??

Just how?? It's been a few years since we got married and I can't seem to get enough of this man or our boys.

Enri loved carrying his boys on his shoulders. Every day when he came back home, the boys would run into his arms and he'd swoop them up onto his broad shoulders, spinning them around and playing with them.

They were his pride and joy, his love and soul, his reason for being the best version of himself. Enri and I had two sons together and the older one had started to learn swordsmanship. He wanted to be like his father.

I watched as I sat on the porch that showed the picturesque gardens of our estate. It was one of the rare days Enri had off and from early morning he found himself in the midst of playful endeavors presented by his boys. The sun bathed the surroundings in a golden glow as our two young sons, frolicked in the lush grass, their laughter echoing through the air.

The sound of their laughter was music to my ears. A melody far greater than the one I had.

My eyes traced the movements of the boys, their carefree spirits capturing the essence of youth and innocence, and I couldn't help but smile. How could I not? My family had a great bond and I could see it growing.

Thomas, our eldest, displayed the charm and charisma of his father, already embodying the spirit of a future leader. He dashed across the garden, his laughter ringing like music, while Enri chased after him, a twinkle in his eyes, reveling in the delight of the playful pursuit.

Young Henry, the embodiment of mischief and curiosity, joined the game, his small legs carrying him as fast as they could. His laughter intermingled with his older brother's, creating a symphony of pure joy that filled the air. And even though all I was doing was watching them, I ended up laughing every now and then.

Every time I see a view like this, my heart swells with love for my husband and our two precious sons. I watched as Enri scooped up Thomas, swinging him high in the air, and eliciting boisterous giggles. The love between father and son was evident in every interaction, and it was a sight I would never grow bored of.

I can't believe this man once thought he'd be like his father…

My gaze traveled to Henry, he had tired himself out and he was trudging his way to me. I giggled at the tiny human and stood up from the chair to go to him.

He noticed me and so I extended my arms out for him. When he saw that, the little boy ran into my embrace, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and adoration. I lifted him into the air, showering him with tender kisses.

Enri came over with Thomas and we all sat on the porch to enjoy some snacks.


Mavis's eyes met mine, and in that fleeting gaze, we shared a soft look with each other.

In that serene garden, amidst the laughter and playful energy, we had created memories that were etched in our hearts. Mavis's gaze lingered on me for a moment, then she turned around and sat down on the chair with Henry in her arms and I took my other son with me and took a seat beside her.

Henry started giggling when Mavis tickled her and that perked Thomas up as well and he jumped to her chair to join in.

My heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. Mavis had been a constant source of support, strength, and unwavering devotion for me. She had a nurturing spirit and that proved to be what drew me to her even more

I wasn't confident in myself when I asked for her hand in marriage. There was always a fear in my heart that I would ruin something but she believed in me. No, she made sure I believed in myself.

She had given me the most precious gift of all—she gave me a family which made me whole. With a soft touch, I reached out to her, drawing her into a loving embrace.

"Thank you," I murmured with my voice filled with emotion.

"Hmm?" She looked at me, "For what?"

I shook my head, "Nothing specific," I pulled away, "Just in general."

She gave me a suspicious look but the boys caught her attention back immediately.

I didn't think my life would turn out like this but I'm glad it did. I can't express what's in my heart but every time I'm together with my family like this.

I feel like I'm right where I should be.

The End