The Strongest!

{Authors Note: Hellooo! I know you all might be mad at me, but it wasn't my fault I assure you! I ended up getting my situation fixed, and to share a little personal info, I'm going to be enlisting in the United States Military. Don't panic just yet guys. I still have the intention of following this story all the way through, and it's made me think on and plan out a'lot of plot-points and story events. I'm excited for this, and hopefully you all are as well! I can't define a perfect schedule for updates, but expect more chapters in the future! AND WE JUST HIT 1M VIEWS! I LOVE YOU GUYS AHHHHH THANK YOU! I'm surprised, I'm flabbergasted, I'm Bamboozled! So there's no better way than to repay that then to write this volume with everything I can. I'll say this everytime. THANK YOU FOR READING!}

Magic is a fabric of dreams woven by the hands of the Humanity, A resonance of forces unseen but felt. To harness it, one must listen to the quiet hum. The hum of existence, like a wave, It channels us. It binds us. It lets us grow closer to the silent truth. 

-Journal Entry, Aesira Concordia

Waking up sore all over was nostalgic in all honesty. I could recollect all the moments I'd trained countless times in my cell. While incarcerated, every movement caused a tremor of discomfort on each step. I can still feel that cold and barren floor, the sensation of ants crawling over my feet. They had a foul way of making their way across your body, the diminutive but indisputable squeaking of rats saturating your eardrums for years on end.

That match between me and Mr.Lupin proved several things to me, but it made me realize I'm not yet used to this kind of strength. My six eyes give me a supernatural level of prodigious aptitude over my abilities, as they offered me an edge and even made survival possible. He might've had a point after all. I needed to hone my body's ability to keep up with my thoughts. What I was doing the entire time was winging it. And Two..

'I can't activate my Reversed Cursed Technique on my own will'

I almost seethed, my body temperature rising in anger. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't activate it like I did with Mr.Lupin. I knew I was missing something, but what? Desperation almost clouded me as I thought about the moment that bonebreaker made its way to my shin. It didn't make sense! I could only force myself into deeper thought, criticizing myself at every turn. Some could say I'd be a little too harsh on myself, but considering the circumstances, I needed to get my shit together.

'You need extreme concentration to balance the overwhelmingly powerful dual energies inside you'

But why? When I wished for no constraints. Why!?

There was little thought in my offensive movements, and experience from my previous world helped me form a good defense. Cue to me dodging his strikes efficiently and that uppercut. So as my eyes, it would regrettably take time. My thoughts subsided when I heard a certain redhead's voice.

"Hey Yumi! Sorry to wake you mate, but Hermione's not going to Hogsmeade because she's trying to see if you would be available. I think it's the room." Ron asked meekly, noticeably fixing his hair for his field trip. I shrugged, getting myself psyched. But before that...

The egg was looking as pristine as ever. I knew I was feeling a little impatient, but the pull on my reserves were growing more noticeable as the days passed. However, it was different from my magical reserves. Normally, when a wizard uses magic it's from a sort of "Core". Is it siphoning off of my cursed energy? Is that bad? At first, I had an idea that it was feeding off of my magic. Now I'm left in the dark what to think.

This guy better be a badass when he hatches, or else I'm just gonna be dealing with a familiar that would be flippant. Although, I put trust in my Aunt. Maybe this will pay off. Steeling myself to look at the egg one last time, I hurriedly leaped off my mattress and into the grand space below. Ron chuckled above, throwing his brush to pursue me down to the exit. "H-Hey! Wait up!" I couldn't contain the smile coming across my face either. By all counts, I should be a little peeved from not getting enough sleep.

The students were headed off to Hogsmeade, and while every bone in my body wanted to see the magical village, The rocky start with Mr.Lupin bruised my ego a bit. I needed to calm myself down. Seeing my stormy expression, Ron placated me with a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me now, but don't sweat it. We all get scared. It's being well... human!"

I could feel a small grin etch my face at that "Thanks Ron., I mean it this time. I'll tell you all about it later. You going to Hogsmeade?" I asked, Making our way out of the dormitories with Ron now walking alongside me.

"Yeah mate, I was planning to go with at least Harry, but it seems like turning your Aunt into a Balloon leads to an unsigned permission slip." We both chuckled, eventually having me scoff at the situation.

"So why go by yourself?" Ron looked cartoonishly offended for a moment, an overdramatic scowl playing on his face. "I have other friends besides you three you know?!" As soon as my eyebrow began to rise, I turned back at a familiar feminine voice. It accusingly echoed, Her presence beginning to calm my nerves.

"Really? Name them!" Her glare intensified as Ron's nervous smile earned him a laugh from me.

"What's up, Hermione?" I offered. A smug grin slowly etched itself onto my face as Hermione huffed in response.

"Don't 'Whats up Hermione' me! I was worried sick! What happened with the Boggart down there? Did Professor Lupin talk to you about anything?" I threw my hands up in surrender.

"Alright, Alright! I'll tell you later. Where's Harry?" Hermione pouted, pointing off to the courtyard.

A sizeable group of students was being herded together and I could see Professor McGonagall growing increasingly more irritated at the boy in front of her. A black-haired teen trying to haggle his way into the Hogsmeade Trip. I made my way over, the cold autumn air scratching my nose as I managed to close my robe in the process.

"-I'm sorry Mr.Potter! No permission slip signed no entry!" The Witch exclaimed, her eyes growing more exhausted.

"Even if I were to sign it would be invalid. Under Hogwarts regulations, I am not allowed!" Her pitch heightening. I could see the frankly annoyed expression melt away as she caught my gaze, her mouth turning upward into a smile. Harry turned to meet me as he exhaled. Maybe he was thinking about me too?

"Why hello Mr.Concordia." She began, her voice sounding refreshed. "Would you like to enter Hogsmeade today? Your mother has informed me that you were unfamiliar with the magical aspects of society. She has signed all the prerequisites for trips such as these. What would you say?"

I'd have to admit, it was tempting to go. I'd know that I would only be going with only two of the three, as Harry doesn't have his permission slip signed. It would be kind of worthless to go without everyone I could bring.

I gave her a greeting in return. "I would like to postpone my trip later if you'd be so gracious, Professor McGonagall. I've wanted to practice more on my wandwork as I know you're aware. I've happened into the curriculum pretty late, and I want to make sure I've learned as much as possible for my studies." An understanding smile made its way onto her lips, Her head shaking to dismiss me.

"Oh, it's not a problem at all! Don't worry, the trip to Hogsmeade will be a recurring privilege for all students to participate. If you can't go now, then you will go in the future. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Harry sighed in defeat, seeing McGonagall gather the students in preparation to leave. I snickered, causing Harry to look up in confusion. "To think that this happened for blowing up your Aunt," I remarked.

Harry laughed, punching my shoulder lightly. "Eh, I wouldn't take it back either. How's it going? You seem fine after that boggart freaked out."

Bewildered, I tilted my head. "You think it was the Boggart that freaked out?" I rubbed my chin. "You wouldn't be incorrect about that though. Well, as I told everyone else it would have to wait." Harry nodded in understanding.

Hermione shrugged, her impatience with getting to the room "Let's go to the Room already. Ron! You coming or not!"

Ron rolled his eyes, reaching the group of students filing out of the castle. "I'll be back, Don't miss me too much!" He shouted. I could see Neville Longbottom in the distance waving us off, his toothy smile growing wider as Ron hustled to the class.

"See you, buddy! Make sure to carry back some chocolate frogs for Yumi! I'll pay you back!" Harry shouted back. Ron grinned back, throwing a thumbs up as Hermione grabbed my arm. "You knew I liked Chocolate Frogs?" I questioned. Harry chortled, his face smug.

"We saw you catching them and slicing them with your power last night. You eat a lot to get that shape of yours."

Hermione's laugh grew louder as I felt my cheeks heat up.

The Room of Requirement

Making ourselves known, the magic in the room seemed to welcome us one more, as I could pick up remnants of its influence

"So remind me why we're here again?" I asked lazily, my tone annoying the poor girl. Hermione scoffed pointing her finger towards me. "We're here because you still need more lessons Yumi! Don't think I've forgotten how much you need to learn."

"Well shit, she's right. Now I feel guilty. "You're not wrong. Well, Lay it on me." Hermione furrowed her brows, looking at me strangely. "What?" I exclaimed. Hermione shook her head, facepalming. "You talk weird."

I could only shrug as Hermione requested a chalkboard and some chalk to write with. Of course, the chalk floated neutrally, as if waiting for the girl to speak.

"Though I guess you've already had an introduction to them, we must first talk about charms. Charms are spells that affect an inanimate object or add a property to it. Remember when I made you turn that staircase into a slide?" I nodded my head.

"A charm is a burst of magic that changes the object in some way." I raised my hand, briefly causing Hermione to blush in response. "You don't have to raise your hand Yumi, but yes?" I grinned toothily as I formulated my question. "Wouldn't that be transfiguration as well, as it's something that affects an object?"

Hermione shook her head, clarifying.

"Transfiguration is something completely different in its function, but you're on the right track. Transfiguration changes the object itself. For example, if you were to use a charm on a wall, maybe you'd make it so that the wall would be bouncy like one made of rubber. However, the wall would still be a wall. Made out of brick and mud like any other wall, but it would be magically inclined with the properties of rubber. Transfiguration is making the brick and all the elements associated with it rubber itself. So you'd have a rubber wall, not just a wall that behaves like rubber. You understand?"

Ahh, so that's what transfiguration is at its core. If that wooden horse from our first experience with my transfiguration expertise were any evidence, I'd messed up on one of these factors. I succeeded in transforming the wooden horse into something different. However, the difference wasn't start enough for it to warrant a complete transfiguration. I'm starting to think that my will wouldn't be the problem in my magic, but my intent.

That's why I believe from the moment I turned that horse into a tree and it died, It could've been a physical manifestation of my will and intent. My will desired the tree to change as it would explain how large it had become and the extreme rate of its growth. My intent fell flat at the moment of it's time to be transfigured. I've been too focused on what wood was made of to direct my attention to something I knew the composition of.

I've been making this too hard!

"You okay Yumi? You look like me after learning a spell." Hermione inquired. I only looked up at her, my brain buzzing with a revelation. "I want to see that wooden horse again," I said aloud. The Room of Requirement answered, its magical influence rising in the room once again to materialize a small wooden horse in front of me. Hermione watched me intently, not even saying anything at my sudden command. I've brought out my wand and focused on the toy.

'Now I've got you!'

And with a swish of my wand, I had done it.


The toy spun as space seemed to fold in on itself around it. I could hear the sound of the resonant ambient magic in the air softly humming, and now what stood in front of me was a giant glass steed. A rearing stallion that reflected the natural lighting in a multitude of various colors. I noticed the wooden floors were luminescent in the same substance I'd turned the horse into. My eyes widened in wonder.

We all resigned ourselves to shock for a moment. Harry was surprisingly the first one to speak, his voice faltering for a few seconds. "Y-You the turned the toy into a diamond horse?" I scratched my head in response, sharply exhaling in relief.

"I'm glad it worked. I was still thinking in terms of elements, but the easiest thing I could think of would be a diamond. It's one hundred percent Carbon after all. Hehe."

Harry grinned in understanding, walking closer to touch the stallion. "How did you get the shape down?" He asked. That was easy. "I figured that things like shape or appearance were pretty straightforward to get down. The only thing I struggled with was what I wanted the object to be made of." Harry nodded, "Ron would go insane if he saw this." Hermione shook her head, bewildered. "Here's the thing Yumi, your learning rate isn't normal. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but does this have something to do with your eyes?"

Well, It wasn't like I was keeping it a secret from them. The more time I could have to avoid mentioning it the better. Seems like my time is up. I exhaled air I wasn't aware of carrying, gazing gently into Hermione's eyes. "You're right in assuming that it would have something to do with it. To be honest, I don't completely know myself, but I know that these eyes help me. Either with learning or processing my thoughts."

"I can see magic Hermione, but only trace amounts for some reason. It doesn't get any more detailed than a couple of wisps, or a certain feeling... but.."

My words trailed off at seeing the girl's expression. I bordered on a look of interest, shock, and whatever else. "I figured... since your eyes were glowing with that boggart at DADA. It had to be more than my imagination." I used this opportunity to tease her, cracking a smile.

"So you imagine my eyes glowing?" I jeered, The girl scowling in return. Harry shrugged, summing it up. "Built-in mage sight then? Not the craziest I've seen." he chuckled.

Hermione shook her head, intensely looking into my eyes. "This is much more than Mage sight Harry. This is something way more... Yumi, have you ever actually tried to use mage sight?" I shook my head, causing her to contemplate. I decided to release some more information about this. Sorry, Mother. It genuinely bothered me, but it was easy to override. These were my friends.

"My mother has given me a book on how to achieve Mage Sight."

As if I dropped an atomic bomb, Harry and Hermione froze up once more. 'This is amusing' I thought.

"She wrote in the book that she was only able to do it in short bursts. I figured I needed something to make my eyes more powerful, and learning mage sight on top of what I already have would be..."

Harry finished for me, "Even more powerful." I nodded in response.

"She said I'd be the best ever to use this ability, which now makes me wonder if she always knew about my eyes. Is something like this hereditary?" I asked, Hermione shook her head in the negative. "Stuff like this is hard to say Yumi. You're the first person in magical history to have something like this. At least according to what I've read, and this is without including what you've already shown with us before."

Internally, I was relieved. It wouldn't have surprised me if that God put something like the Gojo family in the magical world, but I can rest assured.

"Yumi, whatever you have to do to activate mage sight, You need to do it. You've done a flawless Transfiguration on your second try and there's no flaw in the structural integrity. I don't have a type of device to check if this is real, but this speaks for itself. Imagine what you could do with learning the real thing." I agreed with her, waving the horse thing off.

As messed up as it is to admit it, I think I wouldn't have gotten too far with transfiguration without Hermione's advice. The world runs on a standard rule when it comes to transactions. Magic doesn't outweigh the law of equivalent exchange (typically), and I feel like I need to do this anyway.

"I wouldn't have done it without your input. Why not learn Mage Sight with me? I'll lend everyone the book when we meet here to train."

Harry and Hermione instantly tried to protest, exploding in a heap of You don't have to's and whatnot. I emotionlessly shot down every attempt at convincing, which only raised the ire of the witch.

Harry only hung his head in frustration, while Hermione scoffed, her blush spreading to her ears. "You Prat!"

"Are you a git?" Harry asked good-naturedly. I only shrugged, "If it's just helping your friends out, then yes, I'm both of those."

Hermione glared at me, her hand dangerously floating near her wand holster. "S-Stop this nonsense, You have no idea what you're saying!" Now at this, I genuinely started to look confused, which made Harry have an 'Oh shit' moment and laugh a hearty one.

"Wait, Wait, Hermione, he doesn't know!" He struggled out between laughter. Hermione's color drained from her face, her stance starting to relax. She looked down in embarrassment, her color returning to a warm hue of red. "I apologize. It seems that you don't know."

Starting to get agitated, I wrung my hands. "Know what!" Harry chuckled, further explaining.

"Sharing knowledge has been a courtesy among wizards since magical's have existed. It's what helped us survive for so long. But Magical families such as the noble House of Potter, The House of Longbottom, and what have you, are estates which guard secrets that withhold their lives from mortal danger. We're covering information that can cause an entire lineage to be eradicated here, and you're just going to give up information on a book that was written by your mother, the QUEEN OF CHARMS on how to attain one of the most revered and sought after abilities in the wizarding world on a whim?"

I blanched, causing Harry to once again divulge into a fit of laughter. "You really should have been taught better, mate." Hermione joined in, her breath hitching. "Not only that, but it means that you, to an extent, accept the The most noble house of Potter and MY FAMILY as part of yours too." I was completely flabbergasted.

I looked to the boy-who-lived and pointed to the crazy girl. Harry only sighed and shrugged, being of zero help. I glared at the boy, moving to place my hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"I'm sorry 'mione. I didn't know how significant it was." She smoothly exhaled, moving her hand to mine. "I guess it can't be helped. Noble houses are what we should've covered." I placated her, a chuckle escaping my lips. "You're doing great at being a teacher by the way. Don't beat yourself up. Stand tall remember?" Hermione once again blushed a deep red, gently pushing me away.

Harry rolled his eyes in amusement, sitting cross-legged while we had our moment.

"The thing is, I genuinely do hold all of you close to me. I've never had much friends,-" 'In both worlds' "But I can tell that you all mean well. You're helping with not just magic, but how to survive in this world. I've never fully addressed any of you about this, but I know what that look is. The look and the kind of way Harry gets when he talks about the dark lord. I know he wants revenge. With my potential, I have no issue in helping him to achieve that goal."

"There isn't an arrogant bone in my body as I say this. I'll be as strong as to rival the most powerful in this world. It wouldn't sit right with me if I couldn't repay the favor. Regardless of how you two feel, you will become strong with me. Just as you did for me, let me pay you back tenfold. This extends to Ron as well."

Heh, it's funny. I can feel my eyes blazing.

"We'll be the strongest."

Harry seemed to regard me with an expression I'd never seen before. His intense gaze was stormy as it seemed to mirror mine. He spoke with such a conviction that I only had the urge to smile madly. "We will be. I couldn't repay you enough for this Yumi. Thank you." He lifted his hand and I took it. I could sense nothing but sincerity. Good.

Hermione started to concede as well, her expression looking as if she was torn. "I appreciate this Yumi. But are we really going to do this?" I couldn't stifle my laughter anymore. Teasing this girl is nothing but fun. "You make it sound like something else!"

Harry chortled, "pfft!" Hermione looked down, and I felt a killing intent like no other.

"Room, give me a book."

'Oh, fuck'

This is a bad day not to have infinity.