The Forbidden Forest

{Authors Note: Writing Fever? HAH! I CAN SAY THIS ONCE MORE! SUPER! SEXY STYYYYYLEEEE OH YEAH. On a more serious note, I don't have much to say, other than shamelessly upping the word count to 4k, but regardless,This goes out to a special reader. The man, (probably), the plan, with a book in his hand!


BEEN HERE SINCE DAY 1! DAY, 1! Can't wait for you to read this one! Once again, I appreciate you all for reading!


Rubbing the noticeable bump on my head, the trek from the hallways to the staircases was utterly filled with stares from other students. I was forced to let my hair down. It cascaded down to my shoulders. I couldn't understand it though. Why were the dudes staring? Hermione smiled ear-to-ear, and it was one of the scariest experiences I've had in my entire life. Her whisper would traumatize me.

"They think you're a girl~" she whispered.

I couldn't take it anymore as I felt like throwing up. This time, Hermione began to laugh. Harry gave me a creepy smile. "Hermione 1, Yumi 0."

I scoffed. "What happened to my other scores!?"

Harry shrugged. "I can't recall. Do you Hermione?" Blank-faced, Hermione shared the same sentiment.

"I don't seem to recall either. What were we talking about?"

These pricks!

As we continued, we started to notice a congestion of students, Ron being among them. He beamed in recognition at us, holding a fat bag of what I can guess was sweets as he climbed down toward us with Neville in tow. "What's up Lads! I've got the chocolate frogs for Yumi, and I got some stuff for us as well. Don't share these with anyone. We need to work together on this."

"Hey, I've got some stuff in there too. We bought those together." Neville exclaimed with an offended look, making Ron sweat drop as he pacified the boy.

"Nice to meet you Longbottom. I know we haven't really been introduced." Neville fixed to look at me, meekly nodding.

"H-Hey Yumi. It's nice to meet you. My family and your mum have spoken before. I should've made time to talk to you sooner."

I widened my eyes. "You know Mom?" Neville only nodded, "Yeah, er, she's really 'elped the Longbottoms a lot in the past. She told me I'd run into 'er sooner or later." I chuckled, moving to shake the boys hand.

"Anyone who my mother's been in contact with is my friend as well." Neville smiled, returning the gesture. "Whats going on?" Harry asked, seeing more students passing through us to see what was at the top. Ginny made herself known, descending to interpose. "The fat lady. She's gone!"

Almost instantly, my six eyes went into overdrive. I immediately felt nauseous stumbling as we climbed the steps. Harry grew alarmed, regarding me before seething as his scar boiled. He started to lean on the railing for support, cursing. "Urgh!"

 "What's happening? Are you two okay? Oh, Merlin!" Hermione gasped looking between us. This was new to me. This power felt dark, but it wasn't as completely overwhelming as I would anticipate. Sirius Black is an asshole. I don't give a shit if he's Harry's soon-to-be Godfather. He's got to be batshit insane after his time in Azkaban, and I'll be damned if he's going to exude this much darkness...

My markings started to travel to my face as my nausea subsided. Just as they appeared, they slowly started to dissolve. It was as if they never were there. I could feel many eyes looking at me. To the inexperienced, it's really a disturbing venture to be the spectacle of a crowd. I would go as far as to say I was creeped out more by the looks than the sudden influx of dark magic. Who knew that you could emanate something like this? To think that my cursed side reveled in it was oddly pleasing. This made me think.

'If I were to keep getting stronger, what kind of being would I become?'

I could hear the prefect's voice, alerting the students to Dumbledore's presence, ushering the pupils to clear a path. "The headmasters here, move!" Once I gained my bearings, I tried to tend to Harry. He waved me off, assuring that he was okay. "It seems like we both have darkness in us. More me than you I can say." He muttered. A tired laugh found its way as I responded. "You wanna bet?"

Seeing the crowd getting more rowdy, Harry prompted us up the steps. I could see the slash marks on the painting, and Dumbledore languidly inspecting the damaged piece of parchment. I always wondered why he decided to make the poor lady homeless, but I figured he had his reasons. Probably to kill Pettigrew. Which reminds me...

"Ron, where's Scabbars?" The boy looked puzzled by the question, only to widen his eyes in alarm. He peeked around as if expecting the rat to magically appear somewhere before sinking his shoulders in shame.

"Well, don't worry. We'll find him soon. He should find his way back to you." Hermione interjected, her curiosity taking influence.

"Why ask him that now?"

I shrugged. "No reason."

"Filch! Round up the ghost. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the fat lady"

The creepy guy only pivoted to lift his lantern, pointing upwards. "No need professor, The fat lady's there." The crowd gasped, scampering up to see the woman hiding behind the body of a hippo, innocently grazing on grass as she was terrified for her life. Does the grass grow back? How do magic paintings work? I wouldn't know the answer.

Shivering and fearful, she confessed to seeing Sirius in the castle. While I knew Lupin and Sirius were childhood friends, it's one thing to help out a friend after he's been in prison. But to help him after over a decade in Azkaban? Loony bin for sure, both of them. I can understand I guess. Maybe he's as sane as he was in the movies, but there's never knowing for sure in this world.

They flocked all of us down to the great hall to rest instead of our common rooms. Before going, Ron handed me and Harry a couple of chocolate frogs and Droobles. Hermione bid me goodbye as well. I could tell that she wanted to say something, but she left it in a hug. "Best teacher ever," I whispered. She only huffed and hurried off.

Harry sent me a thumbs up, making me facepalm in chagrin. How did I get here?

While everyone settled in and got themselves ready to sleep, I only lingered for time to pass. Familiarity with the events prior helped me wait out the moment when Dumbledore and Snape were to walk their rounds, as it was well past the time that everyone should be fast asleep. Feeling the frigid and barren floor with only a blanket between total discomfort was anything but a warm welcome.

I wasn't directly opposed to this, though the bed I was on was exceptionally more comfortable. It reminded me of sleeping on the floor in my cell back in my homeworld, and I just couldn't stand it as the thought remained. The exhaustively unbridled night sky was great to look at, but I wanted out.

'Time to pull a disappearing act. And I got all the tools necessary to do it.'

I'm going to attempt a teleport to venture outside the castle. Having no clue as to how Gojo did it, I can only know that he applied the limitless in some way. In scenes where it would make more sense to use, he's always seen driving with Ijichi or doing stuff like taking trains or other modes of transportation.

It makes it all the more amusing when you think about the time he viewed Jogo so weak, going as far as to bring Yuji from Jujutsu High all the way to the location of their battle to teach a lesson about domains. It leads me to think it has something to do with having a place you've been in mind. I feel like I've acclimated myself enough to the outside bounds of Hogwarts enough to remember the location relative to the forbidden forest.

'Now, he clasped his hands together, and what?' I wondered. 'I hate always having to wing stuff, but I don't have a choice. It's either wing it or stay here!' I doubt it would take up a lot of cursed energy to use, so instead of starting a jet turbine, I'll just gently nudge it. Like starting a small motor. Instantly, I could sense the space. With my eyes, it was easy for me to handle the cursed energy application while the link between space happened swiftly.

Quietly clasping my hands together, I knew I had failed, but I understood I needed to try again. I could still discern a 'thrum' in a sense. Like I needed another factor of some kind. Of course, since my eyes could do all the heavy lifting, I could solely concentrate on supplementing it with actual calculations or mental coordinates. Employing blue for the first time gave me an idea. What if I utilized it, but on myself? It didn't need to have an absurd amount of cursed energy pumped into it, as it's unspecified the amount of energy needed to create a wormhole.

Wormholes are just compressions of space, so why not? Once again clasping my hands together, I activated the retraction, using my six eyes to do the hard math.


Heh, Smooth as piercing a nail into wood on the first strike. The chilly air welcomed me. What was then a nippy-devoid floor was the soft and prickling sensation of a meadow. Getting to my feet, I took in my surroundings. It was a beautiful sight. The backdrop of a waxing gibbous contrasts with a cloudless view of the night sky. To my left, I could catch a massive tree in the distance. Having branches as thin and bearing a gnarled form, There was no mistaking it. It held no risk to me at this distance, so I ignored it and trudged on, detecting what I was really here for.

'The Forbidden Forest' I could see just how towering the trees were in the distance. While knowing that protections and watches were put in place to deter students from entering, I would have something that these students didn't have.


I knew I had no time to waste. The longer I stayed out in the clearing, the higher the chance of my detection, so I put as much physical strength into my limbs as possible, Rocketing off at high-octane velocities toward the forest. There was no acceleration involved at all, and that was my goal. I decided to stop a little ways into the forest, making sure I couldn't detect any presence but my own.

I'll never get used to the thrill. Moving so fast felt as if you were on the outside of a bullet train. My surroundings were dark, as the trees blocked out a lot of the light provided by the moon. Remnants of light would still leak through, providing just enough to make out the terrain. The trees were massive, almost reminding me of the forestry I ran through with my aunt's familiar. As I walked, the thick moss that covered the ground felt stiff and soulless. I didn't need my eyes to discern that this area was now hostile territory. I'd be on my own in dealing with whatever came. However, that's how I liked it.


I reared my head upwards, stiffening as I heard the almost nostalgic sound. I was never privy to spiders in my world, usually just ignoring them or catching them in my youth. Safe to say though, these were some huge fucking spiders. There were 4 of these guys. Acromantulas. Eight eyes, thick black hair, and a leg span that seemed almost too long for their practical use. They seemed much bigger than I expected, dwarfing me in size easily.

These were old ones. Noticing the sheer size of those fangs almost made a visual reaction on my face, but I kept my expression neutral as they observed me. Their descent slowed. I didn't act, only observing as the giant tarantulas landed on the forest floor. They circled me, producing noises that I could discern were in anticipation. They were hungry. I could feel my markings extend to my face once again, as I prepared myself.


The one closest to me lunged, and I knew what to do.


The giant creature only paused. For a quick moment, I had thought I'd somehow missed, but I was soon answered by the interesting sound of meat being deconstructed. A squelching noise and a booming wet impact to the ground was enough to enrage them, having all three charge at me at once. I leaped, avoiding the onslaught.

I swung my arm to send 4 slashes, landing on a branch in the process. They were obliterated instantly, the bodies having imploded. The blood didn't have a chance to pool, as it splattered a great expanse of the forest floor. 'This is fun' I thought. I knew the venom could be valuable, but it was of little importance. I didn't care. "Funny. Maybe I am Tarzan after all" I muttered. I started to jump to one branch, then the other, gaining momentum as I made my way through the partial darkness.

As I felt myself go deeper, the more I started to feel comfortable. It was an odd sensation. I felt more at home.

[Forbidden Forest]

I'd like to think we were prepared. The Forbidden Forest was as much a venture as it was a danger. Acromantulas, Unicorns, and the rare, deadly Basilisk—just to name a few. We set up camp deep in the woods, only prepared for a night or two. No one was actually sleeping, though. Any noise at all was enough to set us on edge.

Even with rotating watches, it felt like we were waiting for something to go wrong. Our mission was to retrieve one thing: Unicorn blood. We'd been sent by the Dark Lord's elite to find it. He needed it, to regain his strength quickly, and using it would bring us closer to starting the revolution.

I wasn't like those fanatics, though, the ones who thought this was some sort of divine plan. A rebirth of one of the most powerful wizards in history.

'Thinking like that would get me killed.'

"Mariza, your turn on watch."

I let out a sigh and pulled myself to my feet, my movements sluggish. I stepped out of the tent, shooting the man a weary glance as he passed by. I trudged over to my post.

'Rustle, Rustle.'

Then shouting. Everyone shot up, ready. It was the elite among us, the one set apart by his dark goblin-steel mask. He was massive, towering over the others as he yanked out his wand. "EVERYONE, STAND READY!"

The air was thick and heavy, humid with tension. Wands were drawn, pointed toward the dark. I squinted into the shadows, trying to figure out where the sound had come from, my focus sharp. But then, confusion. What I had thought was a creature lurking in the dark was just... a boy. No older than fifteen, stepping out into the open.

The Elite scoffed, his wand still pointing toward the boy as most of us looked at him in confusion. A boy? We made no action as he drew closer, his face being further illuminated by our Lumos spells. I couldn't help but focus on it. Long and messy white locks, intricate and ornate markings on his symmetrical face, and eyes the color of blood. If I focused, I could see what I could only describe as clouds within his pupils. However, they shined like crystals in the moonlight.

For as long as I lived, I would never forget it.

[Yumi's POV]

People? In the forbidden forest? Not really surprising on any measure, but it looks like these lunatics were camped out here. I could make out tents and a boiling pot of stew. I grew cautious at the sight of what I guessed to be the leader. A dark robe hiding most of his body and a dark silver mask in the shape of a skull. If it wasn't for the group clearly being dark wizards, I'd go out on a limb and say he's got the Corvo fit down pretty nicely. I cleared my throat, feeling the tension in the air.

"So, um, You guys camping out here?"

I asked lamely. I could only look on neutrally as the forest echoed into torrents of laughter, the death eaters reeling back in amusement.

Struggling to catch his breath, the leader eyed me, his gaze drifting to the Hogwarts patch on my robe. "A student, are we? To think one of Dumbledore's little brats wandered too far from home." His voice was dripping with contempt.

I scratched my head, giving a forced smile, trying to defuse the situation. "Heh, yeah. Thought I'd check this place out myself. Haven't run into anything too dangerous yet."

The leader chuckled darkly, his wand still in hand, like a snake coiled and ready to strike. He turned to his men. "It's not the boy we're after, but it looks like we've got ourselves a bargaining chip. Kill him or capture him, I don't care—that depends on him!" His voice rose to a shout as he disappeared back into his tent, leaving me to face the others.

Well, I tried.

The group began to close in, their wands drawn, eyes cold and eager. I spotted a woman with dark hair watching me, a flicker of hesitation in her gaze, but the rest had none. They were moving in like wolves circling prey. My anger started to bubble up, hot and violent. I could feel it rolling off me in waves, igniting my cursed energy. The air seemed to vibrate with tension. As my power surged, their confusion turned to fear, their shouts started to fade, swallowed by the hum of my growing rage.

My smile grew more expansive.

To think I'd be looked down on in that manner...

Excites me.

"CRUCIO!" one screamed, but I was already gone from my position. In a flash, I appeared behind him, my hand gripping his head with a vice-like hold. I leaned in, voice low, and muttered a single word: "Cleave."

In an instant, his skull shattered beneath my grip. It was like a balloon bursting under pressure, a thick cloud of blood and viscera erupting from his head. Chunks of bone and brain sprayed the air, painting the ground and my face with warm, sticky gore. I could feel pieces of his brain hitting my skin, wet and heavy, splattering like rain. The thick stench of iron filled my nostrils as the crimson mess cascaded down, covering everything in its path.

My first life in this world. How utterly vexing. I tried to fight it, lord knows I tried. However, I just couldn't stop myself from smiling. I really did try to stop it, I did. I know I did, but it just couldn't stop. It was so sensual, so excellent. I could touch it. The power. It was power that let me do this. No, It was me. I did this. But I just...




The Wizards couldn't react, their eyes moving from my state to their comrades.

"H-Hannibal!" A female voice screamed, her voice faltering in horror.



"Yes. I can't deny." I somberly remarked, my jaw tightening in mirth.

In another burst of speed, I was at a woman's neck, feeling her struggle to breathe, gasping for oxygen as I squeezed.

"NO!" a man screamed, flicking his wand in a frantic motion. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

I could only chuckle in amusement as I turned, dragging my unwilling meat shield into the path of the curse. The green flash illuminated the scene for a moment, then faded just as quickly. I barely felt anything, just the faintest resistance before the light vanished. The woman's body went rigid, then stopped convulsing, limp and lifeless. My smile widened, relishing the sight.

"You were foolish," I muttered, and without hesitation, I tightened my grip. With a sharp upward pull, I didn't even need to exert much force. Her neck gave way with a sickening crack, skin, and sinew tearing as her head slowly peeled away from her body.

Blood gushed in thick, heavy streams, pouring from the jagged stump of her neck, drenching me in the warm spray. The snapping of tendons and crunching bone echoed as I ripped her head free, blood splattering onto the ground like thick rain. Her lifeless eyes stared back at me for a second before I discarded the head, letting it drop with a wet thud into the growing pool of crimson at my feet.

Hearing a wizard vomit his guts out, he tried to go for a killing curse but a dismantle at the lower body soon put a stop to that, bisecting his legs. His screams were what registered the others to try, their bloodlust kicking in to fire a hail of spells, filling the night sky with a multitude of different colors, sickly green being dominant.

I only clapped my bloody hands together, disappearing in an instant. I used the space to attract a few people to my position in the darkness, only to send 5 quick dismantles to their faces. Their eyes bulged out of their sockets before imploding, making the people they once were unrecognizable.

I did that for a while, zipping throughout the camp as I decapitated a head from its body, picking up speed to deliver a devastating drop kick to a woman's back, causing my feet to be momentarily stuck in the indentation of her ribs. The spells coursed my way as they located me, but I used both of my feet to kick up, a spray of blood followed as I could hear a blood-curdling scream. I unintentionally ruined the foundations of her ribcage, tearing a number of them as they punctured her lungs.

Her body took the brunt of the spells, contorting into a mutated, pitiful visage of the person she once was. I pushed my feet out of her, immediately sending a long wave of cuts. I was greeted by a slaughter, glancing at a heap of dissembled bodies at my wake. As a lone woman was fixated on me, her legs quivering with dread. So far, she hasn't raised her wand to me once. So I appeared to her side, her figure jumping.

"Don't try anything, and you will live." I stated with finality, not even looking at her as I heard the man exit his tent. He looked around, momentarily staring at his comrades mangled corpses before sighing. "Well, it seems like you're more lively than those pitiful weaklings at Hogwarts." I chuckled, turning to face him. "As it seems. So what now?"

The masked man briefly considered for a moment, his mind seemingly lost in thought. "You made your way through 20 Dead eaters of our Dark Lord. As I'd love to enter into a duel, I have other plans before risking my life." I shrugged, grabbing the dark-haired woman by her collar. I threw her at his feet as she gasped, shouting in anger. "Take her with you. I don't babysit weaklings." The man heartily laughed as the woman stood to her feet, her expression skittish. "Unfortunately, thats my job. Well, till we meet again." He waved, touching the girl to apparate away, leaving me in the darkness. The corpses were all I had to keep me company.

What was that back there?

'That's what a human spine felt like.' I noted, balling my blood-riddled hands.

'What's happening to me?' I wistfully thought in despair. I couldn't focus, and it felt like my more pleasing half acknowledged that.

"The Duel Energies Inside You..."