Challenger Zain

The once haughty and confident Ishmael was brought to his knees as he, with a gory mess of his more than half-eroded head, suddenly kowtowed to Anais and cried.

"I admit defeat. It was my mistake to look down upon your excellency. You are indeed worthy of rank 1. But now, please help me. It's too painful. I don't want to suffer any more."

Anais, who was going to dodge away, was shocked by his behaviour. She then stopped distancing herself and studied his face briefly while keeping a little distance from Ishmael.

It was a very normal reaction as just a second before, her opponent was chasing her in anger and cursing that he would catch up to her and beat her to death for poisoning him; the next second, he was suddenly kowtowing.

Was he plotting something by acting weak?

But just a single glance at his face was sufficient to answer the question.