Let's Divorce

The man, Luke, frowned for being treated indifferently by the woman, Alicia.

But he soon smoothened the creases on his forehead and replied noncommittally.

"Nothing much, but I just wanted to see your garden. Lexie wanted some flowers to make a bookmark for me."

Hearing the name of another woman, Alicia remained expressionless, but the knuckles around the water can tightened and turned white.

"Ohhh… Then do as you please."

She impassively replied and turned away from him, back to watering her flowers. The man couldn't see her face, but her eyes were slowly tearing up, and she tried to hold them in by gnashing her teeth.

The man, disappointed with her lack of reaction, plucked a few random flowers before leaving the garden.

"Prepare food for me tonight, I will be eating with you."

With a statement that seemed more like an order than a request, the man left without even giving another glance at the woman.