Am I a monster?


That word shocked Alicia to her core. She couldn't believe it, so she asked once again.

"What did you say?"

The man pulled out a few sheets of paper along with a vial of some liquid.

"I have already prepared the divorce papers. You just have to sign it. After that, drink this poison. Your maiden family is soon going to be implicated in the forthcoming war for the imperial throne.

And I don't want to have any relation with your maiden family or you anymore and get dragged as another victim."

The man spitted cold, hard facts as if they were just trifles. However, Alicia's world had totally shattered within a few seconds.

First, divorce and then poison.

She couldn't act emotionless anymore, as she pulled the collar of Luke's shirt towards her and asked weakly while trying her best to stop her tears from falling.

"Are you playing a prank? Tell me it's all a joke. Right?"