
"Come drink, drink. Drink as much as you want."

In a certain room, a man surrounded by numerous flasks of different poisons was excitedly making a small lizard-like creature drink a liquid that definitely didn't look like something one would consider to be consumable.

That excited person was me, and the lizard-like creature was the newly hatched beast.

With translucent scales shimmered in iridescent colours covering its whole body, blackish purple claws and spikes covering its tail, and two yellow serpentine eyes with red slit-like pupils, this quadrupedal beast was none other than my own pet whom I had hatched after many trials and errors.

This guy's teeth were still weak, and so were its claws, as they couldn't cut a single tear on my skin. So, I decided to make the baby go on a liquid diet for a while before weaning it to eat solid food like meat.

And as I knew what nourished the egg to hatch the baby, I gave it the nutrients it required to grow.