Myriad Beasts Sect in trouble

"Hmm…? Isn't that Kevin's sect? It should be a pretty strong sect; then how could it get pushed back? I remember Kevin saying that it was the strongest sect on their planet."

I asked while scratching the side of my neck, trying to attract their attention towards the little guy behind my back. But none found it, perhaps because its cultivation was weaker than mine, thus getting camouflaged by my aura.

And being hatched by me, it had a somewhat similar energy signature as mine.

"Young master, we got information from a trading ship that was going past us that they said that one of the internal factions of the Myriad Beasts Sect cooperated with these outsiders who had planned to align with Mortal Buddha Abode to take over the leadership of the sect and allege their loyalty to their new master."

Sister Yvette explained the situation.