Laila's Misandry

As he explained how the benefits from the Arcane Skyforge Sect outweighed the ones from the Mortal Buddha Abode, Gary momentarily had the thought of wanting to demonstrate the power of the Quasar Gun by pulling it on the old man, but curbed it down because he needed the support of this ancestor.

Till the moment he got the confirmation of the reinforcement's presence, Gary could only choke on the humiliation subjected by his uncle and wait for a surprise attack on the old-timer after the Lindstrom family had turned over their toppling boat back to prosperity.

"Hmmm… jumping ships, huh? It is not like I have 't done anything similar in my prime. And the offer is quite appealing too. Fine then, I will spare you this time for your good judgment."

Saying so, Alec retracted back his Ghastly Mourning Swords skill.