Clam, Crane and the Fisherman

"Are you really alright with that girl to leave to her own devices when she was surrounded by that many foes, darling~?"

Mother asked me as she scrutinized me with her gentle eyes.

"I am somewhat worried that something unexpected may befall on her. But I need her away from whatever is going to happen next.

Anyways, sister Yvette is present with her. So, Laila will obviously not encounter any great peril."

I answered slowly while trying my best to not throw up. It was a side effect of mother's rapid and continuous teleportation from one spaceship to another, with me hugging her tightly from the side so as not to succumb to dizziness and fall.

With her teleporting to the farthest ship within the range of her eyesight, she employed her teleportation skill to help carry me to a different part of the battlefield.