Their Daddies


I did not want to rush into looking at the text because I did not want to seem eager. Why would I even look eager to see Ethan's text because I did not expect a text from him after last night. 

When I came back from the bathroom, he took some time to come from wherever he was with Luca who gave me a cheeky grin. I did not even want to guess what they had been talking about but I knew it had to do with something about us. Ethan and I spent the rest of the night avoiding each other from there. 

We would catch each other's eye once in a while but I did not think any of us were brave enough to cross paths again. I figured after I had left hours later that he would probably not want to talk to me for sometime after how I had blown up on him. 

Most of me was filled with regret during the car ride home. It was not the right place or time for me to want to tell him off. The whole night was meant to celebrate his promotion and our family's success. I was simply meant to be there so we could look like a united front and the first thing I did was show off there was a problem between the ex-couple that was still family whether we liked it or not. 

I finished dressing and decided there was no point in mobbing around the house for something I could not fix. Whatever Ethan had to say surely it could wait until after I was done with my morning meetings. I quickly dressed in black palazzo pants, white sneakers and a white button up shirt. One diamond earring decorated my left ear whilst I kept the other bare. I wore my 'Apple' watch, grabbed my phone that I was ignoring with everything in my heart and grabbed my office bag. 

By the time I got downstairs I was surprised to find Oksana, Pa and Dad to be the only ones by the kitchen dining area whilst the chefs made breakfast. I greeted everyone with a happy smile whilst Dad read a newspaper with his glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose because he was that old school, Pa was busy yelling on the phone in Russian; well I thought he was until he burst out laughing, and Oksana was still in her pajamas. 

"Why aren't you in your uniform?" I kissed her forehead before I sat down. 

"Dad's taking me to the orthodontist. I'm getting my braces," she sighed as she looked down to the table with a sigh. 

"That's amazing Sana," I ruffled her hair.

"She's depressed because she's worried they're going to make fun of her," Dad chuckled as he looked at us. 

"Don't bother with them," Pa rolled his eyes, "Their daddies aren't us and that's worth laughing at."

I could not help but snort as a laugh bubbled from the back of my throat. "I missed your comments in the morning." After breakfast was served I finally remembered to ask, "Where's Vasilisa and EJ?"

"Junior had morning practice and Vasilisa went home with Christina. She'll probably be back whenever Christina leaves again," Pa sighed before he took a sip of his morning iced coffee, "This is normal, we're practically just a hotel to you kids."

"I thought you said you wanted to move back home in the meantime."

Dad shook his head, "That's what all parents are supposed to say then you're supposed to say 'No it's alright. I want my own space anyway'. Yet none of you ever say that."

"Because if we don't sleep at home we won't hear the end of it from Pa," I laughed. 

"Look, excuse me if I like the family environment," Pa held his hands up. "Plus don't pretend like you don't sob in the kids rooms when you miss them."

Oksana was quick to chime in, "Trust me I've heard the sobs."

Dad's face became incredibly red. "Listen I don't want you far but I don't want you close enough that I can hear Junior's snores from upstairs. You'd think at sixty-five I would finally be able to retire and kiss your father wherever I like without anyone invading our privacy."

"I think that's what bedrooms are for," Oksana gagged. 

"Where are you going?" Pa finally took in my outfit, "I thought you were off."

"For ballet Pa, work as usual for everything else," I smiled.

"Look at him being a responsible working adult," Dad beamed, "I did good with this one."

Pa looked at Dad with raised eyebrows and parted lips but then seemed to choose peace. He simply gave him a very tight smile before he stabbed into his omelette. After breakfast, I went down to the garage and climbed into Pa's matte black BMW M5 that he let me borrow for the morning.

A few of my cars were still in London but the garage was not big enough to hold all of our cars so a few were left in the storage in the city. I just felt no use to get them right now since I was sure the twenty cars in the garage could work. 

Even though being a ballet dancer was my main career priority, I had now expanded my art slash gallery business to now have its own interior design business. Besides ballet it was what really got me out there and I loved it with everything I had in me. I now had branches in New York, London naturally, Paris and Moscow which to me was one of my biggest achievements. 

My office was just two blocks away from Coleman Enterprise which was nice because whenever I was in the city, I could quickly meet Vasilisa for lunch. 

The weirdest thing about being back home was driving through the streets and seeing my face on almost every billboard, not that it was much different from Russia. It was going to take some time to get used to especially since this was my home.